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mrkgnao: Oh no! What have I done?!
DarkoD13: Yeah, I was writing a witty response to that, you beat me to it. :D
Do you think anyone will notice if I edited my original post?
I can't live with the shame.
mrkgnao: Do you think anyone will notice if I edited my original post?
I can't live with the shame.
I'll notice! But you may go and do it anyway, so trent can actually see first-hand what comes to those who do so :D
DarkoD13: Yeah, I was writing a witty response to that, you beat me to it. :D
mrkgnao: Do you think anyone will notice if I edited my original post?
I can't live with the shame.
Are you playing a girl again this game? ;-)

Oh yeah, yea me did not get picked for jury duty :-)
mrkgnao: Do you think anyone will notice if I edited my original post?
I can't live with the shame.
One of my recent posts reads "does tends". You learn to live with the shame. :)

trentonlf: Are you playing a girl again this game? ;-)

Oh yeah, yea me did not get picked for jury duty :-)
Did you go dressed as Batman? :D
mrkgnao: Do you think anyone will notice if I edited my original post?
I can't live with the shame.
DarkoD13: One of my recent posts reads "does tends". You learn to live with the shame. :)

trentonlf: Are you playing a girl again this game? ;-)

Oh yeah, yea me did not get picked for jury duty :-)
DarkoD13: Did you go dressed as Batman? :D
LOL, I should have. Of course if I had they probably would have locked be up since it was a federal jury I was in. I was lucky in that there were 25 of us and I was number 25. Jury only needed 8 and the lawyers did not have enough strikes to get to me :-)
HijacK: Back on topic now: Mrk is definitely an interesting development player wise. One of you (don't remember who and searching for the post at this hour is cruelty to my sleep) has said that Mrk appears to play differently than he did in previous games. If I remember correctly, it was on a tone full of suspicion.
mrkgnao: As for your post. You seem to be caught up in WIFOM hell, where everything is possible, so everybody ends being equally unsuspicious or not. Not a good place to be, for that's where scum live, hedging all their bets.
My impression exactly. I accused trent of writing a big bag of nothing- this was an entire luggage store of squat. Other than a vague threat to CSPVG, nada mucho of specificity here. My case builds.

Oddly enough, Hijack's impression of me being all over the place is probably pretty spot-on, lol! Maybe I'm over-thinking things, but nothing about HijacK has sat right with me from his "adalia is town and telling the truth about his role" post forwards. His big posts above add little except obfuscatory white noise.

Vote HijacK

Mrk, you yourself have said you disagree with me on my read on HijacK. Care to either re-evaluate or convince me I'm wrong? Who is your #1 date at the Scum-utante Ball?

yogsloth: On mobile... Just want to say a quick sorry to vitek for the unvote mixup. Sorry! Maybe there is something to Trent's "lack of reading comprehension" theory!
trentonlf: Since everyone seems to think we have resorted to name calling and are just arguing pointlessly let me just say I'm sorry for the way I chose to make my point. I was never at any point upset or mad with you. My whole intent with the way I posted was to make sure you actually read it and answered me this time (I had asked you a question earlier in two different posts that you never answered. Unimportant now).
No worries, dude! You know I was ignoring you on purpose, right? Just as you went banana-rama-ding-dong to get my attention, I was ignoring you - both directly and otherwise - in order to prod you in a similar fashion. I'm not doing my job otherwise.
yogsloth: Mrk, you yourself have said you disagree with me on my read on HijacK. Care to either re-evaluate or convince me I'm wrong? Who is your #1 date at the Scum-utante Ball?
I was kind of hoping that HijacK would defend himself better against your accusations and would come up with more substantial readings.
Well, I guess I might as well try to explain why I tend to believe he is town (though by no means certain).
It's primarily because I think he is very intelligent, yet thinks that most of us are pretty stupid.

If he were scum, I'd expect him not to do grossly suspicious intentional moves, because I don't believe he would trust us to see these as anything but suspicious moves.
1) At the same time he began hunting adalia (around post #210) he also posted his recipe for "bussing yourself" (posts #207 + #215). If he were scum and was actually beginning a bus on adalia, juxtaposing the two would be a very risky move. Too risky to trust us with.
2) Similarly, when he posted his pre-lynch prediction of adalia's innocence, if he were scum, he'd know that in mere minutes or hours he would be proven wrong. Again I believe it is too suspicious a move for him to trust us with. That post reads like a genuine setup for a "told you so" post on the morning of day #2.

As for my scum list, nothing much has changed since my posts #706 and #765. It's still Robbeasy, Vitek, trentonlf.

Robbeasy: When I posted my Robbeasy post, I was hoping it would lead to other people raising other points about him (in either direction). This hasn't really happened, with the exception of CSPVG's vote, but I believe CSPVG had doubts about Robbeasy even before my post. Some people found my points interesting, some didn't, but nothing much was added to the discussion (not the least because Robbeasy didn't post a whole lot, but he's hardly an exception).
While on the Robbeasy question, I would like to draw his attention to the "promise" he made us 4 days ago (#697) to "get started on the group not voting yesterday" (presumably voting for each one in turn to "put pressure on them"). He voted Vitek (without any real explanation, I believe) and since then the vote has stayed there. What exactly are the criteria for you to move to the next one, Robbeasy?

