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As you may or may not know, GOG has again subtly changed the format of its game pages, thereby breaking MaGog’s database update feature. I expect to be busy with it for at least a few nights. I don’t want to feel that I am somehow holding us back, so I am taking some time at work to share my updated readings. I am posting only a gradient list with basic arguments as I don’t have at the moment time to quote other posts in full. Please do not fault me for that. If something is not convincing, just ask and I will attempt to clarify.

The events surrounding CSPVG’s wagon and claim have forced me to re-evaluate my stance about quite a few people. I concentrate on these changes.

Executive Summary
- CSPVG moved to strong town
- Vitek and DarkoD13 moved to neutral
- HijacK moved to tend to scum (voted)

Gradient List
Strong Town or Tend to Town
- CSPVG: Pretty much confirmed unless counterclaimed.
- dedoporno: No change.
- yogsloth: No change.

- DarkoD13: His assumptions about the mafia roles had me worried, so I feel a need to re-evaluate. Still he remains the most townish of the neutrals.
- Sage103082: No change.
- Krypsyn: No change.
- Vitek: His handling of the CSPVG affair has been impeccable and I find his posts about it convincing. I do not fault him for voting on CSPVG. His arguments were pretty reasonable, even if I disagreed with them. After the claim, he acted exactly as I would expect a responsible townie to act. On the other hand, I have not forgotten the points raised before by Darko, dedo, Krypsyn and myself, so he’s just back to neutral.

Tend to Scum
- trentonlf: No change, but feeling guilty about it because of his latest plea. Still, there’s his L-1 vote post. I really want to believe him.
- Robbeasy: No change. I must admit that I do look forward to learning what the name of the ship he’s piloting is.
- HijacK: At some point in day #1, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and not compare his behaviour to that of yestergames. I ended day #1 with a rather firm feel of towniness about him. Then came the posts where everybody can be either town or scum. Then came the active role fishing. And finally came the whole series of posts surrounding CSPVG from his vote argument onwards, each raising more alarm bells than the other. Were it anyone else, I would be practically certain he was scum, but with HijacK I can still envision a case where he just might be playing an anti-town game all for himself. Nevertheless, he feels scummy enough for me to vote.

yogsloth: dedoporno - trentonlf - 1375
This is correct, but I would vote either trentonlf or Vitek without too much hesitation. Next in line, a bit down the road may be HijacK. I would consider voting him if things move that way.
mrkgnao: ...
Pff, if Telika's using has another aggressive mafia role I promise I will get a haircut.
dedoporno: Enabling HijacK because I'm nice like that.
Sorry for not posting earlier, dedo. But I had to run to school and you literally posted very soon after I had done that.

Now, on to business. What I wanted to ask before leaving for school was one simple question that may change the way this game goes.

I've never had experience with a Godfather. So I wanted to ask, does a Godfather know when he is scanned? And if he does, does he have any say in what role he may appear as?
mrkgnao: ...
DarkoD13: Pff, if Telika's using has another aggressive mafia role I promise I will get a haircut.
What's an aggressive mafia role? I didn't really read much of game #18.
HijacK: I've never had experience with a Godfather. So I wanted to ask, does a Godfather know when he is scanned? And if he does, does he have any say in what role he may appear as?
In the game where I was cop, no he didn't know I investigated him. The setting was different though.
I investigated his cabin and even though I didn't feel very satisfied, I felt sure that it was the cabin of a person with nothing to hide and that I would look for scum elsewhere.
mrkgnao: VOTE HijacK
Ah, well, that’s a thing.

Is anyone going to think I’m scum if I re-vote back to HijacK at this point, without putting together another encyclopedia-long dissertation on why? No?

Fine then.


DarkoD13: HijacK - Adalia's big Day 1 fight. He baffles me. Probably the one person that has shifted the most on the scumminess meter for me. From an ill-thought strategy to his responses after CSPVG's claim, I'm still struggling to figure out if a scum would after a power role so aggressively. Not that CSPVG doesn't bear a huge part of the blame for his behavior, but still. Why is a doctor out of place in a "space opera" but a paranoid gun owner is OK? I'd probably vote for him at this point.
dedoporno: As a matter of fact, scratch that. I'm not too fond of HijacK anymore, either. Still not as scummy as the top 2 contenders, but I didn't like the whole attitude on putting a target on CSPVG's back for some plan, that we still haven't heard anything else afterwards. Also, it looked weird how after the doctor claim HijacK seemed to bash CSPVG for the smallest thing (the pilot/ship mixup). Almost as if he got a bit too annoyed of that Doctor claim (maybe it put a wrench in the works of his plan) threw at CSPVG whatever was available then and there. Still, not as scummy, but noteworthy to say the least.
Sage103082: Hijack for his reasoning in not being able to read CSPVG as town or scum and how another player played in the last game. I am all for going back and comparing games and seeing what can be learned but to cast your vote because of someone else's game play from another game seems off to me. These are different people and have different play styles, it would be different if Hijack was comparing CSPVG to CSVPG from another game.
Let’s just goddamn do this. Nobody else vote until HijacK has plenty enough time to yell at us that we’re all idiots. If he flips town, and I’ve been wrong this whole time, I’ll take the most amount of heat anyway.
DarkoD13: HijacK - Adalia's big Day 1 fight. He baffles me. Probably the one person that has shifted the most on the scumminess meter for me. From an ill-thought strategy to his responses after CSPVG's claim, I'm still struggling to figure out if a scum would after a power role so aggressively. Not that CSPVG doesn't bear a huge part of the blame for his behavior, but still. Why is a doctor out of place in a "space opera" but a paranoid gun owner is OK? I'd probably vote for him at this point.
Just to correct your post: I never said doctors are not common in space operas. I said doctors heavily armed and very maneuverable are. Care to give an example from your basic space opera that can contradict this?
I would easily vote for Hijack right now as much as I would trent. I am finding both scummy. Both for different game play styles to posts that seem off and reasons for their votes.

