Posted February 18, 2012

The more you know ;)
Yeah.. and I would have come to that assumption myself.. but that's all it would have been.. an assumption. Too much missing from the post to draw a proper conclusion.

I don't know what's in his brain... I don't know his leaning.
So as far as I am concerned..he was sitting on the fence getting splnters in his butt.
Any meaning you or anyone else gets from his post, is purely speculation until his words are properly quantified.
If he had quoted a post that was expalnatory then his comments would have had context, but in not doing so and by leaving such a vague post it is left hanging in mid air, where other's are perfectly willing to go on record, good or bad, as to how they regarded the OP's post.
I see too much of this kind of double talk in forum, people gaining points off each other by virtue of being vague and I've never abided it, it's something I don't like and won't let slide when I see it.. Someone wants to have an opinion, absolutely fair enough, either way I don't care....but spit it out.
Post edited February 18, 2012 by CaptainKremin