yoglsoth - From "I'm sure he's scum!" to "You're an idiot!", our California based resident seems to have been granted more titles than probably a few of us combined.
Not much to go on about him. I don't think he's scum, in spite of the awkward and occasionally "meh whatever" or "oh no, you didn't" behavior. However I think he is way over thinking things and often losing the track of his thoughts. His theories and plans and what not remind me of adalia in game #23. For those that haven't followed the Hospital quicktopic, I really didn't agree with adalia on many points. The theories did't seem plausible. Kinda over thinking things, sometimes taking them to the extreme so much that the thought pattern of these plans is a convoluted mess.
DarkoD13 - Because yellowish green is not greenish yellow! #Dealwithit!
So far Darko is literally the one player that has been off the hook. No slips, no misplays, no nothing. Everything seems calculated. Way too calculated. What is this? Some evil plot put in motion by Telika? No more gay marriage discussions, please! Back on topic now. Right. Darko. Yeah. His questioning has been substantial so far. Wasn't afraid to share his thoughts. Most of his posts seem to genuinely investigate, not to look just for slips. From neutral to town. Fascinating player. Of course, this is the first time ever I talk to him, let alone play with him, so as far as my knowledge and information of him goes, well....it's nada! Not there. Non-existent. So right now I am very carefully observing him. Both for this game and for future games.
Mrkgnao - A.K.A. Mr. GoGo or Mrk. Our relentless MaGOG dev. Is it wrong if I thought you were a young girl at first? No, it's not. You know? I'd totally be fascinated by a girl that does programming. If she's a game dev, I'm sold! In other news, did you know the word malevolent has male and violent as roots? Freaking sexism, I tell you!
Back on topic now: Mrk is definitely an interesting development player wise. One of you (don't remember who and searching for the post at this hour is cruelty to my sleep) has said that Mrk appears to play differently than he did in previous games. If I remember correctly, it was on a tone full of suspicion. I'll say that I do not share in that suspicion. A compelling reason for my choice of action is because early in the game Mrk mentioned that he took to heart some of the criticism brought up in the Observer thread of game #23 and that he is trying to become a better player. Is he a better player. I don't really see major progress towards that. There may be some, but we are also too early to discuss this, and let's not forget evolution is sometimes a trial and error type of ladder. As for his posts, his speech patterns are a bit changed. This time he encompasses a more calculated persona. He no longer rushes with a role claim, as a matter of fact attempts to draw away attention from our ship models, which wins him town points because if the correct algorithm of the ship models is broken, then scum would literally have all the info they need to win the game. So far so good. I am inclined to put him as a townie, but as we all know it, this is a game of teamwork and deceit. Ironic. We shall see how things go.
Robbeasy - Roby! My favorite drinking buddy! Joking. That's totally Dischord, even though we never drank anything together, I am straight edge with the exception of an addiction to adrenaline, and in spite of having the legal age to drink int he entirety of Europe, I cannot do so in US.
Fun guy! Let's just all take a chill pill because we all know there ain't nobody quite like HijacK.
Now onto the serious business at hand: Rob is probably by far the one player where I am unsure of anything. To my shame, I initially didn't think much thought to the "Do you see why I'm doing this?" comment, but after being pointed out a theory about it, I began to be suspicious. While it definitely sounds strange, the interaction between him and adalia hasn't been consistent enough to warrant a vote. His early posts in the game were interesting, a bit towny. He then took a turn with the question posted to adalia, and now it's something of a neutral thing since he's defending his view against Mrk's accusations. You can't really blame anyone for defending themselves. Outside of the fact a dedo vs Vitek or trent vs yog type of conflict almost ensued between Mrk and Rob, nothing is really worth nothing. There is nothing solid on him to point scum. Nothing solid. However, as we know, in nature matter passes from liquid to solid, or from liquid to gas (and then plasma, a highly ionized state, but that's besides the point), thus further investigation is required.
CSPVG - Chinese Secret Police Video Game? Did I get it? Damn, those acronyms. I'm also getting a bit sleepy.
Alright. CSPVG is possibly the one player which I find to be way too much in the dark. And what's interesting is that he put himself in unneeded danger even in the few posts he has made, unless he's scum. I really want to elaborate this discussion further, however what I want to attempt is a risky play, and I don't want to do so without a good portion of those here agreeing upon proceeding further. I'll leave it to debate for now, but do me a favor and don't think too much of it as even I am still calculating various possibilities, scenarios and taking in consideration even improbable variables.
Telika - No intro needed! Definitely scum. Ultimate thread troll derailer. Must be lynched! ASAP!
And now, I kept the best for last:
HijacK - Even if I began to tell you about myself, you'd either get bored, don't understand it, or don't have enough time to hear about it. But hey, if you wanna chat, you can always join my almost weekly TWAG sessions! Speaking of which, haven't hosted one in like a month.
So that's it for now. For some of you this might be a huge post of nothing, and for good reason. The thing is, I have nothing solid. Game progresses slow and nobody makes mistakes, at least not big enough ones to be worth building a case on. This being said, we must find scum, not cases, so we must looked beyond one's interactions and choices, but to the overall picture of their role. I'll elaborate further, but now I must got to sleep.