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TheEnigmaticT: Yes, I know from experience.
Stuff: So . . . you have also snorted "Devils Spit Barbecue Sauce ???
Which reminds stepmom's stepdad makes the best homemade salsa (He is from Mexico)....
Skunk: Arizona here. I know exactly where you're coming from. ;)

Yeah, Tabasco is tinted vinegar, Sriracha is an asian-style spice that isn't the least bit spicy. Tasty, though. I tend to order random things that have habanero, ghost pepper, or something spicier in them. Never really keep track.

I don't use sauces all that much, but I like to cook with lots of habaneros and pure cap. In everything. I still have some sense of taste these days, surprisingly, but chili made any less spicy than I prepare it just tastes like seasoned meat. XD
I just tried Sriracha a few months back. It tasted kinda sweet to me. And it does make a very good condiment.
Foxhack: I just tried Sriracha a few months back. It tasted kinda sweet to me. And it does make a very good condiment.
Me too. I was at a book store, and my friend's brother found a Sriracha cook book. He was surprised that I'd never had it before. I don't taste the spiciness at all, so it tastes very sweet and tangy to me, yeah. It's got a distinctly Asian flair to it (it's from Thailand, apparently), goes good with some Chinese dishes.

I never really have it with anything, and I have yet to try any of those Sriracha recipes. Come to think of it, my friend's brother doesn't really cook. At all. Not even pasta or hot cereal or anything. He just likes Sriracha. :P

I just realized the topic title also mentioned salsa. I'm not big on salsa, but it's nice once in a while. You know what's funny? I used to hate salsa, completely. Grossed me out. Years later, I found out I just hate Pace. It's flavorless tomato juice water with gooey chunks. You can get some very good authentic and fresh, homemade salsas here in Arizona, but most people still buy Pace for some reason. Most people are fine with cheap trash, which is funny, because I'm poor as shit and still won't touch trash like that.

Hated cheese for the longest time as a kid too. At least, I thought I did. Smoked cheddar is heaven. I refuse to classify "American singles cheese food product" as a kind of cheese, or a kind of food, for that matter. I think it might be a kind of wax, or some kind of soft plastic, possibly the result of military research involving development of a new plastic explosive or insulation material. Whatever they were researching, it certainly wasn't cheaper rations. I'm confident of what it isn't, but the jury is still out on what it actually is.

I can live on all sorts of cheap canned trash (and I do), but when it comes to certain things, you'd think I was spoiled or something. Some people grow up on that stuff, but I never liked it even when I'd never had anything better before. Guess I was born with a somewhat more refined pallet.
Ric1987: What are your favorites? I am looking online to try a few new ones.
I had two tabs open, this one and the "Russian marriage proposal" thread. The two got mixed, and when I read those lines, I was like..."whhhaaat the f...."

Anyway...Hotheadz Serrano Sauce was pretty good, although it wasn't particularly hot; I guess about the same as Tabasco but without that vinegary side taste. I also have a bottle of Blair's After Death Sauce, it's okay too. I like my dish hot, but not too hot, so a couple of drops/half teaspoons of AD here and there gives the food just enough kick for my tastes.
It's funny how people tastes are so much different

Rooster sauces are also peppers, salt + vinegar , but you say it tastes great while tabasco doesn't. Of course different peppers give different taste, but not THAT different.
Post edited September 05, 2012 by keeveek
keeveek: It's funny how people tastes are so much different

Rooster sauces are also peppers, salt + vinegar , but you say it tastes great while tabasco doesn't. Of course different peppers give different taste, but not THAT different.
Sriracha sauce is waaaaayyyy less vinegar in proportion to pepper. Mind you, I'm a big fan of both (although Franks Red Hot is mathematically proven to be 800% better than Tabasco).
My gf is in the UK now, so I recommended her to buy me a souvenir. Do you know shops in UK that sell Rooster Sauce or something very similar? I mean general stores / supermarkets, not e-shops.

I'd like to taste it.

One day I might taste 357 magnum sauce or Mega Death, but it's no the time yet :P
Post edited September 05, 2012 by keeveek
TheEnigmaticT: (...)
357 Mad Dog
Actually the gits in that Mexican food joint put Magnum 44 pepper extract into our food. Mad Dog should be weaker than Slap My Ass, and Magnum 44 is 4 million scoville units.

