jpinsa: I am actually still looking for a boxed Grim Fandango which sadly I had and can't remember what happened to it. It seems to have become a bit of a collectors item though and is going for prices higher than what I am willing to pay. I actually have 2 original copies n standard DVD cases, but would like a boxed version.
What are you willing to pay for it? I'll let you know if I come across a copy on eBay. See my "Online shopping junkies" thread, and you'll know how much time I spend on eBay. Screw window shopping. Buying apparel and stuff online is the way to go =D
Consider lurking around eBay every now and then. I actually
won an auction for Full Throttle for $8.50. It was a totally non-serious bid, but I thought "hah even if I win it at that price, it's a steal." To my complete surprise, I did win it!
A few months ago I also saw someone buying Freespace 2 Limited Edition (one out of only 10000 copies in the whole world) selling at a very cheap price of $27. Since then other copies have sold for $30-$40, but none as cheap as $27.
Lurk more, you never know when you'll get lucky ;)
jpinsa: I also got rid of some of mine 10 years ago and then I started collecting them again, go figure. I guess for me the digital download format started becoming boring and I wanted to find the originals with manuals flyers etc, suppose it's the collector in me. Now I have this kinda time capsule, it's pretty cool sorta opening the box popping the cd into a win98 box, brings back a lot of good memories.
Yeah this. There's just something really intriguing about collecting them big boxes, and storing them. Collector's syndrome I guess. Some people like stamps, some like comics. For people like you and I, it's games, especially those that come in the big boxes. I nearly lost a few in my last house move (The Longest Journey and Operation Flashpoint got a bit dented), and it made me quite annoyed.
Btw, check this out if you need to get something repaired:
The guy charges extortionist prices though.