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Krypsyn: 1) Why did you fake role-claim Batman, of all people? I mean, you didn't even claim Bruce Wayne, you instead used his alter-ego. It seems pretty random given the town roles we currently know.
SirPrimalform: But I did claim Bruce Wayne...

Krypsyn: 2) Zchinque did warn us to not even trust the moderator during this. So, while Andy Kaufman certainly seem appropriate for a Jester, could this not be some odd power SirPrimalform has to get the mod to fake roleclaim for him?
SirPrimalform: Hmm, good point. I was thinking of myself as mod confirmed but he did say not to trust him so I'll bear that in mind.
I am still not sure how this "not trust the mod" thingy works after we killed the mod. I am not sure if we killed the mod who can not be trusted, or if killing the mod really had no impact at all.
amok: I am still not sure how this "not trust the mod" thingy works after we killed the mod. I am not sure if we killed the mod who can not be trusted, or if killing the mod really had no impact at all.
Yeah... I don't think we've had another fake votecount since then, maybe that's what the lies specifically referred to?
SirPrimalform: I didn't double post, the forum duplicated my post after I left the thread somehow. Zchinque has very kindly allowed me to live though, so on we go.
This kind of double post is the result of Barefoot Monkey's Essentials quick post. I thought it had been fixed in more recent versions, but it is an addon error, not a forum one.

Either way, once I manage to motivate myself a bit more, I'll focus a bit more of my attention in the game. Guess that means shooting down and capturing the overseer UFO on impossible.
I'm not sure where we go from here. I assume a good place to start would be a wagon analysis, which I may get around to doing in the next day or so.

Also, has anyone heard from EnsembleofShadows? The last time him/her/it interacted with us was when TwilightBard asked a question. I was wondering if EnsembleofShadows was not a reference to Zchinque's seance flavour post( number 152). By which I mean to suggest that, perhaps, EnsembleofShadows is a spirit/ group of spirits that we can contact and ask questions. What does everyone else think?
CSPVG: I'm not sure where we go from here. I assume a good place to start would be a wagon analysis, which I may get around to doing in the next day or so.

Also, has anyone heard from EnsembleofShadows? The last time him/her/it interacted with us was when TwilightBard asked a question. I was wondering if EnsembleofShadows was not a reference to Zchinque's seance flavour post( number 152). By which I mean to suggest that, perhaps, EnsembleofShadows is a spirit/ group of spirits that we can contact and ask questions. What does everyone else think?
How do we go about doing that? If it is a spirit, then our medium have banged her head against the wall a bit too much, so it may no longer be an option open to us. If it is possible, then it may very helpful.
JMich: This kind of double post is the result of Barefoot Monkey's Essentials quick post. I thought it had been fixed in more recent versions, but it is an addon error, not a forum one.

Either way, once I manage to motivate myself a bit more, I'll focus a bit more of my attention in the game. Guess that means shooting down and capturing the overseer UFO on impossible.
I made the post using the normal post window.
Krypsyn: If indeed SirPrimalform is town, which by all indications he is (regardless of my uneasiness about how it went down), then she seemed to jump off the wagon at a fairly opportune time. It was just about the right place to jump off a wagon as a scum to be in a good position to say "I told you so" the next Day, since by all rights SirPrimalform WAS going to get lynched with his antics. It is something I might have done in her position as scum. By the same token, if SirPrimalform is indeed scum (as my gut keeps insisting, all evidence aside), then it was also not a bad time to jump off a wagon on a fellow scumbuddy. I just don't like her wagon jumping at all.
...Hmm... Something's wrong here.

Pardon me for asking, but at what point was GhostQlyph on the SPF-wagon? As far as I can tell she commented on it briefly but continued with the vote against Vitek throughout.
amok: How do we go about doing that? If it is a spirit, then our medium have banged her head against the wall a bit too much, so it may no longer be an option open to us. If it is possible, then it may very helpful.
You make a very good point. I'd forgotten that JoeSapphire... erm, I mean Fart Moron( as the GOGfather mandated this, I shan't go against his wishes) was our town medium. It is, however, worth a shot. I think the best way to proceed would just be to ask a question, and see what happens.

Are you still with us, EnsembleofShadows?

