Leroux: Ultima VII - because it's said to be one of the best WRPGs ever created and as a fan of the genre I just hav eto give it a try. I admit to not having played any of the Ultimas and I probably only have time and patience enough for one, so I thought I'd go for the most popular 8even if it's probably epic in length). I'm not very fond of its inventory management but after playing Divine Divinity I think I can adapt t o it. And I like the conversation system a lot. I expect it to be strong in the story department.
XIII - I tried a few demos of GOG games to see if there was anything else that would catch my interest and this stood out the most for me. I'm generally not much of a FPS player and especially not of they're realistic (the "headshot" feature put me off at first wehn I read about it). But what can I say ... the comic style sold it to me. I guess I'm a graphics whore. :D (Besides, it reminds me a bit of Outlaws, which is one of the few FPS I like.)
Now I'm still pondering over:
- Fallout, Fallout 2 and BG2 (I don't really need them as I already have the German retail versions; I'm just looking for a way to install them on my netbook, and in the case of BG2 only for the purpose of playing BG:ToS with BGTutu, so I'm not sure yet if it's worth paying for them a second time), and
- Advent Rising, Normality, Space Quest 4-6 & Amerzone (I know there recently was a thread to ask for advice on games you're unsure about, but I lost sight of it; I wouldn't want to derail this thread, does anyone remember what the other one was called?)
The Fallout games here have nice extras. Just those aren't bad for 3 bucks each.
Not sure but you could always make a new thread.