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On mobile... Just want to say a quick sorry to vitek for the unvote mixup. Sorry! Maybe there is something to Trent's "lack of reading comprehension" theory!
Krypsyn: "Posted 3 days ago"
Telika: Please do specify if you want a replacement.
It shouldn't be necessary.

I admit I haven't been a very good player this time around. I apologize for the disrespect to you and to the other players. It was one of those procrastination things that snowballed. I got caught up on Day 1 towards the end, but then I started putting things off all over again on Day 2. I was planning to get caught up this past weekend, but RL threw me a curve-ball (nothing bad, but it did keep me distracted/busy). This isn't an excuse, since none of this would be an issue if I had been giving the game the attention it deserved all along, just an explanation for my absence.

It might be too little, too late (at least it feels a little hollow to my own ears), but I'll have a decent post up tomorrow.

trentonlf: I will place my vote on Krypsyn as he is one of my suspects for scum and his inactivity does not bode well. He is usually a pretty active player, I hope all is well for him.

Vote Krypsyn
What took you so long?
Telika: Please do specify if you want a replacement.
Krypsyn: It shouldn't be necessary.

I admit I haven't been a very good player this time around. I apologize for the disrespect to you and to the other players. It was one of those procrastination things that snowballed. I got caught up on Day 1 towards the end, but then I started putting things off all over again on Day 2. I was planning to get caught up this past weekend, but RL threw me a curve-ball (nothing bad, but it did keep me distracted/busy). This isn't an excuse, since none of this would be an issue if I had been giving the game the attention it deserved all along, just an explanation for my absence.

It might be too little, too late (at least it feels a little hollow to my own ears), but I'll have a decent post up tomorrow.

trentonlf: I will place my vote on Krypsyn as he is one of my suspects for scum and his inactivity does not bode well. He is usually a pretty active player, I hope all is well for him.

Vote Krypsyn
Krypsyn: What took you so long?
I have no solid compelling evidence against you or anyone else, all I have at the moment is a suspicion. Hard to vote on a suspicion, but once your absence had lapsed to three days it seemed you had given up on playing (I'm sorry RL interfered and I hope all is well). So I voted to see your reaction if you did come back and others reaction.
Note that I attempted to take a more funny approach with this post because I want to ask a girl out today and I want to get ready....because if I can't even make her laugh, I might as well slap myself.

Thoughts time:

Well, gathered some thoughts on most of you. Most did at least one scummy thing, but most also did at least 1 town thing, so the scales are not really tipped in any way. As a matter of fact, due to the slow progress we had so far, I got the impression many of us see issues and problems there where most likely are none.

So, let's begin, shall we?

Sage - I start with her because ladies first! Ok, now that we settled that, on to the actual thoughts. A dramatic decrease in amount of contributions this game if we are to compare with the other games, however this doesn't mean much. Real life can be a pain sometimes. However, I am not overlooking the decreased number of contributions because of real life issues, but mostly because the way she contributes has increased in quality compared to the last 2 games. This is just my opinion, but so far her questions tended to be more to the point, and less about walking in circles. This being said, if there is something I dislike about the way she is playing is that she tends to keep something of a grudge when confronted, especially if the confrontation is more on the aggressive side. Be them life long/game long/ minute long grudges, it hampers her ability to properly conduct investigations and may as well do that to others. Revenge like posts can easily distract us from our main goal. Leans to chaotic neutral. Scales don't tip in any alignment's favor.

Trent - I chose him second because the TWAG sessions we played were fun. As for my thoughts on him: Different play style with "funny" choices of words DO NOT warrant a vote from me, or any type of campaign to prove his scumminess. Why? Because I am the PRIME example that different play style, words, and ambiguity don't mean shit when it comes to alignment. However, some of his choices of words are "funny" enough to give him about the same place as Sage on a scale. If anything, I'd like to see him contribute more with questions and such.

Dedo - Next up is Dedo, because Batman, and that's the bottom of the line 'cause I said so! Dedo. Well, not much to say outside of meh. The feud with Vitek seems unwarranted. The theory behind his accusations seems interesting, but it simply doesn't have enough energy to take off. Overall, I can notice subtle differences in how he plays this time, but I am not sure if they are for the better. My observations point out they are for the worse. Also, for some reason, whether one of them is scum or not, I think this argument with Vitek will lead nowhere.

