Posted November 17, 2011

Registered: Oct 2009
From Czech Republic

Official Bastard
Registered: Jan 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted November 17, 2011

However, barring a really fucked up set of coincidences, you did not kill anyone.
The fact that you asked the question makes me think you protected Joe.

It is theoretically possible, but extremely unlikely.

Registered: Oct 2009
From Czech Republic
Posted November 17, 2011
Here's the wiki. I do not see a sanity there that could be described this way.
Insane Doctor = theoretically possible that he could kill, but not "extremely unlikely"
Paranoid Doctor = does not kill under any circumstances
Naïve Doctor = does not kill under any circumstances
Weak Doctor = can suicide relatively easily, does not kill under any circumstances
CPR Doctor = kills more often than protects
Your comments on that, Rod?
Insane Doctor = theoretically possible that he could kill, but not "extremely unlikely"
Paranoid Doctor = does not kill under any circumstances
Naïve Doctor = does not kill under any circumstances
Weak Doctor = can suicide relatively easily, does not kill under any circumstances
CPR Doctor = kills more often than protects
Your comments on that, Rod?

Official Bastard
Registered: Jan 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted November 17, 2011

Insane Doctor = theoretically possible that he could kill, but not "extremely unlikely"
Paranoid Doctor = does not kill under any circumstances
Naïve Doctor = does not kill under any circumstances
Weak Doctor = can suicide relatively easily, does not kill under any circumstances
CPR Doctor = kills more often than protects
Your comments on that, Rod?
"barring a really fucked up set of coincidences"
I was looking at potential consequences of you actions, rather than taking you in isolation.
In the list above, look at those that include the phrase "does not kill under any circumstances"

Registered: Oct 2009
From Czech Republic
Posted November 17, 2011

"barring a really fucked up set of coincidences"
I was looking at potential consequences of you actions, rather than taking you in isolation.
In the list above, look at those that include the phrase "does not kill under any circumstances"
Nevertheless, I'm letting you off the hook for now. So far, your claims seem to check out with the information I have. But I still have my eye on you, for dragging the whole bloody thing in the open in the first place.
Anyways, Joe's dead, huh? I did not expect that.

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted November 17, 2011
It's probably not a good idea to say this, but I might as well say it before someone else does. I think it's possible Joe was targeted in order to cast suspicion on me, as I had a vote on him for pretty much all of day one (it was an RVS vote and I wasn't actually around for most of the day and just forgot to remove it).
I realise this will probably cast suspicion on me, but better I point this out than someone else.
I realise this will probably cast suspicion on me, but better I point this out than someone else.

Official Bastard
Registered: Jan 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted November 17, 2011
I reckon it was Orry, getting revenge for game 8!!

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted November 17, 2011

from the Mafia Wiki - LOVER definition...
'Lovers are players who are linked to each other. If one Lover dies, the Lover(s) linked to it die simultaneously'
So where is the other Lover death? The Flavour tells us Joe was bumped off, so according to the role definition, someone else should also have died??
Any chance of clarification here, MOD? Or anyone? Is there another definition for the LOVER role?

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted November 17, 2011

From some lovers I have seen is it you were neutral and became town? I saw it somewhere. If one of them is lynched other one joins mafia and if one of them is NK'ed the other one joins town.

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted November 17, 2011

From some lovers I have seen is it you were neutral and became town? I saw it somewhere. If one of them is lynched other one joins mafia and if one of them is NK'ed the other one joins town.

Too Old
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted November 17, 2011

from the Mafia Wiki - LOVER definition...
'Lovers are players who are linked to each other. If one Lover dies, the Lover(s) linked to it die simultaneously'
So where is the other Lover death? The Flavour tells us Joe was bumped off, so according to the role definition, someone else should also have died??
Any chance of clarification here, MOD? Or anyone? Is there another definition for the LOVER role?

From the wiki again -
' It is not at all implausible to have Lovers in Town-scum pairs'
And you seem SO keen to let everyone know you were his Lover, Jef...
I like Viteks scenario, however. Especially as Jef admits to his ROLE changing slightly, not his powers.

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted November 17, 2011
Were I Mafia, I wouldn't be so stupid as to announce to everyone "hey, look at me!" I'd have just kept quiet and let everyone be confused about the lover role.
I just figure the less confusion we have about things the better.
I just figure the less confusion we have about things the better.

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted November 17, 2011
You know, the fact that on night 1 the Mafia targeted a lover is a little suspicious. It could just be an unlikely conisidence, or they could know more about us than we think.

And never to return...
Registered: Mar 2009
From Denmark
Posted November 17, 2011
Okay, so both my main suspects turned out to be town... Great... Will have to reread the entire thread once or twice I think. On stuff that has happened today, however, there are two things. Vitek's post - he said he expected jefe to be Joe's lover simply because of the outburst that was five words long, and two of those words were identical? I'm probably just nitpicking here, but it's some what a far fetched conclusion to arrive at.
Secondly - Jefe, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Why would you roleclaim without any shred of preasure on you?! First baz randomly claims, then you?! Seriously, what the fuck? And dampening the confusion - you hardly did that. Yes, you MAY (Provided you are not lying) have answered a question and prevented random theories, but that is all. All that could have confused us by Joe's death would be who the other lover is, and here you go jumping out with it right away - you could have used it strategically - you just gave information to the mafia that you could have kept to yourself, in order to lure mafia into a falseclaim? (Do not put it past the mafia, you never know what they might do in desperation - plus, Joe being the nightkill seems very random)
Secondly - Jefe, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Why would you roleclaim without any shred of preasure on you?! First baz randomly claims, then you?! Seriously, what the fuck? And dampening the confusion - you hardly did that. Yes, you MAY (Provided you are not lying) have answered a question and prevented random theories, but that is all. All that could have confused us by Joe's death would be who the other lover is, and here you go jumping out with it right away - you could have used it strategically - you just gave information to the mafia that you could have kept to yourself, in order to lure mafia into a falseclaim? (Do not put it past the mafia, you never know what they might do in desperation - plus, Joe being the nightkill seems very random)

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted November 17, 2011

Secondly - Jefe, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Why would you roleclaim without any shred of preasure on you?! First baz randomly claims, then you?! Seriously, what the fuck? And dampening the confusion - you hardly did that. Yes, you MAY (Provided you are not lying) have answered a question and prevented random theories, but that is all. All that could have confused us by Joe's death would be who the other lover is, and here you go jumping out with it right away - you could have used it strategically - you just gave information to the mafia that you could have kept to yourself, in order to lure mafia into a falseclaim? (Do not put it past the mafia, you never know what they might do in desperation - plus, Joe being the nightkill seems very random)
Or, you could just believe I'm Mafia, but that's not going to get us anywhere.