mewliz: still dont understand this or how to i did the run thing it wont run it
No worries.
Look on your keyboard. On the bottom left side, between the Ctrl and Alt keys there should be a key with the windows logo on it. That is usually referred to as Win key. Pressing Win and R together should open up the run prompt (see run.png). There you can add a command you want windows to run. So, the command to add Caesar 3 to the downloader is the one mentioned in the previous post, meaning:
"c:\program files(x86)\\ Downloader.exe" gogdownloader://caesar_3/installer_win_en
This makes 2 assumptions of course, 1) that you didn't change the default installation folder for the downloader and 2) that your Windows is 64-bit and English.
The command has 2 parts, the first one (between "") is the program to run, in this case the GOG downloader, and the second part is what parameter to pass it, in this case the caesar 3 installer. Assuming this does run, we can move on to how to find the correct parameter for other games and/or extras. Nothing hard, though clicking would be easier.
edit: editted command, should learn to proofread.