nondeplumage: And it's a piss poor story teller who keeps going back to them. And it's a sign that a series has either run its course, or, since it's been that way since day one of any of the modern police procedurals (reality TV, dramas, etc.), a sign that they're after easy cash and don't give a damn about the audience. In which case, why the audience gives a damn about the show is mind boggling.
If there was only a single side to writing a script, to making a show, to make money from advertisers and investors, then you could say they were doing a good job, since they made it on the air. But since by means of getting that money they have to appeal to an audience, they've fucked up their jobs by not even trying. And people are failing their damn intelligence tests by watching, no matter if the shit they put up is nonsense tech, nonsense plot, nonsense characters.
I would hazard that very few people are cerebral about everything they do, all the time. I mean I love to be intellectually challenged whether it's by playing chess, doing crosswords, having philosophical discussions or making something with my hands. That does not mean, however, that every form of entertainment or stimulation I seek must operate at a constantly enlightened level. I mean, I'm also a gamer after all. ;)
Two shows that I watch at the moment (of many) are NCIS and The Mentalist. Both of these shows are crime dramas that operate at a pure entertainment level, although not every episode is equally satisfying of course. The Mentalist even works by convincing the average viewer that they are as smart as the main character, despite the fact that you only ever see what the makers intend you to and so are carefully guided towards certain conclusions. Do I feel dirty after I've watched it because of this? No, I just enjoy the characterisations and storytelling if they have appealed to me.
On the other hand, there are many shows that try to take the high road and convey themselves as being more intelligent than, in fact, they are. The most recent Battlestar Galactica is an example of this for me, a show that in my opinion was so far up its own arse that it could gargle its eyeballs. I know many people enjoyed the show for various reasons, but after watching the full series I just felt annoyed more than anything else.