Vitek - The of the hour. Who the hell decides to quit playing Mafia games because he's being called a dick? Shit! That escalated quickly. Kinda besides the point, but mrkgnao said a number of times in game #23 that he won't play another mafia game and here he is. It's like a drug! You can't stop taking it. It's addicting!.....Nah, I'm joking, it's not. But it is FUN! And quitting because a you had a meh "whatever" misunderstanding is like being a pu...coward! Pfff, take it from someone who when is annoyed doesn't stand for any damn thing that annoys him, whether it is perceived right or wrong by society.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Thoughts:
Vitek. Never played with him. Barely talked to him during game #23. Psychologically he seems different than he was in the quicktopic set by Kryps in game #23. Which pretty much means I need further studying to understand his plays. I do not have any shocking opinion on his actions thus far. And his conflict with dedo reached a size that was not needed. Want my honest opinion on it? Sure you do! End the conflict. I don't think it will lead anywhere. Whether either of you is scum or not, there is too much soft ground under dedo's theories, and not much Vitek did to paint him overly scummy, if at all. Further re-reads required for this. Vitek is an interesting player so far. Keep playing mafia games and don't forget. I know where you live! So? Diablo co-op session at my place during winter season?

And now that we reached Vitek. Let's talk about adalia's scum list. After a few days of thought, I reached the conclusion it's shit! There is no damn scum on that list. At least no evidence that points to this THUS far. Yog -> no way adalia could've been bussing him. For some reason he kept him on his scum list until the end of day 1. Vitek -> the points made against him made no sense. While you may say he tried to slip him on the scum list to gain credibility, seriously who does that day 1 when there is virtually no need to do so due to the lack of information? My take? He just tried to see what sticks and bites. Me -> Well, you'll just have to take my word for it, or see how contradictory adalia's posts were about me. He had no idea what to say. From "different play style -> must monitor" to "not interested, same playstyle as last game -> town" to finally reaching a point where I was dissecting his posts and he's like "100% sure Hijack is scum." Yeah. Coming from someone who had to be forced by a townie to role claim in order to save himself, not sure if that's any solid ground even for an accusation and overly complicated theory.

Back to the list:

Krypsyn - It's bad that Flub was Nk'd because we might need some hard alcohol to open this player's mouth and mind.
A few interesting points on Kryps. I find his lack of interest in the game something out of character, as far as his own description of his play mechanics go. Again, this is not something I tackle because I am the prime example that apparent play styles and posting styles don't mean anything. If you have ever talked to me in other places of the forum or even outside of the forum, you'd be able to spot major differences as far as my posting, linguistics and even speech patterns are concerned. I like variety. So no, I do not think he's scum just because he posted less, but I suspect him of something due to the shallow contributions brought thus far. According to him: He plays the same regardless of alignment. Worth noting is that most of the time he is thorough when making an argument. But he also said that when he is a vanilla town, he is a lot more motivated to find scum. Should I take his lack of motivation as a hint to something? Interesting thoughts. Nothing much to go on to him, but definitely needs to be kept under observation.
yoglsoth - From "I'm sure he's scum!" to "You're an idiot!", our California based resident seems to have been granted more titles than probably a few of us combined.
Not much to go on about him. I don't think he's scum, in spite of the awkward and occasionally "meh whatever" or "oh no, you didn't" behavior. However I think he is way over thinking things and often losing the track of his thoughts. His theories and plans and what not remind me of adalia in game #23. For those that haven't followed the Hospital quicktopic, I really didn't agree with adalia on many points. The theories did't seem plausible. Kinda over thinking things, sometimes taking them to the extreme so much that the thought pattern of these plans is a convoluted mess.

DarkoD13 - Because yellowish green is not greenish yellow! #Dealwithit!
So far Darko is literally the one player that has been off the hook. No slips, no misplays, no nothing. Everything seems calculated. Way too calculated. What is this? Some evil plot put in motion by Telika? No more gay marriage discussions, please! Back on topic now. Right. Darko. Yeah. His questioning has been substantial so far. Wasn't afraid to share his thoughts. Most of his posts seem to genuinely investigate, not to look just for slips. From neutral to town. Fascinating player. Of course, this is the first time ever I talk to him, let alone play with him, so as far as my knowledge and information of him goes,'s nada! Not there. Non-existent. So right now I am very carefully observing him. Both for this game and for future games.

