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Vitek: You sought way to cancel RVS as soon as possible so you decided to attack RVS post in non-RVS way?
Am I supposed to believe that your motivation was to leave RVS? So you don't actually think Rob's post was bad?
I'm under the impression that the RVS vote is the first one. Robbeasy started by voting SPF because he ruined his fun in the last game. Then his next post is a jab at Joe that he hopes Joe is scum, and that he'd like to see Joe lynched.

Up to what part do we allow things to pass due to RVS? Compare Robb's post to CSPVG's post. Would you say that both are RVS posts? One is and one isn't? Neither one is? Or do we just say "RVS" and ignore them?

Also, why do you assume that my post isn't part of RVS as well? How is my post different from Robb's?

And I do want to thank you again, for helping us break RVS, since yours is the first serious vote. It is possible that kkreo's vote has an agenda behind it, since he doesn't "justify" it, as much as one can justify an RVS vote.

Now let's wait for the last player to arrive.
JMich: I'm under the impression that the RVS vote is the first one. Robbeasy started by voting SPF because he ruined his fun in the last game. Then his next post is a jab at Joe that he hopes Joe is scum, and that he'd like to see Joe lynched.

Up to what part do we allow things to pass due to RVS? Compare Robb's post to CSPVG's post. Would you say that both are RVS posts? One is and one isn't? Neither one is? Or do we just say "RVS" and ignore them?
Up to when they are RVS.
What difference am I supposed to see? They both clearly read like RVS to me.

JMich: Also, why do you assume that my post isn't part of RVS as well? How is my post different from Robb's?
Yours doesn't feel like RVS at all and I guess Twilight noted it as well. Basicaly you were picking conflict and accusing someone for game related content of his post, that's not sign of RVS post.

JMich: And I do want to thank you again, for helping us break RVS, since yours is the first serious vote. It is possible that kkreo's vote has an agenda behind it, since he doesn't "justify" it, as much as one can justify an RVS vote.
You broke it yourself so you can thank to you. Mine was first serious vote but yours was first serious post.

JMich: Now let's wait for the last player to arrive.
Is that why nobody's posting? Are we waiting for DieRuhe to post?

SirPrimalform: Well not all of us... our doc has gone suspiciously missing. In fact, given that 'intro kill' is actually identified as "TOWN DOCTOR" I hope we've got something to make up for that...
Don't worry I have a lot of make-up.
Vitek: Don't worry I have a lot of make-up.
So you're a mafia roleblocker? ¬_¬
Vitek: I guess Twilight
why are you bringin that guy into it?

JMich: Now let's wait for the last player to arrive.
Vitek: Is that why nobody's posting? Are we waiting for DieRuhe to post?

What's the logic between lots of make up and mafia roleblocker?

And I think what's important to note in Robb's attack on me is that it was entirely unprevoked.
*Crosses fingers and hopes that Vitek and JMich don't have a three page long argument, like last game*

As to the current situation, I must say that I don't like JMich's attempt to push us out of RVS. I, too, have no fondness for the first day in Mafia games, but I think that the more discussion we can generate, the better we will be able to act on day 2.

I tend to think that RVS lasts at least until everyone has hopped between three or four different votes, and received reactions to those votes. It must be said, of course, that RVS isn't fixed, though, and may end at any time. However, JMich's attempt to move us out RVS this early in the game, is a little suspect to me. Doesn't the very act of moving us out of it, and stating you have done so, make us move out of RVS for the wrong reason? Usually, we would wait for a slip up, or a perceived soft claim( which Vitek may have done), or any other such occurence. Moving us past RVS in this manner isn't very useful to me.

Perhaps my reasoning is a bit off, but I tend to feel that conversation about your actions won't get us that far, as you'll always have an easy defense at hand, as you need simply say, "Well, I was trying to get us out of RVS." when questioned about your actions.

For now, I'm going to keep my vote where it is, although I do think it likely that DieRuhe will soon find himself/ herself replaced. Speaking of votes: Telika, could we have a vote count?

Finally, do excuse this posts rambling nature. The beginning of this game finds me ill again, and my thoughts aren't incredibly well ordered at the moment.
The only thing I am thinking about JMich right now is from last game where he was scum. I guessed his approach then was to start out laying low and not attract attention, and if this is his general approach playing scum then this do not fit in. Vitek is Vitek...

