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Also curious why the vote is "somewhat random"
Because he made tried to push an early lynch

I'd just like to point out that if you three actually did cast your votes, there would be nothing else to wait for. Call me impatient, but I believe this day has nothing more to teach us.

blamed it on being drunk

[i]Lesson learned: never drink and play mafia, kids! Now to try and clean up: what the inebriated wording tried to say

then started pointing fingers, changing topics

I'm finding it a bit odd that nmillar, determined to ride among the last in the first momentum wave, is jumping pretty fast into this new one.
Ubivis, whom do you suspect at this point?
nmillar, why did you jump at the vote for me so quickly and then switched to Azarr, just as quickly?

and finally, decide to put me in his sights, while both trying to ensure that he had backup

If I voted for Typhoon, would you join in?

and waiting for it to look less suspicious.

this is exactly why I didn't cast my vote for Typhoon yesterday

I'm going to vote bazilisek
pazzer: Also curious why the vote is "somewhat random"
It's an interesting tactic you have; while not necessarily 'band-wagoning', you are very quick to support other people's theories ... something about that doesn't sit too well with me.
Oh, right... @ Azarr... That's called explaining your reasons for voting someone.
Typhoon45: this is exactly why I didn't cast my vote for Typhoon yesterday
My vote is already on Baz, but I was considering moving it back to you.

You bring up a good point here though. Town would generally not care as much about seeming scummy - because even if they die, they win with the faction, and a 1 townie for 1 scum tradeoff is always good odds for the townie. Scum are much more likely to worry about survival and how they look to others. It's not always true, but it can be telling.

@Azarr To echo those above.. a somewhat random vote when we're 13 pages into the thread? Surely you have some kind of reason behind it. That's the 3rd joke you've tried to stuff in about voting other people too (Zchinque and funny hats earlier, I believe). Very suspicious, especially since the "random" vote is on one of the two leading bandwagons at the moment. It's to try to take the heat off of your Mafia buddy on the other wagon, isn't it?

My vote stays for now.
lol at the though of me having tactics. Don't think i've been quick to support other peoples theories. Anyway just to be different Vote Damnation
pazzer: lol at the though of me having tactics. Don't think i've been quick to support other peoples theories. Anyway just to be different Vote Damnation
Interesting turn of events. Might I inquire as to why?
After nmillar's comment though it might be seen as band wagoning if I voted for who I wanted too. So decided to look elsewhere.

Though voting for you might be a bit controversal and that's always good for ratings.
pazzer: After nmillar's comment though it might be seen as band wagoning if I voted for who I wanted too. So decided to look elsewhere.

Though voting for you might be a bit controversal and that's always good for ratings.
Haha. Good for rating, that's a pretty good one :D
But it would most likely only be seen as bandwagoning (Or I would only see it as bandwagoning anyhow) if it were very poorly reasoned.
Azarr's random vote might be influenced by or based on another's opinion. Your vote isn't, and as jesskitten said, we're quite long into day 1 where random votes might be a bit off. Still, reaction fishing is always good, I suppose.
Actually jesskitten brings up a great point. As town I shouldn't be worried how I look.

So Unvote Damnation

[Vote Typhoon45 as he appears very defensive.
Azarr: I think I'll just go with a somewhat random vote Typhoon45.

Otherwise we could always try lynching Damuna.. Just to be sure.
Could you please explain this vote? Mainly because I'm pretty sure I'm L -2 here, and would rather not be lynched because of a random vote from you.
Well after my last 'shaft of light' being blown out the water by the moderator, of all people, I've had a break (real life gets in the way, dont it?!) and done a bit of thinking.

And come down exactly where i was before. Out of all the posts so far, only one persons has been unequivically scummy, and that was Bazilisek's push for an early Lynch. He fits into my Zchinque L-2 lynch '2 must be mafia' theory as well.

Nothing anyone else has said has made me really suspicious - Azarr I believe at the moment to be feeling his way into the game a little, perhaps a bit nervous about posting. Its not screaming 'town' at me though, but like i say, Bazilisek has pinged all my warning buttons.

My vote stays with Bazilisek - I think he is definitely Mafia. Just remembered i unvoted him when I thought i had Zchinque bang to rights, so I'd better bold it....
vote Bazilisek
Votecount, please?
Somewhat random as in I chose from some of those that seemed suspicious. However as I'm not really sure who to go with I chose one of them at random.

jesskitten: I do not joke. I just do things.
jesskitten: You bring up a good point here though. Town would generally not care as much about seeming scummy - because even if they die, they win with the faction, and a 1 townie for 1 scum tradeoff is always good odds for the townie. Scum are much more likely to worry about survival and how they look to others. It's not always true, but it can be telling.
I do not follow. Yes, a 1 townie for 1 mafia tradeoff is undoubtedly good, and I'd be willing to take that (seeing I've damaged my credibility possibly beyond repair), but I absolutely do not see how to make sure my lynching takes down someone from the mafia as well -- so I of course do care about not seeming scummy.