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Only played it once and love it. Would love to play it again with the help of GoG. :)
Basinator: Yeah, but AFAIK many rights got sold when ubisoft released it as budget versions (software pyramid, etc.)

Ubi didn't get any rights to the game itself, they were just hired by MS as a distributor in some markets. MS is still the primary publisher, developer (after they bought out Digital Anvil) and rights holder.
I liked Freelancer. The only thing I really wish it had was a dynamic economy. If it had that, I would probably still play it every so often.
Syme: I liked Freelancer. The only thing I really wish it had was a dynamic economy. If it had that, I would probably still play it every so often.

Some servers integrated such a feature in their mod ;)
Aliasalpha: Ubi? Unless I'm remembering wrong, freelancer was made internally by microsoft games as a semi-sequel to starlancer
sheepdragon: It was made by Digital Anvil, which was later assimilated by MS if I'm not mistaken.
But Freelancer is an awesome game, I've probably played through the single player at least 8 or so times, and an additional 4 with different mods. Haven't played much online though, as I keep losing my ID when I reinstall my system.

Most server admins do restore your old Characters to your new ID.
@GOG Staff: Any chance that you get this great game?
Basinator: @GOG Staff: Any chance that you get this great game?

From the FAQ:
Basinator: Please add *insert game/publisher here* to the GOG library!
GOG has a handy dandy that you can use to post your requests for games on GOG. Just make sure you search the wishlist to see if anyone else has already added the game you want and if they have, vote for it instead of creating a new entry. Additionally, if you wish to simply discuss the games you want to see on GOG, you can post in the [url=]Official Beg Thread: "This Game Belongs on GOG!".
Will you be adding *insert game/publisher here* to the GOG library?
GOG does not release specific information on prospective games or publishers until they already have agreements in place. They will not comment on who or what they are trying to get, only what they do have. Check the site's main page for news on what is coming soon, it gets updated every Thursday.
Why are some highly requested games, such as System Shock 2, not being added to the catalogue?
GOG tries to get every game they can, but sometimes it is a difficult process to find the correct rights holder, secure permissions to sell the game, get gold masters of the games, modify as necessary to make the game work on modern OSes, etc. It's not that GOG is intentionally not adding a highly requested game, its that they can't unless or until they can meet all those requirements. That certainly doesn't mean you shouldn't keep requesting and voting for games, though. The more interest we can show, the more "ammunition" GOG has to bring to rights holders to convince them to allow their games to become part of the GOG library.
I wouldn't mind if gog got it.
I'd also like/recommend:
Frontier (Elite 2):
Privateer: [url=][/url]
Privateer 2
Vega strike (OS/Freeware):
(has privateer remakes)
Put me down for Freelancer as well.
I need a break from X3/ X3 TC. More of a part time job than a game.
Freelancer is a great game. One of my favorites. Hell, I reinstalled it a couple of months ago just to play through the campaign again. Is it repetitive? Yes. Are the generic dialogues... generic? Oh, hell yes... but I play it for the storyline which I find kinda fun. I enjoy the characters, I enjoy the plotline, I enjoy flying around and blasting stuff.
It's not the deepest game out there, but it can be quite fun.
I never could get into Freelancer. Everyone went on about how great its mouse controls were, but I thought Freespace's FPS-style was better than Freelancer's lag after the mouse.
Anyone who complains about repetitiveness or shallowness should check out multiplayer and the bunch of mods made for the game...
The ModDb page already has a good selection of examples. The Starport and SWAT Portal are also good sources for more stuff.
@lowyhong: People/Reviewers said "meh" because the game was hyped up to be the best thing since sliced bread, but if you take the game in its own right it's one of the best space sims out there and one of the few ones that have FREE multiplayer and wasn't developped in 1995. With Star Wars, Halo, Battlestar Galactica and other such TCs, there's also a vast amount of choices, on top of expansions on the vanilla game.
@A-Pock, captfitz: The ground sequences are just an interface for getting supplies honestly. There isn't much point in staying baseside for long, since all the actual fun is in space. You also must try multiplayer, since that's what kept the game alive after the first year or so.
@Duffking: I know it may not be to everyone's tastes and it's a little dead right now, but the Halo total conversion Freelancer: Combat Evolved has a true scale for everything from ships to planets to distances. Your ship feels properly tiny.
@sheepdragon: There are tools for keeping your ID and restoring it between reinstalls.
FriendlyFire: @sheepdragon: There are tools for keeping your ID and restoring it between reinstalls.

I know. I just discovered it too late...
I've got the original, it would be nice if the Freelancer players here could agree on a TC to use and get into some Multiplay.
Of the three heavy fighters in game, what did people prefer to use? I liked the Eagle, but the place you bought it was stuck in the ass end of space.
I used the Saber, myself, But that was mostly because I just loved the Dagger and went well out of my way to get one during the campaign.
Speaking of which, I started playing the campaign a couple of months ago and didn't finish my run through. I'm still in Kusari space. I've been dicking around, killing Gaians and Mollys to boost my rep the slow way. And make money. (Also the slow way.) I really should just move on.
Post edited June 14, 2009 by AlphaMonkey