Rodzaju: So at this point you say I’m telling the truth, but pretty much everything else is calling me a liar.
Which is it, truth or lies?
Are you seriously claiming there's some rule that mafia must lie 100% of the time? A good mafia strategy would be to throw in some truths in their post in order to make them appear town. You cleared Vitek's name, whether that was intentional or not.
Rodzaju: So you refuse to believe I could have the bad luck to investigate victims twice in a row, but believe I have the good luck to NK all the power roles?
I've explained this a number of times already. It made sense to kill TwilightBard and QuadrAlien since you already knew mine and Vitek's roles (and that we were no real threat). If there were any power roles remaining, it could only be TwilightBard and QuadrAlien!
Rodzaju: You then say I need to keep Orry alive as a scapegoat, but question why the mafia would keep me alive?
Yes, Orryyrro is the obvious scapegoat since he'd already gathered suspicion from a number of people. I'm guessing you're now claiming to be a scapegoat, but there has been very little suspicion of you until recently.
Rodzaju: This whole thing just stinks of wifom & trying to hold me to a different standard than everyone else.
Different standard? I was very aggressive towards Vitek earlier in the day, but he remained calm for the duration, which led me to re-read alot of the thread, and I found posts that lead me to believe you are mafia.
nmillar: I am not accusing Nmillar.
I am asking him to explain something that does not add up.
Indeed, I had given up this line of questioning some 300 posts ago.
It is only brought up now as part of my explanation for "ignoring" questions that Nmillar posed me.
Why exactly are you trying to confuse people with useless lines of questioning? This seems like you're trying to distract people from the points raised against you. There's no point interrogating me or Vitek since we've both been proves as town. It is you and Orryyrro under the spotlight here.
nmillar: I gave my flavor of Twilight in post 631
I expanded on it later, when mentioning the various odd points of each investigation.
I have been more careful to distill my investigations since you as Baz issued a warning about quoting too closely from PM's.
But nice way to misrepresent me AGAIN!
Fair enough that there's nothing suspicious about your investigation of TwilightBard, but why did you refuse to share this information previously? The point about the bandages in QuadrAlien's investigation still stands - this information would confirm QuadrAlien as a doctor, whereas all the other investigations give no clues as to possible roles.
nmillar: Again, you suggest that I must have more than my fair share of luck.
Where did all this luck come from?
Already mentioned above, but I'll repeat it again:
I've explained this a number of times already. It made sense to kill TwilightBard and QuadrAlien since you already knew mine and Vitek's roles (and that we were no real threat). If there were any power roles remaining, it could only be TwilightBard and QuadrAlien!
nmillar: It has been said that you are confirmed town.
Again you're implying that I'm not town, despite evidence to the contrary. If I was mafia, I could just vote for Orryyrro and win the game. Likewise, Vitek could just move his vote to you and win the game.
nmillar: So again, what is there for the town to gain from such fabricated evidence?
Evidence is the wrong word. I am justifying my vote for you.