Mrkgnao - A.K.A. Mr. GoGo or Mrk. Our relentless MaGOG dev. Is it wrong if I thought you were a young girl at first? No, it's not. You know? I'd totally be fascinated by a girl that does programming. If she's a game dev, I'm sold! In other news, did you know the word malevolent has male and violent as roots? Freaking sexism, I tell you!
Back on topic now: Mrk is definitely an interesting development player wise. One of you (don't remember who and searching for the post at this hour is cruelty to my sleep) has said that Mrk appears to play differently than he did in previous games. If I remember correctly, it was on a tone full of suspicion. I'll say that I do not share in that suspicion. A compelling reason for my choice of action is because early in the game Mrk mentioned that he took to heart some of the criticism brought up in the Observer thread of game #23 and that he is trying to become a better player. Is he a better player. I don't really see major progress towards that. There may be some, but we are also too early to discuss this, and let's not forget evolution is sometimes a trial and error type of ladder. As for his posts, his speech patterns are a bit changed. This time he encompasses a more calculated persona. He no longer rushes with a role claim, as a matter of fact attempts to draw away attention from our ship models, which wins him town points because if the correct algorithm of the ship models is broken, then scum would literally have all the info they need to win the game. So far so good. I am inclined to put him as a townie, but as we all know it, this is a game of teamwork and deceit. Ironic. We shall see how things go.

Robbeasy - Roby! My favorite drinking buddy! Joking. That's totally Dischord, even though we never drank anything together, I am straight edge with the exception of an addiction to adrenaline, and in spite of having the legal age to drink int he entirety of Europe, I cannot do so in US.
Fun guy! Let's just all take a chill pill because we all know there ain't nobody quite like HijacK.
Now onto the serious business at hand: Rob is probably by far the one player where I am unsure of anything. To my shame, I initially didn't think much thought to the "Do you see why I'm doing this?" comment, but after being pointed out a theory about it, I began to be suspicious. While it definitely sounds strange, the interaction between him and adalia hasn't been consistent enough to warrant a vote. His early posts in the game were interesting, a bit towny. He then took a turn with the question posted to adalia, and now it's something of a neutral thing since he's defending his view against Mrk's accusations. You can't really blame anyone for defending themselves. Outside of the fact a dedo vs Vitek or trent vs yog type of conflict almost ensued between Mrk and Rob, nothing is really worth nothing. There is nothing solid on him to point scum. Nothing solid. However, as we know, in nature matter passes from liquid to solid, or from liquid to gas (and then plasma, a highly ionized state, but that's besides the point), thus further investigation is required.

CSPVG - Chinese Secret Police Video Game? Did I get it? Damn, those acronyms. I'm also getting a bit sleepy.
Alright. CSPVG is possibly the one player which I find to be way too much in the dark. And what's interesting is that he put himself in unneeded danger even in the few posts he has made, unless he's scum. I really want to elaborate this discussion further, however what I want to attempt is a risky play, and I don't want to do so without a good portion of those here agreeing upon proceeding further. I'll leave it to debate for now, but do me a favor and don't think too much of it as even I am still calculating various possibilities, scenarios and taking in consideration even improbable variables.

Telika - No intro needed! Definitely scum. Ultimate thread troll derailer. Must be lynched! ASAP!

And now, I kept the best for last:

HijacK - Even if I began to tell you about myself, you'd either get bored, don't understand it, or don't have enough time to hear about it. But hey, if you wanna chat, you can always join my almost weekly TWAG sessions! Speaking of which, haven't hosted one in like a month.

