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You are funny.
Robbeasy: Vitek - his post 32 is more than a little odd. after SPF laments the killing off of the Doc and say he 'hopes we have something to make up for that', Vitek responds with 'Dont worry i have a lot of make-up'.
Now I'm sorry, but theres no way on earth you can't see how that would give people pause - is it a softclaim? are you trying to attract attention? The fact, as joe said, that it was just a play on words, a joke - seriously???!! You didnt stop to consider how other players might interpret that statement?? I love the defensive / offensive dig at CSPVG in post 83 as well...pray tell what else you expected after posting what you did? Us all to shut up about it?? Not, in any way conceivable, a pro-town post...

SPF - Can't really see where you get Mafia Roleblocker from though!! Viteks assertion that he has something to make up for Town losing Doc, and you think of Mafia Roleblocker? Prostitute role? It's a bit of a tenuous link at best. You then backtrack immensely in post 113, when you think you might get some heat for the softclaim accusation.
So, going with the above, my current top suspects are Vitek and SPF.
Vitek: This interests me. Please walk me through scum actions here. I as scum, according to you, softclaimed role blocker then I dismissed it as joke and when CSPVG brought it to attention, I disliked it.
Why exactly I did this as scum? I hinted to be role blocker by silly comment and then pretended it is joke for what purpose? If I wanted to hint it, why I disliked when CSPVG brought it up?

What about SirPrimalform? Why my buddy brought attention to my "role-claim" and even called me mafia roleblocker and then iny our words "backtracked" and called it joke. What mafia ploy was it and what was its goal. Try speculate if you wish, I want to be amused.
Also, you are that I should have paused before posting and think what others will think. But nit doesn't exactly seem as if town went rampant after my comment. According to several people, they would never think about it as role claim if SPF hasn't said his witty remark, while you make it sound like I started avalanche with it
Please tell me,in general what do you expect from town player who thinks theat someone softclaimed? To bring attention toward it, to satrt discussion about it, to keep it to himself, to ignore it, to tell his mother?

What I expeceted from it? Fun, not debate about claim.

Robbeasy: DarkoD13 - a little zealous in his pursuit of CSPVG just for getting a day wrong in posting times, but I think i like the direct style you have so far. This has a condition though - see next sentence....

CSPVG - also a little over-reactive in my mind to Darko's attack. Town points for Flubbucket here - i agree with him that your spat appears a little contrived with DarkoD13
Vitek: You like Darko's style of posting but you feel it's contrived? So you like how fake he is?

Robbeasy: So, going with the above, my current top suspects are Vitek and SPF. Everyone else I also think is Mafia, as its first day and nothing could and should convince me otherwise, but those two are putting themselves front and centre in my mind...
Vitek: This might sound like good thing in theory but in fact it's bullshit. You are basically saying we are all your suspects and no one should berate you for jumping at anyone because after all you won't be clearing anyone as everyone is scum.
I said I would answer this , I've now got time...

First point - You make a direct reference to SPF saying about how we have lost the doctor and tell him 'don't worry' - don't worry why?? We have lost the Town doc, but you say 'Don't worry', yet you cant even see how that can be interpreted as a softclaim?? Why would you softclaim something like that? Of course, once its questioned there's denial. And your rebuttal is littered with inaccuracies - not once have I accused you of softclaiming Roleblocker - in fact in the very quote above I question SPF linking your words to Roleblocker - yet you accuse me in the very next sentence...
Why would you do it as scum? Hint at a role to make up for lost Town Doctor?...hmmm, let me think.....;)

SPF did indeed bring the first reference to it - and I think he tried a little too hard to backtrack on it.

Second Point - DarkoD13. Again , just look at my quote - I even say the fact i like his style has a condition - the condition being the manufactured spat between him and CSPVG...

Third point - its never bullshit on the first day. everyone is and should be a suspect - everyone except me is considered potential Mafia! But where do you get this bit about no-one should berate me for jumping at anyone???! berate me all you like - its part of the game!

Let me put it this way for you - it's first day. Not much to go on, so any slip will be magnified. You, to me, have made two. A very ill-judged 'joke' post that can only be considered some form of softclaim. Referring to Town as an outsider. Since then your aggressive defence has been full of bluster and not much substance.
Hmm, as much as my suspicion of Vitek is growing, Rob seems to be trying a little too hard to make Vitek's "softclaim" into more than it is.

