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Flub must be bored out of his mind watching us.

In case this got lost:

trentonlf: ...
Without giving away the whole description of your role, since you need to keep in mind that others may attempt to claim vanilla in the future, could you give me the very first word Telika uses to describe your role? The very first word beneath the name of your role and only that.
Telika: ...
Can we have a vote count please?

re-posted because I forgot to bold it.
Been all day at a boardgame meetup, but I see activity hasn't been too hectic.
Since two peole have joined my vote on Robbeasy (HijacK and dedoporno), my vote remains on him.

Like Darko, I too cannot understand the logic behind the argument that we will learn something by lynching a random target and analysing his readings. We didn't learn much anything of value from either adalia's or flub's readings. What's different now?

If I may suggest a brief exercise to show the validity of this argument (or lack thereof):
1) @HijacK, why don't you publish a short list of your current readings and let Robbeasy tell us what he will learn from this if you flip town and if you flip scum.
2) @Krypsyn, why don't you publish a short list of your current readings and let yogsloth tell us what he will learn from this if you flip town and if you flip scum.

Additionally, @Sage, in #1623 you raise several points that cast doubt on Robbeasy (including those dreaded words: "very scummy"), then you do not vote for him, but rather for Krypsyn; can you please explain your logic?

Red herring of the day: Flubbucket has a new avatar with the #625 on it. I believe I missed one (#1230?). Sorry, flub, I hope it wasn't the one that reveals it all.
mrkgnao: Additionally, @Sage, in #1623 you raise several points that cast doubt on Robbeasy (including those dreaded words: "very scummy"), then you do not vote for him, but rather for Krypsyn; can you please explain your logic?
Both are on my scum list. I think the one thing that keeps sticking out is the vote on books from Rob. Also I was hoping his post about lynching Hijack was meant to see something (from someone response or reaction to it) as compared to being his true feelings. I did state in my post I will vote for Rob if it comes to it. If nothing changed between tonight and tomorrow I will move my vote.
mrkgnao: 1) @HijacK, why don't you publish a short list of your current readings and let Robbeasy tell us what he will learn from this if you flip town and if you flip scum.
I'll need to re-read some of this thread to give a better analysis, but right now I am stuck with homework so expect a post from me regarding your request some time 5 to 7 PM tomorrow after I'm done with school and some personal business.
DarkoD13: Flub must be bored out of his mind watching us.

In case this got lost:

trentonlf: ...
DarkoD13: Without giving away the whole description of your role, since you need to keep in mind that others may attempt to claim vanilla in the future, could you give me the very first word Telika uses to describe your role? The very first word beneath the name of your role and only that.
Sorry I missed this the first time somehow.
mrkgnao: snip....

Like Darko, I too cannot understand the logic behind the argument that we will learn something by lynching a random target and analysing his readings. We didn't learn much anything of value from either adalia's or flub's readings. What's different now?

And a bandwagon forms - knew and expected it to, pleas make sure you note who is on it when.

As for the highlighted above - are you having a laugh?!

1) I'm not advocating a random target, please stop putting words into my mouth that I haven't once said. massive scum points for doing so.

2) Analysing lynches, going back and rereading posts after learning the alignment, looking at bandwagon patterns - ITS ALL WE'VE GOT!! Apologies for shouting, but everybody appears to be missing the point here - yes, there is ALWAYS a certain amount of WIFOM with any analysis and any theories, but you HAVE to base them on some sort of fact, otherwise its nothing but complete subjective bullshit.

The Mafia today have done an excellent job of dissecting ANY theory based on simple analysis of FACTS. I've tried a couple and got nowhere. So my final suggestion, to try to pull together a lynch so we at least have some pertinent information to go on tomorrow, is again pulled apart and the Mafia continue to laugh their socks off.

So be it.

I see no harm in doing this now, as it appears to make no difference to anyone how much actual information is out there, you will all just talk your way to a Mafia win anyway. I despair people, I really do.

I am Spoon, Town Vanilla. I pilot the Robbeasy, a standard issue Iniurfas Mark II fighterbomber.

My scum picks are :

Mrkgnao - I've tried to ignore the blatant chasing of me, but I can't any longer. You're going to have some fast talking to do when I flip town.

Sage - still not happy with the confirmation / stories brought into things with Hijack

HijacK - same reason. Not completely happy with the claim, role cop is the weakest of roles.

Neutral -

Vitek - disappeared.

Dedoporno - happy to jump on a neutral wagon, happy to follow on without any real thought into it.

DarkoD13 - at least questioning things, but nothing really pro-town

Krypsyn - some good analytical posts after a long absence early on, but then was chased by people saying he had posted 'oddly'

Leaning Town -

Yogsloth - one of the few at least agreeing we need to pull together, even if he picked a different target.

Trent - also trying to get us together, and at least acknowledging the logic of what I am trying to do.

CSPVG - somewhat of a free pass due to un-counterclaimed role. Note to self - dangerous to think of CSPVG completely cleared, but assumptions have to be made in a game of Mafia.