Maybe Hijack a bit more:

These are some things from my notes.

post 804 HIJACK - It's call Divide and Conquer. I'll monitor everyone's words and interactions with other people, and when someone has said something that I deem too scumy, that's when I'll strike. Not sooner, not later. Divide and Conquer. As simple as that. (Doesnt it take more then one person to divide??? looked up the math part and it is logical but I still find this a team game and anything other is on the side of scum)

Hijack - post 874 - Let's talk about adalia's scum list. After a few days of thought, I reached the conclusion it's shit! There is no damn scum on that list. At least no evidence that points to this THUS far. Yog -> no way adalia could've been bussing him. For some reason he kept him on his scum list until the end of day 1. Vitek -> the points made against him made no sense. While you may say he tried to slip him on the scum list to gain credibility, seriously who does that day 1 when there is virtually no need to do so due to the lack of information? My take? He just tried to see what sticks and bites. Me -> Well, you'll just have to take my word for it, or see how contradictory adalia's posts were about me. He had no idea what to say. From "different play style -> must monitor" to "not interested, same playstyle as last game -> town" to finally reaching a point where I was dissecting his posts and he's like "100% sure Hijack is scum." Yeah. Coming from someone who had to be forced by a townie to role claim in order to save himself, not sure if that's any solid ground even for an accusation and overly complicated theory. (contradicts himself here. First books would be to smart to vote for a fellow scum day 1 because there is no need too but then turns around and says look at how books was floundering around when it came to me "he had no idea what to say"... smart enough not to vote for a fellow scum but not smart enough to get his posts in line on hijack...)
Also has a plan for CSPVG so no real read on him.. (what plan? No willing to explain plan yet, If you had a plan why state it for CSPVG or was this part of the plan, could have easliy left out plan info and still given a read.. not sure what to think of this plan stuff go over the mention of it when it is brought up again)

Hijack - "I have in mind the suspects that so far look like liabilities" (Scum are all liablities - fellow town are not and should be around to help find the scum - do not like the wording here)
Also mentions - who said anything about a threat to CSPVG? I said a risky play. nothing about any threat or me putting him on my scum list
yogsloth: ...
Yeah, if no one goes for Vitek, probably. I don't see myself voting trent.

mrkgnao: ...
Jailer, strongman, that kind of stuff. I call them aggressive, I don't know if there's an official distinction between those and, for example, flavor-copping. It depends on what the town powers are and how many mafia there are, but I would really be surprised if they had more than the strongman in that aspect. I know that even in game 18, Telika was kind of dissapointed with how fast mafia wiped the floor with us. Of course it was more about them being lucky (they killed the jailer and cop on the first 2 nights) more than them being overpowered.
In fact, in the game where I was scum (not a Telika game), we had a commuter, a flavor cop and semi-vanilla that would fail on his first attempt to kill. Whether or not that was balanced is another issue.

HijacK: Just to correct your post: I never said doctors are not common in space operas. I said doctors heavily armed and very maneuverable are. Care to give an example from your basic space opera that can contradict this?
Would it help if he had claimed that he was the spaceship equivalent of R2-D2? He claimed he escorts ships during the night. Is that implausible?
Do you object to the word "doctor" itself?
yogsloth: Let’s just goddamn do this. Nobody else vote until HijacK has plenty enough time to yell at us that we’re all idiots. If he flips town, and I’ve been wrong this whole time, I’ll take the most amount of heat anyway.
Nah. While I think you're a very I still want Mrkgnao to get the heat for lynching a town power role.

Back on topic: How's that punch you're drinking on the side? For someone who got out of RVS with a "risk", you sure got back around that owl fast.

I'll wait for the claim until I reach L-1, unless of course scum hammer before I get a chance to post, in which case the actual decent to good town players can have a starting point.
HijacK: Nah. While I think you're a very I still want Mrkgnao to get the heat for lynching a town power role.

Back on topic: How's that punch you're drinking on the side? For someone who got out of RVS with a "risk", you sure got back around that owl fast.
I literally understood almost nothing of the above. Please explain what "getting around the owl" means, because that sounds pretty hilarious, and I'd like to use it later.

HijacK: I'll wait for the claim until I reach L-1, unless of course scum hammer before I get a chance to post, in which case the actual decent to good town players can have a starting point.
Actual decent-to-good town players don't keep getting themselves lynched early and often.
HijacK: Just to correct your post: I never said doctors are not common in space operas. I said doctors heavily armed and very maneuverable are. Care to give an example from your basic space opera that can contradict this?
DarkoD13: Would it help if he had claimed that he was the spaceship equivalent of R2-D2? He claimed he escorts ships during the night. Is that implausible?
Do you object to the word "doctor" itself?
Yes, as a matter of fact this is highly implausible given the flavor of the game. Given the flavor of the game it is highly more plausible for him to be jailer giving his weaponry. Escort? That's a fancy word for I'm keeping you under "control."
yogsloth: I literally understood almost nothing of the above. Please explain what "getting around the owl" means, because that sounds pretty hilarious, and I'd like to use it later.
There's a "b" missing in that sentence, but given your purely "genius" theories so far, I'm not surprised you haven't figured it out.

yogsloth: Actual decent-to-good town players don't keep getting themselves lynched early and often.
This is literally the funniest scum thing you've said so far. Actual decent to good town players read properly, both posts and people, and find scum. You lack reading comprehension and lynch town. You're pretty much the type of player that should not even talk about others.
Hijack can you explain why you would semi role claim with only 3 votes on you?