KingofGnG: Buy a serious, gaming-focused, non-crappy crippled operating system? :-P
Miaghstir: Amiga OS?
Availability and price are not exactly top of the range though. Last time I checked I'd have to buy a system in Italy for a (&@#&ing) 1200 € and add on top Amiga OS 4.1 for another 150 or so....
Batou456: What's a "gaming operating system"?
Microsoft already set it up so, in theory, you can have the entire DirectX backcatalogue setup to go and allows current OpenGL to operate. Kernel optimizations, while beneficial to gaming, intrinsically have nothing to do with games. A Windows Manager that uses a minimum of resources may be beneficial to gaming, but has nothing to do with gaming in particular.
Is it supposed to be something ala the Windows 8 rumors that creates an instance on a hypervisor dedicated entirely to the videogame? Or something like Windows 7 already does of minimizing drag things associated with it when a games running? Or is it supposed to be like Linux? Or is a cartridge loader ala GRUB supposed to be a gaming "operating system."
Apple not being gaming focused is a perfectly valid snark if for no other reason they decided they'd control the drivers and don't take their job particularly seriously along those lines, and Amiga ruled Mac drooled, but what's this mythical "gaming focused" operating system supposed to entail?
If it was up to me , that would look like Amiga OS indeed... or like a sort of modern days 64 bits dos....
But given the nature of the industry and its appetite to seduce the casual gamer, that would probably look like a Wii OS or something like that : an "easy" interface, a solid drm management scheme and a dedicated shopping area... ;-)