JusticeZero: My connection is too twitchy for the browser - specificalloy I get periodic random redirects that derails the whole browser and leaves everything else clicking away like nothing happenned. Alas, I have to run the downloader in wine - it looks like it runs fine, but I don't know how I can put games into it, since it isn't integrated with the browser like that.
create a bash script
wine /path/to/GOGDownloader.exe $1
save as "gogdownloader"
chmod +x gogdownloader
gconftool-2 --set --type=string /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/gogdownloader/command '/path/to/gogdownloader "%s"'
gconftool-2 --set --type=bool /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/gogdownloader/enabled true
gconftool-2 --set --type=bool /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/gogdownloader/needs_terminal false
start Firefox/Iceweasel and go to
edit -> preferences -> applications -> gogdownloader -> use other and select the bash script
or you could use one of the unofficial downloaders
JGOGDownloader (Java, Multiplatform, GUI) - Uses wget for downloading
- Resume support
- Downloads cover art
- Queue (batch download) support
XGOG Downloader (Perl, Multiplatform, CLI) - Uses Perl/LWP for downloading
- Resume support
- Queue (batch download) support
gogdl (Lua, Linux, CLI) - Uses wget for downloading
- Resume support
- Queue (batch download) support
- XML data support
-- verifies downloaded files against md5 sum from GOG XML
- Should be possible to run on Windows with some code changes
gogdownloader (C++, Linux, CLI) - Uses libcurl for downloading
- Resume support
- Queue (batch download) support
- XML data support
-- verifies downloaded files against md5 sum from GOG XML
-- repairs corrupted files by downloading corrupted chunks again
-- can create GOG XML files with custom chunk size for downloaded files
- Should be possible to compile on Windows using Cygwin with some code changes
Linux downloader (Bash, Linux, CLI) - Uses wget or aria2 for downloading
- Resume support
- Downloads cover art
- Multithreaded downloading when using aria2
- Modified script can be run on Windows with MinGW/MSYS