So that's it for now. For some of you this might be a huge post of nothing, and for good reason. The thing is, I have nothing solid. Game progresses slow and nobody makes mistakes, at least not big enough ones to be worth building a case on. This being said, we must find scum, not cases, so we must looked beyond one's interactions and choices, but to the overall picture of their role. I'll elaborate further, but now I must got to sleep.
HijacK: However, as we know, in nature matter passes from liquid to solid, or from liquid to gas (and then plasma, a highly ionized state, but that's besides the point), thus further investigation is required.
This is scientifically incorrect. Matter can pass from a solid phase to a gaseous phase as well as from a gaseous phase to a solid phase as well. The phases of matter actually work like a triangle, of course with the exception of plasma which is a highly ionized state which can be achieved only through the gaseous phase at extreme temperatures.
What I meant by this example is that something that is not hard evidence, aka mostly suspicion, can easily turn into hard evidence or simply evaporate as only suspicions. Something of a middle ground between the 2, where I used the property of liquids of having no definite shape, but having a definite volume as gateways to the possibility of a solid with definite shape and volume or a gas with no definite shape or volume.
I guess the geek in me just couldn't resist explaining my linguistic mistake.
Vitek: I get it dedo, if someone asks you for reasons for your reads and you refuse then they become number 1 suspect. You should have said it right away and we could be all happier. :-p
I really don't think continuing this will bring anything better than what we already have (which is not that good, either) and I really don't want to get worked up to the point of "I'm done with that guy" :) A few other people also mentioned they don't see the point in this argument and it seems to be contagious to a point. I'm not sure if we are actually setting a tone for a more unfriendly game, but if yes I would prefer to stop.

I won't back off from my vote, though. Sorry. At least not until a better option emerges or you get exonerated in some way.

So yeah, when someone asks me for reasons for my reads and I refuse to give them, that someone hits top spot in my list. Sure.
Someone else, please question me, so you can replace Vitek and he can have a breath of fresh air and some time off from chatting with me :)

Vitek: (Assuming you meant end of D1), this was my problem with your reads all that time.
Correct. That was a mistake on my end, also my wording is a bit misleading here as well and I'm starting to regret that. I didn't want to say that I suspect you the two of you and everyone else is squeaky clean in my eyes. What I meant was that you two were the ones that gave me the most scummy vibes with trentonlf at the top and you, next in line. I didn't say anything about you back then, because as I already wrote, you weren't a top pick, just a slightly greater uneasiness than with other suspects. I focused my attention to you when you started demanding stuff and the uneasiness deepened. As simple as that.

As for the sheeping thing, people sharing opinions in such a game or wherever is bound to happen. What would you have me do when some states something similar or identical to what I have in mind? Keep it for myself? e are trying to work with one another after all. Should I try and share every single thing that comes to my mind in order to be the first one there so others are accused of sheeping instead of myself?

As for you not unvoting adaliabooks, but Sage instead - that's fine and it wasn't my biggest problem (by the way I believe it would be in everyone's interest if we stick to the format suggested by Telika when it comes to voting and such in order to avoid such confusions). What I didn't like is that you said you are OK with the lynch but didn't go with it.

HijacK shared a nice, large post that didn't add too much to our confused state, but he said it himself - not too much to hold on at the moment, so we are doing what we can with what we have.

@HijacK, good luck with your date. Make sure you open the door for her, she'll appreciate it ;)
With all of the accusations being flung around, novella-length posts being written, and general nastiness being bandied back and forth, I think we need a musical break. I'm serious.

I'll start you all off with Luanda City Beats.

Move you on to Allblackblackkat.

Then concluded our musical session with a tribute to Cesária Évora, entitled ave cesaria.

Does everyone feel a little better? I certainly do, but maybe that's just because I alleviated my own boredom.

On to the actual game. I must sadly report that the most interesting discussion I have read involves Telika and HijacK. The other arguments have quickly degenerated into nothing but name calling, and have about them the air of two townies going at it.

Having said this, I feel prompted to do something more than talk. Therefore, I'm going to Vote: Robbeasy. I've been thinking about the phrase,"Do you see why I'm doing this?" Over the course of the last few days, it's definitely taken on a suspect tone. This coupled with my own observations on Rob's posting habits near the end of day one made me feel the need to vote for him.
yogsloth: On mobile... Just want to say a quick sorry to vitek for the unvote mixup. Sorry! Maybe there is something to Trent's "lack of reading comprehension" theory!
Since everyone seems to think we have resorted to name calling and are just arguing pointlessly let me just say I'm sorry for the way I chose to make my point. I was never at any point upset or mad with you. My whole intent with the way I posted was to make sure you actually read it and answered me this time (I had asked you a question earlier in two different posts that you never answered. Unimportant now).