I may try to dig up earlier games, as I have really only read how people play in the one I participated in.
CSPVG: Perhaps my reasoning is a bit off, but I tend to feel that conversation about your actions won't get us that far, as you'll always have an easy defense at hand, as you need simply say, "Well, I was trying to get us out of RVS." when questioned about your actions.
I always thinkg that the "best" play during RVS is to say
I vote for X because the die I rolled indicated thus
Once accusations and suspicions start flowing, you do have to justify your votes. Unless an accusation is thrown, RVS is probably how the day will end, leaving townies none the wiser.

CSPVG: Doesn't the very act of moving us out of it, and stating you have done so, make us move out of RVS for the wrong reason? Usually, we would wait for a slip up, or a perceived soft claim( which Vitek may have done), or any other such occurence.
You assume there will be a slip up, a perceived soft claim, or any other occurence to get us out of RVS. On the other hand, this game's occurence is since as something bad.

How would you have liked us to move out of RVS then?
CSPVG: Perhaps my reasoning is a bit off, but I tend to feel that conversation about your actions won't get us that far, as you'll always have an easy defense at hand, as you need simply say, "Well, I was trying to get us out of RVS." when questioned about your actions.
JMich: I always thinkg that the "best" play during RVS is to say

I vote for X because the die I rolled indicated thus
JMich: Once accusations and suspicions start flowing, you do have to justify your votes. Unless an accusation is thrown, RVS is probably how the day will end, leaving townies none the wiser.

RVS is RVS. People have different ways of perceiving it. As I have already stated, my votes on Joe are ENTIRELY RVS, and I do think that anyone trying to make mileage on it after I have made such a statement is only deliberately trying to stir up muck for no reason....

...which paradoxically brings me back to Joe himself..

JoeSapphire: And I think what's important to note in Robb's attack on me is that it was entirely unprevoked.
Yes, it was Joe - but as I said it was RVS only. Why, knowing it was RVS, did you then insist on saying that?
Robbeasy: my votes on Joe are ENTIRELY RVS
Your jabs at Joe, right? You are still voting for SPF, or am I going blind?
Robbeasy: my votes on Joe are ENTIRELY RVS
JMich: Your jabs at Joe, right? You are still voting for SPF, or am I going blind?
Yeah sorry - i said vote, i meant jab - my jabs at Joe were entirely RVS .....I'm currently still on SPF.

unvote SPF

Now I'm not...;)
JoeSapphire: And I think what's important to note in Robb's attack on me is that it was entirely unprevoked.
Robbeasy: Yes, it was Joe - but as I said it was RVS only. Why, knowing it was RVS, did you then insist on saying that?
It WASN'T entirely unprevoked! It was a response to a pair of LEADING QUESTIONS that I had asked!!

I find that the Lynch All Liars strategy is very applicable to this situation, who's with me?
JMich: I always thinkg that the "best" play during RVS is to say

I vote for X because the die I rolled indicated thus
JMich: Once accusations and suspicions start flowing, you do have to justify your votes. Unless an accusation is thrown, RVS is probably how the day will end, leaving townies none the wiser.
I disagree!
JoeSapphire: I disagree!
Good for you. You want to clarify which part you disagree with, or the reasons you do so, or shall we leave it at "Say something and leave"?
I was really just showing off that I could post twice in a row without modkilling myself
JoeSapphire: why are you bringin that guy into it?
I meant SirPrimalform and I meant "noticed" instead of "noted". It even pains me to type his name that's probably why I used someone's else name instead.

JoeSapphire: What's the logic between lots of make up and mafia roleblocker?
No idea. I am as confused as you are.

JoeSapphire: And I think what's important to note in Robb's attack on me is that it was entirely unprevoked.
So you don't think it was RVS post?

JMich: I always thinkg that the "best" play during RVS is to say Once accusations and suspicions start flowing, you do have to justify your votes. Unless an accusation is thrown, RVS is probably how the day will end, leaving townies none the wiser.
Like this ever happened.
It usually ends naturally.

JoeSapphire: AHA!
It WASN'T entirely unprevoked! It was a response to a pair of LEADING QUESTIONS that I had asked!!

I find that the Lynch All Liars strategy is very applicable to this situation, who's with me?
Whoever tries to push LAL forward should burn in flames. Even if it's against himself.

Btw. Thanks to you avatar I finally read OP flavour to find what's with that ship.