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DarkoD13: We're obviously reading those differently. He said CSPVG is lurky, but he mentioned several times that that seems to be his playstyle.
Well, my reading is obviously coloured by our knowing that he was scum, so I view each innuendo as scum trying to spread doubt. In my book calling someone lurky is negative, regardless of apologies.

DarkoD13: I'm also trying to find a post where he tried to throw some dirt on flub.
I didn't find any. He flagged him as pro-town in #276.

DarkoD13: Anyway, it would probably be better if your post was a bit more analytical in that aspect, I don't find the "mostly" generalization very helpful.
The reason I chose to write only a brief summary is because, as I said, I found little of interest in his posts.

DarkoD13: I'd actually urge everyone to double and triple-check for accuracy everything being posted at the moment, including my bandwagon post.
I will.
At risk of derailing what we can glean from adalia’s flops on CPSVG and others I’m going to play an important card now, as I’m not sure how much more time I will today.

I don't think we should easily dismiss the possibility of four scum in the game.

The principal reason is not just adalia's slip in that regard... but rather the fact that this game was originally designed as an 11-person setup. Telika revised it after there was so much interest that it looked like several interested parties would be left out.

If you already had an established setup you had spent days/weeks/whatever crafting, and last moment you decided to add two new players, what would you add? Additional power roles, I think, are unlikely. This ties back to my very first "real" post way back at the start of day 1. Nobody else appears to have even considered this, and it was one of the first things that occurred to me even before the game started! It seems far more likely that as moderator, you would just add two new vanilla, as that is least likely to upset the careful balance you originally strived to create. If you have a role madness game, that's a very tough game to balance, and I don't think you comb the wiki for two unused roles to add as additional power at the last moment.

So you add vanilla. But which two vanilla? Two more town? Put yourself in those mod shoes again. Perhaps you do this, or perhaps you add one of each. If you think that your balance of 8/3 is unfair to change to 10/3 and overpowers town, I think you strongly consider making one of your two new adds a vanilla scum.

I say this now because it bears reminding just how badly day 1 went for scum:
- They lost a lynch day one. This by itself is rare.
- They lost a power role. I don’t think I'm ruining any secret to point out there must be a doctor in town, because that is the counter-balance to the strongman. Without a doctor in the game, there would be no benefit to strongman, and now town has an active power role that can’t be counteracted.
- Town only lost one player. Either there is no vigilante, serial killer, etc., or they didn't succeed, or they didn't act.
- Town’s loss was vanilla. Whatever other power roles town has are still in play.

That’s not even considering yet how much we may glean from adalia’s posts, which I still believe is more than nothing, and I don't wish to derail that conversation.

So the one “pocket ace” that may be left to scum is the possibility we overlook a 4th member. I am not saying I’m convinced this is the case – just that we absolutely must be aware of it and not dismiss it out of hand.

Now add in adalia’s slip to that effect and his oddball back-pedal. In my opinion, while this may not bear as heavily here in day two where we have multiple scum to hunt regardless, it will be important to keep in mind in successive days.
DarkoD13: I'd actually urge everyone to double and triple-check for accuracy everything being posted at the moment, including my bandwagon post.
Checked you bandwagon summary. Looks fine.
I tried to remember where the large gaps in time were between votes (hard to say without time stamps on the posts).
I remember there was a large gap in time between Robbeasy (vote #1) and mrkgnao (vote #2), as well as between yogsloth (#3) and trentonlf (#4). Not sure beyond that.
Just re-reading my monster post above and realizing how badly written part of it was. Sorry.

1st paragraph: I'm not sure how much more time I will be online today

4th paragraph: I'm not suggesting this is a role madness game. I was suggesting the opposite.
dedoporno: flub listed 5 suspects at the time of his posts and he didn't seem to wander off afterwards

Vitek – leaning scum due to coy posts and deliberate lurking; also unwilling to engage all players.
Trentonlf –null to scum due to recent alarmist posting and Vanilla Ice support
Adaliabooks-null to scum due to a lack of real engagement of other players and what seems to be a bit of unease when challenged
Krypsyn- leaning scum due to “just observing things from here” and a deliberate lurking
DarkoD13-leaning scum due to lack of engaging players and lurking

It's most likely at least two of these are Town. That leaves 3 probable Mafia players. One of them was confirmed Mafia.
I don't understand. Why do you assume there are "3 probable Mafia players" among these five?
yogsloth: At risk of derailing what we can glean from adalia’s flops on CPSVG and others I’m going to play an important card now, as I’m not sure how much more time I will today.

