CSPVG: DarkoD13: I did say," unless I've missed a obvious post." That being said, being absent for four days isn't much better than being absent for five.
JoeSapphire: While the humorous play on words did not escape me, I still smacks of being a softclaim of sorts.
Vitek: I'm not trying to find a possible power role, as much as I am trying to find out whether or not anyone else thinks of your quip as a softclaim.
flubbucket: Hey, you're back! And you've managed not to post twice in ten minutes, I'm so very proud. Also, I think Vitek was merely being sarcastic about the townies finding power roles to be the best possible thing.
In general: I'm suspect of kkreo and DarkoD13 at the moment. While we haven't had much discussion that has pushed us toward a possible lynch, I find their lurking disconcerting. They may, however, just be busy in IRL.
I find the fact that you avoided using the reply button even more suspicious. Avoiding confrontations while throwing accusations around?
The difference between 4 and 5 days is of the utmost importance when you've decided to attack someone. You've singled out two users as the most suspicious at the first stage. Wow, you're an amazing detective... Or are you?
Considering I know I'm a hard-working townie, your whole attitude, as well as your throwing names around while "neglecting" to use a proper reply or even voting (!), reeks of mafia scum to me. Way to be inconspicuous. I stand by my vote.