edo the game shelf so that one can organize it as one pleases
keeveek: What do you mean?
Well, the major problem right now is that I can't leave spaces between games - they're all one huge block of games. I used to sort them alphabetically and by game genre when spaces were possible, and I would like that possibility to be reintroduced.
I also want to be able to group games together. When I have arranged my games alphabetically and by game genre, I want to be able to move all of them around at once instead of one by one, while the arrangement is kept the way it was.
Last, I also think it would be great if I could mark the games I have finished as "finished". I know I have the "hide" function, but I use that to hide games that sucked so bad I don't ever want to play them again and would rather pretend they're not part of my collection in the first place. ;)