I don't think we should easily dismiss the possibility of four scum in the game.

The principal reason is not just adalia's slip in that regard... but rather the fact that this game was originally designed as an 11-person setup. Telika revised it after there was so much interest that it looked like several interested parties would be left out.

If you already had an established setup you had spent days/weeks/whatever crafting, and last moment you decided to add two new players, what would you add? Additional power roles, I think, are unlikely. This ties back to my very first "real" post way back at the start of day 1. Nobody else appears to have even considered this, and it was one of the first things that occurred to me even before the game started! It seems far more likely that as moderator, you would just add two new vanilla, as that is least likely to upset the careful balance you originally strived to create. If you have a role madness game, that's a very tough game to balance, and I don't think you comb the wiki for two unused roles to add as additional power at the last moment.

So you add vanilla. But which two vanilla? Two more town? Put yourself in those mod shoes again. Perhaps you do this, or perhaps you add one of each. If you think that your balance of 8/3 is unfair to change to 10/3 and overpowers town, I think you strongly consider making one of your two new adds a vanilla scum.

I say this now because it bears reminding just how badly day 1 went for scum:
- They lost a lynch day one. This by itself is rare.
- They lost a power role. I don’t think I'm ruining any secret to point out there must be a doctor in town, because that is the counter-balance to the strongman. Without a doctor in the game, there would be no benefit to strongman, and now town has an active power role that can’t be counteracted.
- Town only lost one player. Either there is no vigilante, serial killer, etc., or they didn't succeed, or they didn't act.
- Town’s loss was vanilla. Whatever other power roles town has are still in play.

That’s not even considering yet how much we may glean from adalia’s posts, which I still believe is more than nothing, and I don't wish to derail that conversation.

So the one “pocket ace” that may be left to scum is the possibility we overlook a 4th member. I am not saying I’m convinced this is the case – just that we absolutely must be aware of it and not dismiss it out of hand.

Now add in adalia’s slip to that effect and his oddball back-pedal. In my opinion, while this may not bear as heavily here in day two where we have multiple scum to hunt regardless, it will be important to keep in mind in successive days.
I feel I should respond since it took a lot of effort to write that, but my response is that i'm not touching a mafia-size discussion with a 10-foot pole. As a general rule, it's never over until it's over, you know?

mrkgnao: I didn't find any. He flagged him as pro-town in #276.
Nevermind, I was thinking of this, but I misremembered the content and somehow attributed it to adalia.
mrkgnao: I don't understand. Why do you assume there are "3 probable Mafia players" among these five?
I don't. You seem to be missing the order of my train (wink to adaliabooks) of thought. What I meant was that at least 2 of the 5 should be townies. This means no more than 3 of them can be mafia. Adaliabooks flipped mafia. This means no more than 2 of the remaining people on the list may be Mafia.

Anyway, my point wasn't to point out obvious statistics, but to point out that it's possible flub had more than 1 Mafia in his list which may have been uncomfortable for their faction and that may have been among the reasons to take him out first.

Note that unlike yogsloth I never considered the possibility of a fourth mafia player so my calculations didn't account for that. I'm still not sure what to think of it, but there isn't much I can do about it right now.

I hope I made some sense :)

Why do you think flub was NKed?
dedoporno: To me it would be interesting to know why the people who withheld from voting adaliabooks did so.
I left my dissection of his posts speak for itself. I was unsure if he was scum, maybe because how badly he played it, but I was sure he had to be lynched after a thorough analysis no whatsoever benefit of leaving him alive was in sight.
I'm at least somewhat pleased with the result.
dedoporno: Anyway, my point wasn't to point out obvious statistics, but to point out that it's possible flub had more than 1 Mafia in his list which may have been uncomfortable for their faction and that may have been among the reasons to take him out first.
Since you have played as mafia in the past, is that something that you would consider a priority when looking for an NK target?
HijacK: I left my dissection of his posts speak for itself. I was unsure if he was scum, maybe because how badly he played it, but I was sure he had to be lynched after a thorough analysis no whatsoever benefit of leaving him alive was in sight.
I'm at least somewhat pleased with the result.
You were sure he needed to be lynched... so you didn't vote to lynch?