At least by my posting and accruing of votes I can fulfil the aim I've been trying for - I've not been the most active but you'll all have some rereading to do if I am lynched.
Robbeasy: I am Spoon, Town Vanilla. I pilot the Robbeasy, a standard issue Iniurfas Mark II fighterbomber.
A third potential Vanilla Townie? Ughhh...
Fun fact : the first one who asks me to postpone the deadline after having kept whining about a too long day gets insta-smashed between two comets.

HijacK has 1 vote (Robbeasy).
Vitek has 1 vote (DarkoD13).
Robbeasy has 3 votes (Mrkgnao, Dedoporno, Hijack).
Yogsloth has 1 vote (Krypsyn).
Krypsyn has 3 votes (Trentonlf, Yogsloth, Sage103082).

Mrkgnao, Sage103082, DarkoD13, CSPVG , Dedoporno have 0 vote.

Vitek, CSPVG cast no vote.

Robbeasy L-3
Krypsyn L-3
Nolynch D-6
Post edited November 10, 2014 by Telika
Telika: snip
Pfff, you missed my vote. :P
Robbeasy: 1) I'm not advocating a random target, please stop putting words into my mouth that I haven't once said. massive scum points for doing so.
Ironic since this is coming from the guy who twists facts.

Robbeasy: The Mafia today have done an excellent job of dissecting ANY theory based on simple analysis of FACTS. I've tried a couple and got nowhere. So my final suggestion, to try to pull together a lynch so we at least have some pertinent information to go on tomorrow, is again pulled apart and the Mafia continue to laugh their socks off.
Stop praising yourself, will you?

Robbeasy: Neutral -

Vitek - disappeared.
Oh! So now we give free neutral passes to people who disappear! What a REVELATION!

Robbeasy: At least by my posting and accruing of votes I can fulfil the aim I've been trying for - I've not been the most active but you'll all have some rereading to do if I am lynched.
You know what? I bet we will. For the last 3 posts you seem to behave more and more like adalia before the wagon was close to finalizing, and I don't like that type of behavior. Smells like despair to me.

Also, may I ask why are you ignoring the questions you have been asked by Mrk? All you do is fill posts and deviate discussions. "The Mafia today have done an excellent job of dissecting ANY theory based on simple analysis of FACTS." Nah. I think you've done an excellent job by deviating discussions.
Post edited November 10, 2014 by HijacK
The edit elves are on their way...;)

I can confirm first post was just where he said 'pfft - missed my vote' - no shenanigans going on
HijacK: Post edited 7 minutes ago by HijacK
You suddenly all hear a huge high-pitched scream in your comms channel, emitted from the Hijack. To the horror of its pilot, the ship has hurled itself through a huge drifting ball of space rhinowhale mucus, covering itself in a sticky greenish goo and dragging long flabbing threads of snort in its wake. No way to clean it off during the battle, and even hangar technicians might prove unable to ever scratch off this dreaded substance. It is a traditional space pilot's nightmare come true, that will surely stay attached to his name even longer than to his hull. Still, it is also a reminder that there could have been even worse things to collide with, and the pilot firmly decides to be much more careful with his navigation from now on...
Telika: snip
HijacK: Pfff, you missed my vote. :P
Robbeasy: 1) I'm not advocating a random target, please stop putting words into my mouth that I haven't once said. massive scum points for doing so.
HijacK: Ironic since this is coming from the guy who twists facts.

Robbeasy: The Mafia today have done an excellent job of dissecting ANY theory based on simple analysis of FACTS. I've tried a couple and got nowhere. So my final suggestion, to try to pull together a lynch so we at least have some pertinent information to go on tomorrow, is again pulled apart and the Mafia continue to laugh their socks off.
HijacK: Stop praising yourself, will you?

Robbeasy: Neutral -

Vitek - disappeared.
HijacK: Oh! So now we give free neutral passes to people who disappear! What a REVELATION!

Robbeasy: At least by my posting and accruing of votes I can fulfil the aim I've been trying for - I've not been the most active but you'll all have some rereading to do if I am lynched.
HijacK: You know what? I bet we will. For the last 3 posts you seem to behave more and more like adalia before the wagon was close to finalizing, and I don't like that type of behavior. Smells like despair to me.

Also, may I ask why are you ignoring the questions you have been asked by Mrk? All you do is fill posts and deviate discussions. "The Mafia today have done an excellent job of dissecting ANY theory based on simple analysis of FACTS." Nah. I think you've done an excellent job by deviating discussions.
1) Not twisted facts - used them to come up with theories, but never twisted them into falsehoods

2) Praise - where's the praise? My theories are there to be pulled down , just as any others are. Im just trying to state I've actually used stuff we know ( bandwagon, voting patterns etc) instead of subjective BS - like 'you are acting just like Adalia did'

3) Yes - lurkiness is suspect, but the pace of this game means a couple of days away isn't necessarily a massive thing. See what I mean by bringing other things in, fragmenting discussion...

