I think sometimes it takes away half of the fun of a jest when you declare it as one immediately after. ;)
Still, there's always the risk of misunderstandings and people being offended, especially in an environment like the internet.
Anyway, from my point of view Gamerager and lugum are heroes for giving me a motivation to support charity and the guys behind the Adventure bundle which had a very slow start unfortunately and doesn't seem to be the success they were hoping it would be. :)
hedwards: I'm with you on that, unless of course the OP can figure out a way of getting me the time and stamina to play through my backlog. Which is presently over a hundred games. :-P
How about assigning them as homework to your students, then let them summarize the most important things or provide you with savegames for the more interesting parts of the games and spare you the grinding or whatever is most time-consuming. ;)