DukeNukemForever: Unfortunately I expected something like this after the stunt. With the stunt GOG lost something of his underdog and white image, which let's people care and think twice to put stuff on the net. On the other hand with more new members and new titles the probabitlty was also getting higher.
Actually the gog games are avaliable from pirate trackers from a long time ago already. They usually even have gog specific search options. When I first saw it, I sent an email to gog warning them about the trackers. I never got an answer.
But, like many here already said, it isn't a matter of lamenting never-meant-to-be sales, but a matter of making people feel good about buying legit copies and doing so with pleasure, sometimes just to show support instead of genuine interest in the product.
And this is a point that most companies miss unfortunately.
Oh, and about that tracker that I used to go to, I lost all respect and interest in them. It's like an abandonware site that instead of pointing people to gog where gog can help, just put up gog's own version of the game for grab. Stupid and shameful.
(Yes, it was an old games tracker)