wanderer_27: Yeah, the second part makes sense, but I still don't see the logic/pattern for the first part .
javihyuga: Very creative solution, although I join the group of "not understanders of the first step".
In the first part, look for letters A, B, C or D, and numbers 1-4.
e.g. M 6
1 C => 1C
This gives you the position of the letter (that you'll find out in part 2, "D" in this case) in Block1, C position: (AB
CD), which in the code is: 4F
ggf162: Am I the only person who gets the first part, but not the second part?
For part 2: Look for numbers 6-8 in the first four characters. In the following example, it's a 6. The last four digits of a row correspond to position 6-8 (as there are 8 characters in a row, position 1-8). In the example below, position 6 gives you a "D".
6 1 C => 9