GhostQlyph: Just so you're aware?
I downvoted the first thread the moment I saw it. Yeah. But I don't have an agenda, I just hate spam.
Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, you ARE wrong?
GameRager: I didn't say you were doing it or who was doing it, so my words could still it an attack if you want to, but IMO one can have his theories regardless if they upset people a small bit.
I'm saying I don't have an agenda, I was a normal user downrepping your posts normally before there was more than one thread throwing your whole theory completely out the window.
You know what? I don't think I was the only one.
Useless threads based around a one-trick pony of a pun are not anything to enjoy in a community. They're not productive, they're not particularly funny after the initial glance over what the hell is going on, they're just spam. Spam with a gimmick, and that's it.
There is no conspiracy, there is no one out to get you. People don't like a useless post that is going to be continuously bumped to the top of the forums for no good reason. They downrep it, it dies an early death, they no longer have to look at it.
It is a very simple concept. And Occam's razor says that it is the most likely one by far.