Posted December 13, 2013
high rated
I'm stuck in a vicious cycle of depression at the moment. I keep reminding myself of the good things I have in life, such as a comfortable apartment, good neighbors, good community, a job, etc but I'm feeling a bit depressed because I feel from time to time like I've failed.
I know the past is in the rearview mirror, and I know I can't change the past or make up for lost opportunities, but it still gets me down.
I look at where I was at a year and a half, two years ago, and where I'm at now, and it's leaps and bounds a better situation in every respect. It's good to be back in my homestate where people are upfront with whether they like you or not, and not have to worry about stupid things like when I lived out west being eavesdropped on constantly.
I don't even know why I'm posting this, other than to say if you're suffering from the Holiday Blues, you aren't alone.
I always thought by the time I hit my 30's I'd own my own home, and short of a miracle I'm realizing that it's probably never going to happen. I think this is the most depressing thought, and the biggest reason I feel like a failure. I shake myself out of it by saying some day maybe my music will take off, or some day maybe the right person will read my book and I'll start getting enough royalties to get out of debt and put down a down payment on a home, but that day seems increasingly out of reach.
I haven't felt this depressed in a long time, no worries, I'm not suicidal or anything like that, but I feel like dried up dog shit on a boot heel.
To make up for my venting, here's a code for Fallout 1,2 and Tactics:
# = F
I know the past is in the rearview mirror, and I know I can't change the past or make up for lost opportunities, but it still gets me down.
I look at where I was at a year and a half, two years ago, and where I'm at now, and it's leaps and bounds a better situation in every respect. It's good to be back in my homestate where people are upfront with whether they like you or not, and not have to worry about stupid things like when I lived out west being eavesdropped on constantly.
I don't even know why I'm posting this, other than to say if you're suffering from the Holiday Blues, you aren't alone.
I always thought by the time I hit my 30's I'd own my own home, and short of a miracle I'm realizing that it's probably never going to happen. I think this is the most depressing thought, and the biggest reason I feel like a failure. I shake myself out of it by saying some day maybe my music will take off, or some day maybe the right person will read my book and I'll start getting enough royalties to get out of debt and put down a down payment on a home, but that day seems increasingly out of reach.
I haven't felt this depressed in a long time, no worries, I'm not suicidal or anything like that, but I feel like dried up dog shit on a boot heel.
To make up for my venting, here's a code for Fallout 1,2 and Tactics:
# = F