@CSPVG, what other posts besides the "Do you see why I'm doing this" are you finding suspect?

For everyone else, no yogosloth is not on my leaning scum list. I have him as leaning town, and have since adaliabooks flipped scum.

Unfortunately I have to go to jury selection today, so my activity level will be low. Hopefully I'm not picked, the case could be a long one.
The numbing effect of the routine dogfight has most pilots half-asleep, cheek on their command panel, their finger vaguely mashing the pew pew button. Some mumble about traitors and stuff, but...

no wait

Explosions everywhere. Teeth clenched, their vision blurred by tears of rage, the pilots hurl their ships in deadly spirals into the lethal crossfire, while swearing to...

yeah whatever

In the emptiness of Pristine system, a huge cloud of little shiny glittering dots indicate that a space war is going on. Oooh how futile this is, in contrast with the immensity of space. Sometimes I wonder, sometimes. I wonder. Like. Dunno.

all right not my best flavor day

HijacK has 0 vote.
Vitek has 2 votes (Robbeasy and also Dedoporno).
Trentonlf has 0 vote.
Robbeasy has 1 vote (CSPVG).
Yogsloth has 0 vote.
Mrkgnao has 0 vote.
Sage103082 has 0 vote.
Krypsyn has 1 vote (Trentonlf).
DarkoD13 has 0 vote.
CSPVG has 0 vote.
Dedoporno has 0 vote.

Deadline in in five hours. No it isn't. Just kiddin'.

With 11 players, it takes 6 votes to get a lynch.
Post edited October 28, 2014 by Telika
Telika: The numbing effect of the routine dogfight has most pilots half-asleep, cheek on their command panel, their finger vaguely mashing the pew pew button. Some mumble about traitors and stuff, but...

no wait

Explosions everywhere. Teeth clenched, their vision blurred by tears of rage, the pilots hurl their ships in deadly spirals into the lethal crossfire, while swearing to...

yeah whatever

In the emptiness of Pristine system, a huge cloud of little shiny glittering dots indicate that a space war is going on. Oooh how futile this is, in contrast with the immensity of space. Sometimes I wonder, sometimes. I wonder. Like. Dunno.

all right not my best flavor day

HijacK has 0 vote.
Vitek has 2 votes (Robbeasy and also Dedoporno).
Trentonlf has 0 vote.
Robbeasy has 1 vote (CSPVG).
Yogsloth has 0 vote.
Mrkgnao has 0 vote.
Sage103082 has 0 vote.
Krypsyn has 0 vote.
DarkoD13 has 0 vote.
CSPVG has 0 vote.
Dedoporno has 0 vote.

Deadline in in five hours. No it isn't. Just kiddin'.

With 11 players, it takes 6 votes to get a lynch.
Psst, hey most awesome moderator just an fyi, Krypsyn has one vote from me, but I'll keep it quiet if you want ;-)
trentonlf: Psst, hey most awesome moderator just an fyi, Krypsyn has one vote from me, but I'll keep it quiet if you want ;-)

oh found it, nevermind. and it wasn't even lost in a textwall. yay.

Also, what's it with all the players having turned into wallposting nonvoting telikas ? I'm starting to see it as a deliberate collective parody.
Post edited October 28, 2014 by Telika
HijacK: Back on topic now: Mrk is definitely an interesting development player wise. One of you (don't remember who and searching for the post at this hour is cruelty to my sleep) has said that Mrk appears to play differently than he did in previous games. If I remember correctly, it was on a tone full of suspicion.
That was trentonlf in his by-now-famous post #703.

As for your post. You seem to be caught up in WIFOM hell, where everything is possible, so everybody ends being equally unsuspicious or not. Not a good place to be, for that's where scum live, hedging all their bets.

But most important of all, and I hope this reaches you before you meet that girl, otherwise disaster may ensue.
Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once: Etimology is not a joking matter!
We young girls take our linguistics seriously.
Malevolent derives from Latin (via Old French), "male" (ill, evil) + "volentem" (willing, wishing), i.e. ill-willing, evil-wishing.
Oh no! What have I done?!
mrkgnao: Oh no! What have I done?!
Yeah, I was writing a witty response to that, you beat me to it. :D