Robbeasy: SPF did indeed bring the first reference to it - and I think he tried a little too hard to backtrack on it.
I asked you to explain this before, how did I backtrack?
I...I...I...give up.
You are just too good for me.
I thought I was brilliant enough when I said "Don't worry I have a lot of make-up." to SirPrimalform (after his "...I hope we've got something to make up for that...") because I secretly advised him to claim role blocker during RVS as I knew he will have to claim soon in Day 1 and roleblocker is great claim when our doctor died in pre-game. Unfortunately for me, you saw right through it. On top of it, you are so far above me that it was obvious to you as you expected people to easily expose it ("Now I'm sorry, but theres no way on earth you can't see how that would give people pause - is it a softclaim? are you trying to attract attention?" - btw. while you haven't accused me of softclaiming roleblocking you accused me of softclaiming. I admit there is difference and I jumped the conclusion because that's what was previously mentioned by others and I couldn't see what other soft claim would you see there).
You got me here, there is nothing I can do to fight this back.

Are you even serious? Because now I doubt it.
Are you just trolling?

re:Darko; Still same. You like his posting even if it feels contrived. How can you like it if it feels contrived.

What aggressive defense I made? I would like to know as I was also accused of not defending myself.
Speaking of aggressive defense? Why would it make me scum? You accused me of it in every recent game we played and I was town every single time?
SirPrimalform: Hmm, as much as my suspicion of Vitek is growing, Rob seems to be trying a little too hard to make Vitek's "softclaim" into more than it is.
Your suspicion of me is rising based to post which connects us together us mafia? o_O
Does it mean your suspicion of you raises as well?
Because Rob's accusation doesn't work at all without us being scum team. Well, it doesn't work that way as well but it would work even less if it was possible. :-)
Vitek: Your suspicion of me is rising based to post which connects us together us mafia? o_O
Does it mean your suspicion of you raises as well?
Because Rob's accusation doesn't work at all without us being scum team. Well, it doesn't work that way as well but it would work even less if it was possible. :-)
No, mine is based on the town slip thing.
I understand Rob's accusation, that's the reason I can dismiss it as bollocks so easily. As I said, he seems to be trying too hard to cook something up but it doesn't really work. If we were on the scum team, what exactly would I be achieving with my roleblocker comment? It makes no sense...
gkaiser: <Snip>
This is not the droid you're looking for.

I always joke on journeys with strangers. It's a great way to test their humor and to kill time. If my attempts to inject silly into the serious looks scummy to you... it's your prerogative, but I might give you a funny look. And unless funny looks succesfully kill now, you're rather safe from me.
I feel that you've slightly misrepresented my argument here. It's not that I find your jokes suspicious; it's that I find the fact that you've made only seemingly random votes and joke posts, and nothing but those kinds of posts, that makes me suspicious of you.

Would you care to explain why you voted for DarkoD13? Also, do you have a list of people that you think could be mafioso?

Moving on to other matters:

Does anyone else find the number of players to be odd? Why is it specifically eleven, with the twelfth player being listed as a deceased town doctor?

At first, having thought about the subject matter( asylum in the sense that we are all leaving our homelands, and fleeing to Europe) and number of players, I thought we were dealing with an assassin in the palace game. However, this game does have a night-phase to it, so that rules out the assassin in the palace idea.

Does anyone have any thoughts as to why this is an eleven player game?

JMich: Thank you for the post-counting tip. I'll remember to use it in future.
CSPVG: Does anyone else find the number of players to be odd? Why is it specifically eleven, with the twelfth player being listed as a deceased town doctor?


Does anyone have any thoughts as to why this is an eleven player game?
I'm pretty sure anyone who can can count would find eleven to be an odd number. *badum tshh*

More seriously it does make me wonder about the balancing. Since it seems unlikely we have one player who is 3/4 town and 1/4 mafia, I wonder whether we're dealing with a beefed up 2 person scum team, a weak 3 person team or a normal 3 person team with beefed up town? This speculation isn't tremendously helpful but I'm sleepy and on the bus and it has got me thinking about possible setups for a future game.
CSPVG: Does anyone else find the number of players to be odd? Why is it specifically eleven, with the twelfth player being listed as a deceased town doctor?


