Narushima: As for the charities, I asked Child's Play and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and both gave me the same answer, basically they had been contacted by the guy and were ready to renew the experience from the Humble Indie Bundle, but they did not give any formal approval.
Then he launched the site without warning them, and now they are trying to figure out what the hell is going on, and considering pulling out as fast as possible, which will surely bring more "lawsuits" into play.
If someone could send an e-mail to the other two, German, associations to explain the situation to them that would be very nice, as I don't speak German. If you do, make sure to provide them with links to every web page that has been cited in this thread.
I could do that. I also have some fellows on ICQ who could help me out about this.
Another post of Jochen:
I dont now what you do here. Charitys should be happen when they got help but when they not want they have enough money. What a shame for that ORganisations that really need Money.
And the open Directory is not public. Only public when you post. On Humble Bundle all games were on public Downloads, too. I can post all Humble Links too and all can download it, so dont do like this double moral."
I am not sure, but this sounds really like trolling