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Well, it appears that the tide has turned against me. Could someone please clarify what has made me so suspicious to you all? So far, everyone seems to be most against me because I seemed "suspicious" in previous posts, but no one has brought up any evidence to support that theory.

Your honor, if I may, I would like to see the evidence laid out against me, so I can see if there is any reason for these accusations! Otherwise, I have to suspect Mafia plot. *again*.
Typhoon45: Your honor, if I may, I would like to see the evidence laid out against me, so I can see if there is any reason for these accusations! Otherwise, I have to suspect Mafia plot. *again*.
Not really evidence per se, but I've reread all of your previous posts now (luckily, there aren't that many of them) and this is what rang false to me:

1) This one is complicated. Post 91 says:

[...] If we lynch Al1, we discover if he is scum or not, while learning if Zchinque is an investigative role or mafia. [...]

Which is blatantly false. At this point, Typhoon is still entitled to benefit of doubt in my book; Damnation noted that error in Post 91's reasoning, which was followed by Typhoon's Post 96:

I was thinking that keeping the investigator for another day (if indeed that was the result) tipped the scales in the anti-Al1 favor, more so than lynching Zchinque to find out that he was right all along. [...]

This explanation curiously dodges the real problem: that lynching AI1 doesn't tell us anything specific about Zchinque. Instead, it focuses on probability. Now this is fine and dandy, until much later when Pazzer reminds Typhoon of Post 91. What follows is Post 220, in which we read:

[...] So I said we could go all lynchy lynchy on Al1, figuring that if Zchinque was a townie who was randomly fingering someone, he would speak up about it before we mislynched. And if he didn't, then he could very well have been mafia the whole time, setting up a vote to kill some random townie. [...]

Except there was no talk of Zchinque's speaking up before a mislynch before whatsover, not even implicitly, as far as I can tell, despite the post openly stating "So I said". And if the "So I said" doesn't stretch to the "figuring" part of the sentence (which is theoretically possible), I still have to wonder: why would a townie who randomly targeted someone speak up before a mislynch? A townie wouldn't know it was a mislynch before it's too late. This new explanation doesn't feel quite right, either.

2) A simpler matter now: Post 140, in which Typhoon casually drops the possibility of voting nolynch again, even though he has already acknowledged voting nolynch is bad (after he did vote so and met with general disapproval, if you remember):

[...] This gives us a few options, such as lynching an overly neutral player (Al1), lynching Zchinque, waiting for a few days to build up another lynch, or nolynching and seeing how things develop at night. [...]

3) And finally, and no need to dwell on that, Post 199, discussed by jesskitten in Post 202. This paragraph indeed sounds mighty suspicious:

[...] Al1 seems like he's trying too hard to establish his neutrality. I think that he's afraid that if he votes on someone, it will come around to bite him in the ass. This could be because he is mafia, and wants to live, or because he is town and is new to the game (so he doesn't realize how scummy his fence sitting makes him look). [...]

Neither of these is damning in and of itself, but together, they aren't too trivial to dismiss.

(Sorry if the markup comes out incorrectly. There's too much of it.)
bazilisek: And if the "So I said" doesn't stretch to the "figuring" part of the sentence (which is theoretically possible
It didn't.

bazilisek: I still have to wonder: why would a townie who randomly targeted someone speak up before a mislynch? A townie wouldn't know it was a mislynch before it's too late.
He did speak up before we "mislynched", which I was defining as a hasty lynch (which, incidentally, it doesn't mean D: ). His vote was used to (reportedly) prod for reactions. He spoke up to actually solidify his vote on Al1 with real reasoning later on. Otherwise, he could have FOS'd people who acted suspiciously on his vote and then retracted it (his vote), clearing up that the vote was random in the first place.

bazilisek: 2) A simpler matter now: Post 140, in which Typhoon casually drops the possibility of voting nolynch again, even though he has already acknowledged voting nolynch is bad
I said that it was an option, but did not support it in any way. Don't try and put words in my mouth.

bazilisek: 3) This paragraph indeed sounds mighty suspicious:

[...] Al1 seems like he's trying too hard to establish his neutrality. I think that he's afraid that if he votes on someone, it will come around to bite him in the ass. This could be because he is mafia, and wants to live, or because he is town and is new to the game (so he doesn't realize how scummy his fence sitting makes him look). [...]
I was just trying to put myself in his shoes, and say what I would be worried about. I wasn't trying to tell him what to do, I was trying to rationalize why he was acting so suspicious. You can't walk into every situation with a "ZOMFG HE LOOKS SCUMMY MAFIA MAFIA MAFIAFANIAN" outlook. I was trying to present an alternative view to the one that had been offered.

