Foxhack: I just tried Sriracha a few months back. It tasted kinda sweet to me. And it does make a very good condiment.
Me too. I was at a book store, and my friend's brother found a Sriracha cook book. He was surprised that I'd never had it before. I don't taste the spiciness at all, so it tastes very sweet and tangy to me, yeah. It's got a distinctly Asian flair to it (it's from Thailand, apparently), goes good with some Chinese dishes.
I never really have it with anything, and I have yet to try any of those Sriracha recipes. Come to think of it, my friend's brother doesn't really cook. At all. Not even pasta or hot cereal or anything. He just likes Sriracha. :P
I just realized the topic title also mentioned salsa. I'm not big on salsa, but it's nice once in a while. You know what's funny? I used to hate salsa, completely. Grossed me out. Years later, I found out I just hate Pace. It's flavorless tomato juice water with gooey chunks. You can get some very good authentic and fresh, homemade salsas here in Arizona, but most people still buy Pace for some reason. Most people are fine with cheap trash, which is funny, because I'm poor as shit and still won't touch trash like that.
Hated cheese for the longest time as a kid too. At least, I thought I did. Smoked cheddar is heaven. I refuse to classify "American singles cheese food product" as a kind of cheese, or a kind of food, for that matter. I think it might be a kind of wax, or some kind of soft plastic, possibly the result of military research involving development of a new plastic explosive or insulation material. Whatever they were researching, it certainly wasn't cheaper rations. I'm confident of what it isn't, but the jury is still out on what it actually
I can live on all sorts of cheap canned trash (and I do), but when it comes to certain things, you'd think I was spoiled or something. Some people grow up on that stuff, but I never liked it even when I'd never had anything better before. Guess I was born with a somewhat more refined pallet.