I am, however, wondering why, if Joe was our medium( and this is again assuming that the spirit theory is correct), EnsembleofShadows answered TwilightBard's question, but sent nothing to JoeSapphire.
Hmm, I'm not sure about the EnsembleofShaows thing, but I assume Fart Moron triggered the "townies with post restrictions" question and answer seance... which makes me think he probably wasn't responsible for the EoS.
I have jumped between THREE WAGONS after I was finished playing sillybuggers in the first 2 (?) pages. I am the most consistent player in this game, easily, because I haven't changed my mind on anyone I've actually voted for after RVS. Oh, and not ONE of those was SirPrimalform -- he was obviously not scum to me because I know he would play that more carefully. He struck me from the start as goofy-ass town doing silly things, though I have to admit Jester never came to mind. Oh, and if you'd like go back through -- I never called him out once. Not once.

I explained EXACTLY why I'm voting amok and Vitek. I'm sorry if you people didn't get it, but if I've explained multiple times and everyone just gawks at me like I'm stupid, then fuck 'em. I'll continue to sit stubbornly on my empty little wagon over here while you jerks run in circles and knock each other over like a pack of hallucinating penguins. I'm not voting anyone but amok and Vitek this day, and I will jump between those wagons on a whim without a care for how it makes me look. I'm dead certain they're scum.
GhostQlyph: Oh, and not ONE of those was SirPrimalform -- he was obviously not scum to me because I know he would play that more carefully.
Damn right!

GhostQlyph: He struck me from the start as goofy-ass town doing silly things, though I have to admit Jester never came to mind.
Well I only started deliberately jestering it up on day 2, so day 1 was all me. >_>
GhostQlyph: Oh, and not ONE of those was SirPrimalform -- he was obviously not scum to me because I know he would play that more carefully.
SirPrimalform: Damn right!

GhostQlyph: He struck me from the start as goofy-ass town doing silly things, though I have to admit Jester never came to mind.
SirPrimalform: Well I only started deliberately jestering it up on day 2, so day 1 was all me. >_>
But you're a goofy asshole anyway! So I didn't really see a change.
I don't like going back and checking facts, because it can be time consuming. I instead like to trust my memory. It seems this was a mistake.

I was wrong in just about everything in my post apparently. SirPrimalform did claim Bruce Wayne. I could have sworn it was only Batman, but that was probably my own mind filling in the blanks. Having said that. Why did you claim Bruce Wayne, of all people, SirPrimalform?

As for GhostQlyph, I must have gotten you confused with someone else on the SirPrimalform wagon. I am glad I am corrected on that point.

Apparently, I need to go back and read through the read before making any sort of analysis and make any votes. Apologies, it has been a long several days for the past few days.

Unvote GhostQlyph
Krypsyn: I was wrong in just about everything in my post apparently. SirPrimalform did claim Bruce Wayne. I could have sworn it was only Batman, but that was probably my own mind filling in the blanks. Having said that. Why did you claim Bruce Wayne, of all people, SirPrimalform?
Several reasons...

1. I didn't want to claim something too ridiculous, it might have made it too obvious I was trying to get lynched. At the same time, I didn't want to claim something too realistic, it had to be something a bit strange. I don't know how well it was balanced between those two but I ended up getting lynched so it can't have been too far off.

2. A sort of in joke for Joe's benefit. I played in a game of living room mafia that Joe was in charge of, the town were all Batman villains and the mafia were Batman and Robin (it was an 8 player game so there were only 2 of them).
"Hey guys, let's do another one of those seance thingies."
"No way. You're not getting me into another one of those."
"Why not? Come on..."
"First, supernatural events are all hoaxes and scams. And that voice... The hairs on my back are still standing!"
I"t's not a hoax, and we need all the help and information we can get!"
"Ugh... Fine, then. But I'm warning you, this is my last pair of clean underwear."

Again you gather in a circle, lights turned off.

"Oh great spirits, allknowing one, please lend us your guidance and give us your answers."

"Has the number of scum increased since the beginning of the game?"

No silence this time, but the same horrible voice. It sounds like it comes from everywhere and nowhere.

Post edited September 11, 2013 by Zchinque