SkydomeHive: We dont support DRM either. If people want to pirate the game instead of supporting small developers. Then its your choise. DRM just hurts paying customers and it wont stop people from downloading the game from Piratebay.
I'm sure everyone could afford the price. It's not 69,99€ or anything.
I'm very-very glad to hear you say this, you'll feel right at home at GOG. :-)
One more thing - is any Steamworks stuff used? If yes, that would lead to a "dirty" DRM-free standalone version of the game - I've seen a number of those on Humble Bundle, feels like cracked Steam versions.
Oh, and I've watched the video - though not really my cup of tea, it looks very promising. I do however dig the music a lot, so kudos on both fronts. Is the music being licensed, i.e. will it be sold separately?