lowyhong: That's cool. It's going to be purely infantry-based CQB without vehicles, just like R6 and Rogue Spear right?
Btw regarding the DRM, I have a suggestion that may please fans on both sides. Dungeon Defenders has an interesting feature, whereby if you buy the game from Gamersgate, you get a DRM-free version and a Steam version. The DRM-free version lets you play over unranked servers, while the Steam version lets you play over ranked ones. Perhaps you can consider something like that - a DRM-free version for botmatches and single-player, while a Steam version for online play. It's what Carmageddon Reincarnated is doing too, if I'm not wrong.
Vehicles are randomized, scripted events for the insertions of the assaulting team. So, for example, a certain map have the assaulting team dropping off at one of four insertion points. The defenders are initially unaware of which spawn point was assigned to the assaulting team, and do not maintain line of sight (LOS) to any of the insertion zones.
So, yes, infantry-only. :)
As for DRM workarounds: Like I said, we will not be using anything beyond CD Key checks or online authentication (for our online-enabled game). We're certainly open to anything, though. We simply felt it would make a lot of sense to use Steam for the sake of having the Steam Workshop for our modding community (which we plan to support the hell out of).
Of course, I am a big fan of GoG, so we'd just have to see how things go, further down the line. It's more of a technology issue than a moral one -- I'm a big net neutrality advocate kinda guy. :)
PMIK: Thanks for your post.
Sorry I didn't mean to sound negative. Shortly after I wrote that I actually went and backed your project, because even if I don't have the chance to play much multiplayer, I think it would be a terrible shame if this game wasn't made.
Good luck, and don't worry too much if the campaign is starting slower than you hoped. These kickstarters have a way of really picking up as they draw near the end.
Also even if the kickstarter doesn't succeed, it may very well be that a lot of people have already backed a lot of projects and are running out of money. I think you should press on with this game one way or another.
Thanks for your support. :)
Yeah, we'll see where it takes or leaves us. We need a groundswell of support to continue developing the game; but I agree: it needs to be made. To be honest, we're mostly just developing the game on principal. We haven't had a game like this for over a decade, and we're just bored to tears playing anything else that claims to be anything like this (and isn't).
We're going to make a pretty big update to our video this weekend. Hopefully, it explains things a bit better, and draws up more interest.
Thanks again for checking us out. Spread the word, if you have any friends that might enjoy something like this. :)