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CSPVG: Shouldn't yog rather reiterate his reasons for suspecting books, rather than just shrugging and saying,"Well, let's see how this goes." Especially since books already had two votes to his name at this point. It seems as if yog was just trying to slide onto the vote wagon without much fuss.
This is a fair question, and deserves a straightforward response.

My suspicion of adalia began back in post #208. This was long after I asked for peoples’ opinions on the nature of the current game. After I did that, a number of folks asked the question of what my motivation might have been for asking such a question. That’s good, and expected town behavior. Sometime later, however, Adalia says this about my original post:

adaliabooks: trying to push us out of RVS, perhaps to make us vote foolishly and lynch a townie?
That didn’t sit well with me, as my original post was so early in the game – with literally zero serious posting before that – that I couldn’t make this connection from a town perspective. Asking about my motivation? Yes, you should do that. Assuming a simple question so early in the game is so nefarious? To me, this is scum trying early to frame and deflect.

Still, I needed to ping these suspicions off of other players before I moved forward. I was not alone in poking Adalia a bit after that, and certainly not alone in dissatisfaction with his responses.

Admittedly, we are still in day #1, with comparably little to go on – but this is the best lead I feel I have. Once I saw two other votes on the table – and users like dedo and flub also moving scumwards in their assessment of adalia – I felt more secure in my own suspicions.

Note that I feel answering your question as I have done is also risky, as it could very well paint a nightkill target on my back. Such are the risks we take.

That’s where I’m at. How do you feel, CSPVG?
There's one part of your answer to CSPVG I did not understand:

yogsloth: Note that I feel answering your question as I have done is also risky, as it could very well paint a nightkill target on my back. Such are the risks we take.
Why would it paint a nightkill target on you?
Yapping too much.
yogsloth: Yapping too much.
There are others who yap as well. I don't think you should be so concerned. If adalia gets lynched and he is really scum I don't see why you would stand out so much. The only guy you really pushed will be already dead.
yogsloth: Yapping too much.
Is this in answer to my question?
yogsloth: Yapping too much.
mrkgnao: Is this in answer to my question?
Er, yes sorry. Forgot to hit "reply".
yogsloth: Admittedly, we are still in day #1, with comparably little to go on – but this is the best lead I feel I have. Once I saw two other votes on the table – and users like dedo and flub also moving scumwards in their assessment of adalia – I felt more secure in my own suspicions.
What do you mean "users like dedo and flub", what exactly are they using?
mrkgnao: Is this in answer to my question?
yogsloth: Er, yes sorry. Forgot to hit "reply".
No sweat.

Anyhow, in the last two games, I don't remember even one person being night-killed for over-yapping (certainly not the night #1 kills, JMich and Robbeasy).

If we wait long enough, I'm sure Vitek will prepare a detailed table (perhaps even a graph?) of number of yaps vs. being night-killed (or not) in all 23 preceding games.
yogsloth: Admittedly, we are still in day #1, with comparably little to go on – but this is the best lead I feel I have. Once I saw two other votes on the table – and users like dedo and flub also moving scumwards in their assessment of adalia – I felt more secure in my own suspicions.
trentonlf: What do you mean "users like dedo and flub", what exactly are they using?
I believe it has been already determined that flub is using Maker's Mark (see his post #306). Intravenously, I would suspect.
mrkgnao: I believe it has been already determined that flub is using Maker's Mark (see his post #306). Intravenously, I would suspect.
Well that is a given. Maybe we should send him some Wild Turkey to see if he likes it lol ;)
yogsloth: I miss Krypsyn. Remember that guy? That guy was cool.
I don't know any cool guys named Krypsyn. Sorry.

yogsloth: I wonder what he's up to these days?
Crusader Kings 2. It pretty much devoured my life yesterday. Long story short, my king had 3 daughters (no sons) and those daughters also refused to have sons (seriously, RNG, WTF). So, many succession crises laughs were had by all. Much assassinating was accomplished. The kingdom was saved.

I attempted to come on here to write up a post of my reads late last night, but I was dead tired. I got halfway through a list, then realized I would need to reread the thread the crystallize my impressions of some folks. That is my plan for today. I should have that post up later.
flubbucket: Earth shattering revelations!!!!! YES!! Those always happen on Day One, y'know like that BS mrkgnao was alluding to early on....the Vitek thingy
mrkgnao: Which one are you referring to?
Well if you are going to be coy as well.....

I will point you back to post #160 where you asked Vitek whether you should tell why you think he was town or should you wait.

It implies knowledge not known to town yet known to you.
mrkgnao: Which one are you referring to?
flubbucket: Well if you are going to be coy as well.....

I will point you back to post #160 where you asked Vitek whether you should tell why you think he was town or should you wait.

It implies knowledge not known to town yet known to you.
It's not coyness, it's just that it's been such a long day #1 and I've said such a lot of things (hopefully not all BS) that it was hard for me to differentiate which one you were talking about.

Moreover, that specific one had nothing to do with extra knowledge, it was just that I wasn't sure that Vitek would appreciate my disrupting his scum-trapping attempts (like I later inadvertently did with Krypsyn, in posts #274, #278). I thought I made it clear enough in posts #160 and #172, but since both you and Sage (in post #179) have misunderstood my meaning, I shall attempt to be less circumspect in the future.
flubbucket: Well if you are going to be coy as well.....

I will point you back to post #160 where you asked Vitek whether you should tell why you think he was town or should you wait.

It implies knowledge not known to town yet known to you.
mrkgnao: It's not coyness, it's just that it's been such a long day #1 and I've said such a lot of things (hopefully not all BS) that it was hard for me to differentiate which one you were talking about.

Moreover, that specific one had nothing to do with extra knowledge, it was just that I wasn't sure that Vitek would appreciate my disrupting his scum-trapping attempts (like I later inadvertently did with Krypsyn, in posts #274, #278). I thought I made it clear enough in posts #160 and #172, but since both you and Sage (in post #179) have misunderstood my meaning, I shall attempt to be less circumspect in the future.
Truly, her bringing it up and you not addressing her concerns does nothing to alleviate the scumminess of it all. One could make a connection between you and her in the sense she's showing you an error while allowing herself to be able to use this as bussing material should you become toxic.

But that's ridiculous.....right???
mrkgnao: I believe it has been already determined that flub is using Maker's Mark (see his post #306). Intravenously, I would suspect.
trentonlf: Well that is a given. Maybe we should send him some Wild Turkey to see if he likes it lol ;)
Wild Turkey is Krypsyn's drink.