Trevor got me into hawt sawse by letting me try Slap My Ass... Later on I got a bottle of Endorphin Rush from him and it's pretty much perfect for spicing up whatever it is you're cooking. Unfortunately my GF finds one teaspoon-per-8-servings-of-sauce displeasingly hot, so I can't use it all too often.

On the flipside, ever since I was dumb enough to actually eat that 4m scoville quesadilla (and extinguishing it with 2-3 cartons of milk along the way) I've been careful about hotness. The hottest possible sauce at a _respectable_ food joint is as high as I will go nowadays.
Post edited September 05, 2012 by Firek
TheEnigmaticT: Sriracha sauce is waaaaayyyy less vinegar in proportion to pepper. Mind you, I'm a big fan of both (although Franks Red Hot is mathematically proven to be 800% better than Tabasco).
Yeah, but as I've said before "hot" is not a flavour. It's just pain, because capsaicin causes pain.

I'm not looking for the hottest sauce, because it doesn't really make big sense for me, I look for a tasty one, and that Rooster sauce is said to be spicy/sweet? I think it would be good for me.
TheEnigmaticT: (...)
357 Mad Dog
Firek: Actually the gits in that Mexican food joint put Magnum 44 pepper extract into our food. Mad Dog should be weaker than Slap My Ass, and Magnum 44 is 4 million scoville units.

Trevor got me into hawt sawse by letting me try Slap My Ass... Later on I got a bottle of Endorphin Rush from him and it's pretty much perfect for spicing up whatever it is you're cooking. Unfortunately my GF finds one teaspoon-per-8-servings-of-sauce displeasingly hot, so I can't use it all too often.

On the flipside, ever since I was dumb enough to actually eat that 4m scoville quesadilla (and extinguishing it with 2-3 cartons of milk along the way) I've been careful about hotness. The hottest possible sauce at a _respectable_ food joint is as high as I will go nowadays.
Oh, yeah. You're correct. I thought it was the 357 Mad Dog collector's edition (which is 6 million Scovilles) but it was 44 Magnum (which is 4 million). Either way, it was more or less a punch in the throat.

Fsck those guys.
Ric1987: What are your favorites? I am looking online to try a few new ones.
DProject: I had two tabs open, this one and the "Russian marriage proposal" thread. The two got mixed, and when I read those lines, I was like..."whhhaaat the f...."

Anyway...Hotheadz Serrano Sauce was pretty good, although it wasn't particularly hot; I guess about the same as Tabasco but without that vinegary side taste. I also have a bottle of Blair's After Death Sauce, it's okay too. I like my dish hot, but not too hot, so a couple of drops/half teaspoons of AD here and there gives the food just enough kick for my tastes.
After Death is pretty good for adding to chili when cooking it. First time I used it on a taco and damn.......that was a bit much. XD I first tried AD in a Blair's four-pack I got at a flea market, I wasn't expecting much. Sudden Death is pretty hot also but not as much, I like that one better.
keeveek: It's funny how people tastes are so much different

Rooster sauces are also peppers, salt + vinegar , but you say it tastes great while tabasco doesn't. Of course different peppers give different taste, but not THAT different.
TheEnigmaticT: Sriracha sauce is waaaaayyyy less vinegar in proportion to pepper. Mind you, I'm a big fan of both (although Franks Red Hot is mathematically proven to be 800% better than Tabasco).
I just finally tried Frank's Red Hot about a week ago, pretty good for chicken.
Post edited September 05, 2012 by Ric1987
A friend of mine puts Dave's Insanity Sauce on almost everything he eats. That guy's ridiculous!
A_Future_Pilot: A friend of mine puts Dave's Insanity Sauce on almost everything he eats. That guy's ridiculous!
He must not want to taste any of his food.
Frank's Red Hot is OK for some specific things, Sriracha I always found too salty. I like Tabasco very much though, I love vinegary things, and I appreciate the barrel-aged thing.

Going through a variety of habanero "El Yucateco" sauces, they're pretty good too.
I'm not so much a fan of capsaicin hot, I like mustard hot more.
SimonG: I just bought (literally two hours ago) a big bottle of Saracha Hot Sauce. (Cock brand)

Oh, and never google "Cocksauce"...
Cock soup is safe though.
Post edited September 05, 2012 by SirPrimalform