Vitek: dedoporno has made his case against him. Overall, I can't say that the Vitek-dedoporno stand-off has moved me much from my original stance, which was that Vitek seems intent on stifling certain forms of what I consider legitimate town discussion, which makes me suspicious.
I don't know whether the fact that Robbeasy has a vote on him for no convincing reason is suspicious or not. After all, Robbeasy has for now a perfect track record for placing an early vote on scum for no convincing reason. But I would be very much surprised if he'd try to pull the same stunt twice (assuming he did on adalia).

trentonlf: I think a townie would have admitted by now that revealing his ship model and his being vanilla, regardless of his original reasons or excuses, was a mistake, as it helps the scum. In game #23 he didn't strike me as someone who is unwilling to admit his mistakes. For a while I sincerely thought that he was trying to get himself intentionally lynched and even had a "crazy" theory about it, but now he seems back to defending himself, so I probably got it wrong.

That said, I don't feel confident enough to put my vote on any of them yet (I do not vote to put pressure on people).
That's not fair! It's illegal use of a feline.
How could I ever vote against someone with your new avatar?

P.S. Love the toes sneaking out from under the blanket.
mrkgnao: trentonlf: I think a townie would have admitted by now that revealing his ship model and his being vanilla, regardless of his original reasons or excuses, was a mistake, as it helps the scum. In game #23 he didn't strike me as someone who is unwilling to admit his mistakes. For a while I sincerely thought that he was trying to get himself intentionally lynched and even had a "crazy" theory about it, but now he seems back to defending himself, so I probably got it wrong.

That said, I don't feel confident enough to put my vote on any of them yet (I do not vote to put pressure on people).
Why would you say my revealing my shio model was a mistake yet not mention that CSPVG was the one to mention his first? I posted mine right after he posted his as I found it interesting they were different. I think no mistake was made there.

Me claiming vanilla is a mistake? Why? I'm trying to figure out how this benefits the scum, and I can not see how it does.
Vitek: No, that's the best I wanted to tell at that moment. ;-)
Would it be fair if I said that if someone made a comment like this one in the past ("If I was to vote someone right now, it would be Krypsyn, if only for his excessive lurkiness. I see him playing CK2 often, that's true, but it looks like he is just ignoring this thread altogether and some of his posts still doesn't fill me with trust even after explaining.") you would have torn them a new one?

Awaiting your best, whenever you decide to share.
mrkgnao: That's not fair! It's illegal use of a feline.
How could I ever vote against someone with your new avatar?

P.S. Love the toes sneaking out from under the blanket.
I changed it for a giveaway I entered. It's my two fur babies, Abby and Pearl.
trentonlf: Me claiming vanilla is a mistake? Why? I'm trying to figure out how this benefits the scum, and I can not see how it does.
CSPVG done goofed. There was no need to continue down that path. It narrows the mafia's target list, since they're trying to hit power roles.
trentonlf: Why would you say my revealing my shio model was a mistake yet not mention that CSPVG was the one to mention his first? I posted mine right after he posted his as I found it interesting they were different. I think no mistake was made there.
I also think CSPVG's was a mistake.

trentonlf: Me claiming vanilla is a mistake? Why? I'm trying to figure out how this benefits the scum, and I can not see how it does.
I will gladly explain again.

The scum want to night-kill power roles. Assuming 2 scum + 9 town left, and assuming N town power-roles (N < 9), the chance of their hitting a power role tonight is (N/9). After you claimed vanilla (and assuming you are telling the truth and they believe you), they now have have a chance of ((N-1)/9), which is better for them than (N/9), so you have slightly increased the chance of their hitting a power role. This would have been even worse if others had followed your example (assuming there are other vanilla townies).
mrkgnao: I was kind of hoping that HijacK would defend himself better against your accusations and would come up with more substantial readings.
Well, I guess I might as well try to explain why I tend to believe he is town (though by no means certain).
It's primarily because I think he is very intelligent, yet thinks that most of us are pretty stupid.

If he were scum, I'd expect him not to do grossly suspicious intentional moves, because I don't believe he would trust us to see these as anything but suspicious moves.
1) At the same time he began hunting adalia (around post #210) he also posted his recipe for "bussing yourself" (posts #207 + #215). If he were scum and was actually beginning a bus on adalia, juxtaposing the two would be a very risky move. Too risky to trust us with.
This is precisely why I originally stated that he bussed adalia without meaning to. He was ripping into adalia based on perceived sloppy or poor play, irrespective of who's on what team. To put it another way, imagine they are Bridge partners, HijacK has a hand full of hearts, and just watched adalia bid 5-No.

mrkgnao: 2) Similarly, when he posted his pre-lynch prediction of adalia's innocence, if he were scum, he'd know that in mere minutes or hours he would be proven wrong. Again I believe it is too suspicious a move for him to trust us with. That post reads like a genuine setup for a "told you so" post on the morning of day #2.
I see what you're saying, but I don't read it that way. To me, it's such a reversal of tone, it's a deliberate setup for us to think he doesn't know anything. As you just pointed out, he doesn't trust us to peel apart the layers. He would have calculated that post to be taken at face value. Does this: really ring honest to you?

If I'm wrong about all this, HijacK, I'll buy you a virtual beer when this is all over, you crazy 18-20 year-old. But in the meantime, I'm still convinced you're playing scummy as all get-out!
I see your point on the power role. I was basing my position off of last game where I was lead to believe knowing someone is town was a good thing as it reduced the amount of people who could be scum. You and flub were touting that from the get go. Seeing how this is not a role madness game I can see how claiming ship models for everyone could be a bad thing that gets us nowhere. But, it was never my intent for it to be a ship claiming spree. I found it interesting that my ship model was different and said so. Seeing how everyone keeps focusing on this I should not have said anything, but again I don't keep focusing on this everyone else does.