Posted January 27, 2012

Muttly....yeah, there's no way in hell I would have noticed those breadcrumbs. You're gonna lynch a townie because you refuse to consider the fact that you just looked scummy.
By the by, couldnt agree more on Robb. I have always had a generally bad feeling about him. The role fishing thing stinks to me as does the attempted grab at "look, I said Muttly was right" posts for D4. Not that you cant say those things, but when you do so without adding anything of value on your own its suspect. But as I FUBAR'ed my pressure on Robb I dont think I can get much of a push going by myself.
I dont know what to think of Itai. I can tell you he was dead on in his post to Vitek about my thoughts. He has at least put stuff out there some. my gut wants to believe he just saw what I was putting out there and is town, but its just my gut and clearly biased because I want someone to have understood me :).
PB I am torn on. Hes another guy whos actions can be seen either way. The overly aggressive defense for my claim, going right to vote on TB. Who knows.
I am fairly confident on Pazzer being scum as well. He hasnt said much thats been original thought, more or less piles on someone elses statements and pushes them. And is totally a guy whos avoided any real suspicion by simply staying out of most everything. Very much like...
Stuart has become. Another enigma to me. I truly did feel his reaction was either the worst mafia play ever (and then hence the best since I fell for it) D1 or it was just a new guy fight between him and CB. I am concerned how he has also avoided any real inspection since D1 by remaining quiet.
And then there is Joe. Joe, Joe, Joe , Joe... No idea. I swing each way almost post by post...