I've been neglecting this thread, so I'm going to try to list all of the ones that I can remember.
Alpha Prime, Ben There Dan That, Beneath a Steel Sky, Braid, Call of Duty: World at War, Caster (x4), Chains, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (again), The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, Colin McRae Rally 2005, Command & Conquer Red Alert 2, The Curse of Monkey Island, Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, Dawn of War: Soulstorm, Diablo II (again), Diablo II - Lord of Destruction (again), Duke Nukem 3D, Fallout 3, Far Cry 2, Freespace, Freespace 2, Frontlines: Fuel of War, Ghost Recon (again), Ghost Recon Desert Siege, Ghost Recon Island Thunder, Giants - Citizen Kabuto, Half-Life Source (again), Half-Life 2 (again), Half-Life 2 Episode One (again), Half-Life 2 Episode Two (again), Half-Life 2 Lost Coast (again), Heretic, Hexen, Hexen Deathkings of the Dark Citadel, Hexen 2, Indigo Prophecy (again, to play it when the events in game transpired), Larva Mortus, Left 4 Dead (again), Lost Planet, Mass Effect, MDK, Mevo & the Grooveriders, Mirror's Edge (x2), Monster Trucks Nitro, Obulis, The Path, Penumbra Overture, Penumbra Black Plague, Penumbra Requiem, Portal (again), Project Aftermath, Quake 2 (again), Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Saints Row 2, The Secret of Monkey Island: SE, Shadowgrounds, Splinter Cell (again), Star Wars Empire at War, Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption, Teenagent, Titan Quest, Titan Quest Immortal Throne, Tomb Raider: Anniversary, Unreal Tournament 3, Wolfenstein, World of Goo, and Zeno Clash.
Admittedly, many of these were carryovers from last year in which I had saves near the end.
Post edited September 19, 2009 by PoSSeSSeDCoW