*Crosses fingers and hopes that Vitek and JMich don't have a three page long argument, like last game*
As to the current situation, I must say that I don't like JMich's attempt to push us out of RVS. I, too, have no fondness for the first day in Mafia games, but I think that the more discussion we can generate, the better we will be able to act on day 2.
I tend to think that RVS lasts at least until everyone has hopped between three or four different votes, and received reactions to those votes. It must be said, of course, that RVS isn't fixed, though, and may end at any time. However, JMich's attempt to move us out RVS this early in the game, is a little suspect to me. Doesn't the very act of moving us out of it, and stating you have done so, make us move out of RVS for the wrong reason? Usually, we would wait for a slip up, or a perceived soft claim( which Vitek may have done), or any other such occurence. Moving us past RVS in this manner isn't very useful to me.
Perhaps my reasoning is a bit off, but I tend to feel that conversation about your actions won't get us that far, as you'll always have an easy defense at hand, as you need simply say, "Well, I was trying to get us out of RVS." when questioned about your actions.
For now, I'm going to keep my vote where it is, although I do think it likely that DieRuhe will soon find himself/ herself replaced. Speaking of votes: Telika, could we have a vote count?
Finally, do excuse this posts rambling nature. The beginning of this game finds me ill again, and my thoughts aren't incredibly well ordered at the moment.