Gee, glad you're at least somewhat pleased we nabbed a scum. lulz.

I actually wanted to ask you about this:

HijacK: Thoughts time:

I don't think adalia is scum because Flub literally had to interrogate him about his role. The day could have ended right then and there with a hammer, and we wouldn't have found out about his role in time, so while I'll agree that the possibility of his role claim could be a ruse still exists, I think it is very unlikely.
Wow, were you off base. You actually weren’t “unsure” if he was scum, you clearly felt he was town, and bought the role claim in one swallow as well. What do you suppose went so wrong in your analysis?
DarkoD13: Since you have played as mafia in the past, is that something that you would consider a priority when looking for an NK target?
I don't know if you have played Ultimate werewolf (the non-forum version of the game I play with friends), but it goes a lot more differently there - face is a lot faster, there isn't enough time or patience to take your time in thinking and making a case. The games are rarely longer than 20-30 minutes.

So, I don't have an answer to you question since I haven't been in that situation so far. Why does this bother you that much? Would you rather scratch everything flub ever wrote only because it was D1 stuff and never look back? I haven't pointed my finger at you if this is why you are frowning at what I wrote. As a matter of fact you are the least suspicious of his list as far as I'm concerned.
dedoporno: Why do you think flub was NKed?
My guess would be some combination of:
1) He was behaving a bit too responsibly
2) His vanilla avatar
3) No reason to assume he would be protected by a doctor
dedoporno: I don't know if you have played Ultimate werewolf (the non-forum version of the game I play with friends), but it goes a lot more differently there - face is a lot faster, there isn't enough time or patience to take your time in thinking and making a case. The games are rarely longer than 20-30 minutes.

So, I don't have an answer to you question since I haven't been in that situation so far. Why does this bother you that much? Would you rather scratch everything flub ever wrote only because it was D1 stuff and never look back? I haven't pointed my finger at you if this is why you are frowning at what I wrote. As a matter of fact you are the least suspicious of his list as far as I'm concerned.
I've only played as scum once in a forum game. The biggest priority was hitting a power role without being detected. Failing to find a power role or feeling we would be watched killing them, we went for targets we believed were generally perceived as town or hadn't contributed much. Checking people's scumlists was the least of our worries, even when those included us. The only suggestion of WIFOM killing that I remember (from SirPrimalForm if I'm not mistaken) involved pinning a murder on someone the target had claimed he would investigate. Again, that was an added bonus to killing a power role (even though we didn't go through with it fearing watchers). I may have to re-read that quicktopic.

Maybe we played it wrong, but I just can't help raising an eyebrow when you say that mafia would kill someone just because he included them in a Day 1 scumlist. It would have been easier to accept if you had only ever played as town, but then again I haven't played a non-forum version of the game.

Also, like I've said, I do believe Vitek is scum, but not because flub included him in a reads' post.

dedoporno: Would you rather scratch everything flub ever wrote only because it was D1 stuff and never look back?
Yeah, pretty much. Too WIFOMy for my taste.
Howdy folks - I've not been able to reread quite as much as i would like on Adalias day one posts, but I've read enough to do this

vote trentonlf

Gets on Adalia early - no worries voting for a fellow scum when the wagon is that small.

Then - ooops, looks like a lynch is likely, gets off quickly, with no real reason.
DarkoD13: The only suggestion of WIFOM killing that I remember (from SirPrimalForm if I'm not mistaken) involved pinning a murder on someone the target had claimed he would investigate. Again, that was an added bonus to killing a power role (even though we didn't go through with it fearing watchers). I may have to re-read that quicktopic.
Reading some parts of it again, so much claiming in that game. There were more instances of that kind of thinking, from myself as well. We were interested in keeping existing fights going, but, again, killing power roles/leaving zero info to town was the priority. We failed, but whatever.