BSinator: GOG exclusive, never happened to me on Steam or disk games or Desura before.
BreOl72: Well, assuming you're not trolling, I can say that's the most strangest thing I have ever heard.
Never had that problem myself, nor do I know anyone who had it.
Sure it's not a pure coincidence? I mean, shuts your internet more or less regulary down on other occasions (aka not while in playing)?
I can assure you I am not trolling, I am just a guy looking for a possible solution to a rather irritating problem.
BSinator: GOG exclusive, never happened to me on Steam or disk games or Desura before.
BreOl72: Well, assuming you're not trolling, I can say that's the most strangest thing I have ever heard.
Never had that problem myself, nor do I know anyone who had it.
Sure it's not a pure coincidence? I mean, shuts your internet more or less regulary down on other occasions (aka not while in playing)?
And for the coincidence thing, it surely isn't. When I find I have the internet error, the spot where it shows my wireless internet connection, it shows me an icon which I have never seen until started playing games from GOG.
BSinator: GOG exclusive, never happened to me on Steam or disk games or Desura before.
Fictionvision: My first thought is having Steam or Desura open in the background is causing network traffic and keeping your wireless adapter on where as a GOG wouldn't do so.
Do you have Steam and Desura closed when not playing games on them?
No, I do not have either of those running at the same time as the game I'm playing from GOG.