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JMich: Who told you that the can was closed? Why wouldn't you consider that the cans of spam have more uses other than eating the contents and/or using them as fuel to a bonfire?
I don't see how I implied the can was closed... And don't try and change the subject! Spam, whatever its uses may be, is not a slab of meat!
SirPrimalform: I don't see how I implied the can was closed... And don't try and change the subject! Spam, whatever its uses may be, is not a slab of meat!
I never said there was spam in the can o' spam. I said there was a slab of meat in it.
JMich: I never said there was spam in the can o' spam. I said there was a slab of meat in it.
Hmm... I wonder why you feel the need to hide your meat in spam cans..?
SirPrimalform: Hmm... I wonder why you feel the need to hide your meat in spam cans..?
So it won't be stolen by anyone looking for quality meat.
JMich: So it won't be stolen by anyone looking for quality meat.
The prosecution has no further questions.
JMich: So it won't be stolen by anyone looking for quality meat.
SirPrimalform: The prosecution has no further questions.
But does the defense?
Robbeasy: Welcome Flubbbbbbbbb...

A question for ye......what do you think of Joe's little dig in post 34?

JoeSapphire: And I think what's important to note in Robb's attack on me is that it was entirely unprevoked.
Robbeasy: This is after I state its purely it Joe just being his usual flippant self?

CSPVG: Moving on, a question to you all: Do you think we are to take Vitek's admittance of having a lot of make-up in his possession, to be him softclaiming as a roleblocker?
No it was an hilarious play on words. Liam says something like "Will we have the powers to make up for not having a doctor?" So Vitek verr cleverly responds that he has lots of make up. Wit at its finest!
Ah flub has joined us. We are complete now.

CSPVG: Moving on, a question to you all: Do you think we are to take Vitek's admittance of having a lot of make-up in his possession, to be him softclaiming as a roleblocker?
Listen to this guy. Every good town should go and try to find any possible power role as soon as possible. It's best course of action and certainly can't go wrong in any way.

See Joe's latest post for explanation of my words before you nightkill me. ;-)
So you think townies should find power roles instead of looking for scum?? Interesting.

Also here we are at less than 100 posts and the soft claiming has already started. I'll admit I was curious at the notion of the doctor being dead on post #1.
DarkoD13: I did say," unless I've missed a obvious post." That being said, being absent for four days isn't much better than being absent for five.

JoeSapphire: While the humorous play on words did not escape me, I still smacks of being a softclaim of sorts.

Vitek: I'm not trying to find a possible power role, as much as I am trying to find out whether or not anyone else thinks of your quip as a softclaim.

flubbucket: Hey, you're back! And you've managed not to post twice in ten minutes, I'm so very proud. Also, I think Vitek was merely being sarcastic about the townies finding power roles to be the best possible thing.

In general: I'm suspect of kkreo and DarkoD13 at the moment. While we haven't had much discussion that has pushed us toward a possible lynch, I find their lurking disconcerting. They may, however, just be busy in IRL.
Good heavens, CSPVG. Proofread, man! Proofread.

Sorry, I feel I need to correct the following two mistakes:

1)I did say,"...unless I've missed an obvious post."

2) While the humorous play on words did not escape me, I still think it smacks of a softclaim.
CSPVG: DarkoD13: I did say," unless I've missed a obvious post." That being said, being absent for four days isn't much better than being absent for five.

JoeSapphire: While the humorous play on words did not escape me, I still smacks of being a softclaim of sorts.

Vitek: I'm not trying to find a possible power role, as much as I am trying to find out whether or not anyone else thinks of your quip as a softclaim.

flubbucket: Hey, you're back! And you've managed not to post twice in ten minutes, I'm so very proud. Also, I think Vitek was merely being sarcastic about the townies finding power roles to be the best possible thing.

In general: I'm suspect of kkreo and DarkoD13 at the moment. While we haven't had much discussion that has pushed us toward a possible lynch, I find their lurking disconcerting. They may, however, just be busy in IRL.
I find the fact that you avoided using the reply button even more suspicious. Avoiding confrontations while throwing accusations around?
The difference between 4 and 5 days is of the utmost importance when you've decided to attack someone. You've singled out two users as the most suspicious at the first stage. Wow, you're an amazing detective... Or are you?
Considering I know I'm a hard-working townie, your whole attitude, as well as your throwing names around while "neglecting" to use a proper reply or even voting (!), reeks of mafia scum to me. Way to be inconspicuous. I stand by my vote.
Jack-O-Lantern is not to be jacked with....
DarkoD13: The difference between 4 and 5 days is of the utmost importance when you've decided to attack someone.
CSPVG: Lastly, has anyone seen or heard from kkreo or DarkoD13? Unless I've missed an obvious post by one of them, neither has posted here in five days.
That doesn't sound like an attack to me. In the context, the difference between 4 and 5 days is fairly irrelevant.

The post in which he does (slightly) attack you, he only says he finds your lurking disconcerting. He doesn't mention any number of days here so unless you're disputing the accusation of lurking I don't what the problem is.

In fact, I find your whole overreaction suspicious, so unvote Flub and vote DarkoD13.
SirPrimalform: In fact, I find your whole overreaction suspicious, so unvote Flub and vote DarkoD13.
Hmm. So the person I voted first comes to the defense of the person that "made a jab" at me and then outright accused me. Come to think of it, he only did so after I voted for you. Thank you, things are becoming clear now!