Does anyone have any thoughts as to why this is an eleven player game?
SirPrimalform: I'm pretty sure anyone who can can count would find eleven to be an odd number. *badum tshh*

More seriously it does make me wonder about the balancing. Since it seems unlikely we have one player who is 3/4 town and 1/4 mafia, I wonder whether we're dealing with a beefed up 2 person scum team, a weak 3 person team or a normal 3 person team with beefed up town? This speculation isn't tremendously helpful but I'm sleepy and on the bus and it has got me thinking about possible setups for a future game.
I am more thinking that, like last game, there is an 'invisible' player who may be acting through someone else. Maybe the captain of the ship, who may be neutral.
gkaiser: <Snip>
This is not the droid you're looking for.

I always joke on journeys with strangers. It's a great way to test their humor and to kill time. If my attempts to inject silly into the serious looks scummy to you... it's your prerogative, but I might give you a funny look. And unless funny looks succesfully kill now, you're rather safe from me.
CSPVG: I feel that you've slightly misrepresented my argument here. It's not that I find your jokes suspicious; it's that I find the fact that you've made only seemingly random votes and joke posts, and nothing but those kinds of posts, that makes me suspicious of you.

Would you care to explain why you voted for DarkoD13? Also, do you have a list of people that you think could be mafioso?
Oh, certainly. I'm the new kid on the block, and I don't know anyone. At all. My votes are cast at random, because I have no reason NOT to suspect anyone - and what may be construed as bandwagon-jumping is in fact me looking up to my virtual elders because it's a given they have a better idea of who is generally suspicious around here.

Right now the only person I know is not a mafioso is myself. Just your friendly neighborhood paranoid fella here, who also finds it highly disturbing that the guy that could save our lives was the first one to bite it.
Vitek: why would I feel the need to exclude mafia from the group when I talked about it when I had nothing to hide regarding to this?
As I say, your teammates aren't going to have a go at you for it.

I don't think you're saying
"They wouldn't even have noticed my softclaim if Sprimal hadn't..."

I think you're saying
"They wouldn't be having a go at me at all if Sprimal hadn't..."

I understand what Rob's saying
Not that the 'Make-Up' is the softclaim, responding to someone's worries about having dead doctor with "Don't worry X"
This hadn't occurred to me (or, if it had occurred to me, I have since forgotten all about it) and I suppose it makes sense.
So that later on you could falseclaim some sort of protective role and say "see? I've been seeding you clues from the beginning so it must be genuine."
And if you come up with a better falseclaim, well you just ignore it.

It's possible. I don't know.

11 players? We'll find out eventually. Just makes a nice change, I reckon.

ho hum...
New idea, I have read too many Agatha Christie books. The doctor is the 12'th invisible player. He did not really die (there is not body), he is just hiding.
amok: New idea, I have read too many Agatha Christie books. The doctor is the 12'th invisible player. He did not really die (there is not body), he is just hiding.
That was my thought too. If anyone finds the body, shoot him once in the head to make sure he's dead... :D
gkaiser: Oh, certainly. I'm the new kid on the block, and I don't know anyone. At all. My votes are cast at random, because I have no reason NOT to suspect anyone - and what may be construed as bandwagon-jumping is in fact me looking up to my virtual elders because it's a given they have a better idea of who is generally suspicious around here.

Right now the only person I know is not a mafioso is myself. Just your friendly neighborhood paranoid fella here, who also finds it highly disturbing that the guy that could save our lives was the first one to bite it.
CSPVG asked you to explain your vote and I see no explaantion here.

@CSPVG; I suspect it could be 2+1 (2mafia + 1SK) setup but it can be anything. Although it's weird, speculating about it helps us in no way right now.

@Joe; Have you, in any game we played together, ever, at laast once considered me to be not mafia aligned? :-)

OT: I was able to read this thread by reading different. It was white, I even had reply here, but I read other thread first and when I returned to General Discussion this thread was already gray and without reply.
amok: New idea, I have read too many Agatha Christie books. The doctor is the 12'th invisible player. He did not really die (there is not body), he is just hiding.
I hope he won't return. We have enough to worry about even without bloated zombie running around.

"And, as his blood on the ship's rail has been carefully wiped off and his body immerged miles ago,..."