4) And I haven't ignored anything from mrk - my last few posts have adequately explained my stance, my view on everyone, and my reasons for doing it.
mrkgnao: Like Darko, I too cannot understand the logic behind the argument that we will learn something by lynching a random target and analysing his readings. We didn't learn much anything of value from either adalia's or flub's readings. What's different now?
Robbeasy: 1) I'm not advocating a random target, please stop putting words into my mouth that I haven't once said. massive scum points for doing so.
You are right. My use of the word "random" was poorly chosen. A better phrase would have read "I too cannot understand the logic behind the argument that we will learn something by lynching a specific target that does not necessarily look scummy or scummiest".

Robbeasy: 2) Analysing lynches, going back and rereading posts after learning the alignment, looking at bandwagon patterns - ITS ALL WE'VE GOT!! Apologies for shouting, but everybody appears to be missing the point here - yes, there is ALWAYS a certain amount of WIFOM with any analysis and any theories, but you HAVE to base them on some sort of fact, otherwise its nothing but complete subjective bullshit.
This applies equally well to every one of us. Why did you pick HijacK? If I am not mistaken, at the moment you are the only one who has him as scum. Most others have him as neutral or town (I can't be sure of that because not everyone has posted their exact thoughts after HijacK's claim). So basically you are recommending to lynch HijacK, whom you find scummy, not by making a case about his scumminess (beyond the vague "Not completely happy with the claim, role cop is the weakest of roles"), but by pointing out that lynching him specifically would somehow reveal the most information, yet failing, as far as I can see, to explain why you believe it is so.

BTW, HijacK did not claim "role cop". He claimed "flavour cop" (or as some people would have it, "flavor cop", for reasons that are beyond me. Perhaps they dislike "u". I do not.). Do you have any reason to assume he is a role cop?

Robbeasy: Mrkgnao - I've tried to ignore the blatant chasing of me, but I can't any longer. You're going to have some fast talking to do when I flip town.
If I am not mistaken your only argument so far for listing me as scum is that I have been chasing you. Is that correct? Could you please point me to other arguments you have made in the past? Do you think that chasing players one believes may well be scum is an attribute one would neceassarily associate with scum?

Robbeasy: 4) And I haven't ignored anything from mrk - my last few posts have adequately explained my stance, my view on everyone, and my reasons for doing it.
I may well have missed your replies, for which I apologise. Could you please direct me to your answers to the questions (or implied questions) I have posed [note: I do not think that post #1605 is an adequate answer, I see it as merely a restatement of #1597]:

1) #1598: "In post #1451, you offered a gradient list of the five non-adalia-voters (scum to town). You listed HijacK fourth, second only to trentonlf (your towniest). Your summary ends: "So a bit of good and bad from Hijack, neutral". At that point HijacK already had three votes. You did not vote for him, so presumably you did not suspect him that much back then. Since you now suspect him, I presume you do so as a result of his claim. As this seems to be the opposite trajectory that most others (including myself) have taken, perhaps you should explain. You did jot some thoughts in #1517, but not enough for me to figure it out."

2) #1598: " Additionally, could you please elaborate roughly what kind of information you expect to be revealed if he flips town and if he flips scum."

3) #1612: " Yet you do not vote for the only claimed vanilla at this point. You list him as your towniest and vote instead on someone who has a role."

If you deem me unworthy of an answer (for which I can only blame myself and for which I apologise if I have been too brutal in my scum hunting), I believe dedo, yogsloth, HijacK, and Sage have asked you rather similar questions.

While waiting for Robbeasy's reply, my reasons for voting for him are:
(a) The "Can you see why I'm doing this?" argument.
(b) What I see as his attempt to masquerade his wish to lynch HijacK (for whatever reason) as if it's the best choice for the town even if one does not believe HijacK is the scummiest, and failing to offer further explanation (beyond what I consider alarmist tactics).
(c) My inability to find adequate answers from him to questions raised by HijacK, dedoporno, yogsloth, Sage, and myself (I admit this might be a deficiency of mine, which I hope he (or others) will rectify).
(d) His town vanilla claim, which means that if I am wrong, at least we "only" lost a vanilla (this is of course only a significant reason because, as he himself correctly pointed out, the clock is a-ticking).
trentonlf: Sorry I missed this the first time somehow.
Thank you. Is "dogfighting" the last word in that sentence?

I strongly dislike posts of the "lynch me, guys, I don't care, I'm town" variety. I believe it is your duty to stay for as long as you can in the game to help us get scum. That is unless you have solid info that your flipping scum will help verify. Wanting to get lynched in order for us to take your scumlist seriously is weak and anti-town and I am afraid that that's what Rob is doing. His logic behind lynching HijacK also seems weak to me. Dat adalia vote though.
Krypsyn is a more troubling case. He went from no participation to holding on to me with everything he had, even amidst the first round of claiming (CSPVG) and dropped me in the second round (HijacK/Sage). I am not convinced that he is mafia since there are other reasons that could explain his behavior, but between him and Rob he is probably the one I would vote to lynch.
Meanwhile, Vitek remains at 1 vote, chilling, enjoying life, somewhere.