Elmofongo: The only con with the reverse decision is now there is even less chance for games like Vampires to appear on GOG DRM Free.
But thats just my two cents.
Why would that be? The announcement yesterday changed very little for the publishers:
"Two: We will adamantly continue to fight for games with flat worldwide pricing. If that fails and we are required to have regional prices, we will make up the difference for you out of our own pockets."
That was the important part of yesterdays announcement. Aside from the addition of proper compensation (which was the biggest thing of note), it's simply a restatement of what they already said when they introduced regional prices. In other words, we'll do our best to get fair prices, but it's up to the publishers.
That hasn't changed.
So unless publishers have an issue with GOG diving into their own profit margin to make up the difference, there should be little reasons for devs not to come here beyond the ones they already had (like DRM-free)