Anything else?
Ubivis: snip
I had voted for Al1.

I can understand some of the argument against Typhoon, but I'm sticking with my vote on bazilisek for now. The things which bazilisek have said reveal more about his intentions than anything Typhoon has said. Bazilisek just posted about reasons why Typhoon should be suspect, to me, this is bazilisek trying to throw people off of his trail.
enterprise2004: Bazilisek just posted about reasons why Typhoon should be suspect, to me, this is bazilisek trying to throw people off of his trail.
FYI, this is exactly why I didn't cast my vote for Typhoon yesterday (IRL), even though I wanted to -- the post was actually half written before I decided not to rush things again. By now, I figured my trail apparently wasn't all that hot -- otherwise I'd be in a lot more trouble than I was. And I don't like stalling, which by now must be all too apparent.

And now excuse me, I must think again.
Request Moderator Question Did the Mafia get chance to talk to each other before Day1 kicked off?
Zchinque: snip.............

This level of coordination is hard to pull off when they can't communicate outside this thread (I'm assuming the mafia don't have daytalk here).

That confirmation from Moderator that Mafia didnt talk leads me to an interesting conclusion - Zchinque appeared to know (though carefully not said outright) that the Mafia had not talked prior to Day 1 in this game, although USUALLY they do get a chance!!
It was part of his argument for no Mafia co-ordination.

Only Mafia would know this!

Sorry - thats a massive slip-up for me - far outweighing any perceived slip ups so far by any other player. You just zoomed to the top of my scum list.....

unvote Bazilisek

Explain yourself Zchinque! But make it good, cos I'm fairly certain you've dropped a right clanger and revealed yourself as Mafia.
Oh - in that case ignore the whole of my last theory - Zchinque did have prior knowledge, but only in his role as setup helper.

Be ironic if he turned up Mafia now though wouldnt it....;o)
Robbeasy: Oh - in that case ignore the whole of my last theory - Zchinque did have prior knowledge, but only in his role as setup helper.

Be ironic if he turned up Mafia now though wouldnt it....;o)
In this case, we have to lynch Damuna ;)
Robbeasy: Oh - in that case ignore the whole of my last theory - Zchinque did have prior knowledge, but only in his role as setup helper.

Be ironic if he turned up Mafia now though wouldnt it....;o)
Ubivis: In this case, we have to lynch Damuna ;)
I agree, Damuna is obviously covering for Zchinque :D
Robbeasy: That confirmation from Moderator that Mafia didnt talk leads me to an interesting conclusion - Zchinque appeared to know (though carefully not said outright) that the Mafia had not talked prior to Day 1 in this game, although USUALLY they do get a chance!!
It was part of his argument for no Mafia co-ordination.
Not to chainsaw defence him but I'd like to clarify something too, daytalk is different from pre-game talk. In some games, the Mafia can talk in their Quicktopic thread or private messages during the day - this is usually a sort of power balancing thing as it allows them to coach each other or discuss strats while the day is ongoing. It's more common in semi-advanced games where even Town have such roles sometimes - Masons, where two player are confirmed town or confirmed scum to each other, can talk during the day as well as night sometimes.. or Neighbours, which can daytalk and nighttalk but do not know each others' alignments.
Firstly thanks Robbeasy for explaining the theory that one or more mafia voted for zchinque better than I did.

Zchinque makes some good points about the people who didn't vote being mafia.

Not sure of the benefit of an age claim. But can't see any harm in it.

Of the people who voted zchinque I find typhoon45 and bazilisek the most suspecious.
I think I'll just go with a somewhat random vote Typhoon45.

Otherwise we could always try lynching Damuna.. Just to be sure.
Azarr: I think I'll just go with a somewhat random vote Typhoon45.

Otherwise we could always try lynching Damuna.. Just to be sure.
What do you mean by, "somewhat random"? You must be thinking something to add that somewhat on.
Azarr: I think I'll just go with a somewhat random vote Typhoon45.

Otherwise we could always try lynching Damuna.. Just to be sure.
enterprise2004: What do you mean by, "somewhat random"? You must be thinking something to add that somewhat on.
He's either jumping the bandwagon or not truly believing in the points made against Typhoon. Or such is my assumption. It is rather interesting why the vote would be "somewhat" random though (I consider randomness an extreme - it is either random or it isn't).