amok: How do we go about doing that? If it is a spirit, then our medium have banged her head against the wall a bit too much, so it may no longer be an option open to us. If it is possible, then it may very helpful.
You make a very good point. I'd forgotten that JoeSapphire... erm, I mean Fart Moron( as the GOGfather mandated this, I shan't go against his wishes) was our town medium. It is, however, worth a shot. I think the best way to proceed would just be to ask a question, and see what happens.
Are you still with us, EnsembleofShadows? I am, however, wondering why, if Joe was our medium( and this is again assuming that the spirit theory is correct), EnsembleofShadows answered TwilightBard's question, but sent nothing to JoeSapphire.