cmdr_flashheart: The various shades of blue, the rock in the forefront with part of the "V", I think, and what looks like a sinking ship in the background. Just my thoughts, but maybe because I've been playing too much VS ^^
I don't think it's a blanket rule that the Mystery Game has to be shit or not that good because previous Be Mines have had Eador Master series and Call of Juarez. Also, I think Sang-Froid and Valdis have both been the same price in the past on Steam, so it doesn't seem like a bad fit.
Not saying that the mystery game will be crap, I actually think it'll be good.. but I don't think it'll be mind blowing. Valdis Story is what I would consider mind blowing. It's Humble bundle quality, far too good to be a mystery game in a Groupees bundle. I think there's only one exception (that I can remember, there might be 1 or 2 more) where a Groupees bonus (not even a mystery game) was Humble quality, and that was La Mulana. No idea how they snagged that, but they got really lucky and it's never been bundled again.
If they did somehow manage to snag Valdis Story, I'm sure it would've been featured in the main bundle from the start.