spoderman: I don't think there's a mac version of that, I could be wrong though.
Windows Only. There's No Mac or Linux version. Not surprised. Kickstarted game.
From the KS FAQ
"Will the game be available on different platforms? (Mac/Linux)
We will be looking into porting the game to other platforms, but they will not be available on launch with the PC version. A Mac version is most likely be the first port we make.
We've recieved some request for a Linux port so we got in contact with a specialist in porting games to Linux that was suggested to us by a number of you in emails. The engine the game is built does not currently have support for Linux, and we won't know if we will get what we need to make it happen until a few months from now. The first steps have been taken, but this is where the port for Linux stands right now.
If they are possible the ports will take some time, but we will give it our best.
Last updated: Thu, Apr 19 2012 12:43 PM AEDT"
Website shows nothing about Mac or Linux (i have Windows version from the KS)