macuahuitlgog: Ok.... I am shocked by your previous message... Really...What is wrong with you?
You are insulting me for calling people names even though you were the one who started the whole name calling business by calling me a moron... Yes, up until you called me a moron, I did not call anyone here, this or that because I like to keep things civil at the GOG forums. Yes, to people who disagree with me, I imagine all the things I said previously really got on their nerves but still, things were civil. But you called me a moron, and I always defend myself. Yes, my previous message had very little substance. It was a angry response to you calling me a moron. And because I'm from Germany, you had to include the words "master race" in your previous message? So just because I'm from Germany, I'm also a Nazi?
WHAT?! Wait.. I'm sorry. Weren't you calling everyone here, myself included, douchebags, because we were okay with the "disgraceful" performance by the Harry Potter fans? You've been insulting EVERYONE, directly or indirectly ("I am more of a sir, than you" ring a bell?), long before I called you a moron. And to point out, the fact that I called you a moron was based on what you had been posting - hypocritical nonsense, and rabid attacks against people who don't agree with you. Dare I say there's more than enough reason to dismiss you as a moron. Also, "did you forget your smart pills?"
Come on, if you're insulting people without even realising it.. You have some serious problems you need to look into. But don't play the victim, because you're not.
And no, things were not civil. You attacked people verbally, insinuated that they're beneath you in all manner of ways, whether it be intellectual, cultural (in regards to sophistication rather than country) and so forth.
It's not because you're German. It's because you're behaving like a jack booted thug. Don't try and palm me off as the type of person who believes that Germans are instantly Nazis.
So to make this perfectly clear.
You have a view point. You are angered that people do not conform to this view point. You believe that those who don't conform to this view point should be ousted just because they annoy you. You look down at all who even think of arguing against you.
All of those reasons are why I'm calling you a jackboot. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING GERMAN.
Is that clear enough for you? By the way.. You know that genocide has been practiced by many different races as "ethnic cleansing"? It wasn't only the Nazis. =P