Posted January 27, 2012

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From Colombia

I must break you
Registered: Aug 2011
From United States
Posted January 27, 2012


Not sure exactly what quote your talking about here. What makes me a target is my claim, little I could do about that since I have been placed in the position of claiming to at elast share whatever I could with town.

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted January 27, 2012

And he said "pegging another of them". Unless he considers Red_Baron part of mafia he sounded like he got scum on N2.

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From Colombia
Posted January 27, 2012

By the pegging another one of them I think he meant TB. (?)

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted January 27, 2012
Our doctor is dead why do you think muttly will survive the night? It's better to learn who is town today, than never.

I must break you
Registered: Aug 2011
From United States
Posted January 27, 2012
I was hoping to avoid this as I realized it was poor wording on my part to accomplish what i was looking for. But it is becoming a distracting topic so I will answer. The wording was specific to see if i could drive out any additional scum before the NK. I suppose I should have thought better of this but I couldnt be sure people would believe my claim and would last very long. Anyway, as I mentioned it all already out there...
N2 - Vitek - Not a killer (in fact something of a light weight in the flavor text :)).
For those still wondering about the breadcrumbs, check out the words and phrases I use when addressing specifics : investigate, case, bust, etc... Not terribly obvious, but pretty clear as well. I was looking for a decent balance between easy enough to see (as I have experienced the "code" messages and no one ever seems to pick up on them) and not totally apparent to the scum I was a cop. Obviously on either level I have failed somewhere, sorry about that.
Anyway, here are my concerns about outing Vitek:
1 - Since I believe TB to be scum and had ID'ed my breadcrumbs, I must also think they may have been able to manipulate the read I was given. This is by no means 100%, or even 10%, but i cant in good conscience simply declare its correct. I was hoping for a N3 to get a better idea on this.
2 - Mentioning it immediately and then being insta-lynched was a possibility. I didnt want to risk putting Vitek out there as an immediate NK. not that the scum dont already know if he is/isnt town, but I felt that would put undue pressure on him.
3 - Insane - pretty sure I am not as Barons read was dead on.
N2 - Vitek - Not a killer (in fact something of a light weight in the flavor text :)).
For those still wondering about the breadcrumbs, check out the words and phrases I use when addressing specifics : investigate, case, bust, etc... Not terribly obvious, but pretty clear as well. I was looking for a decent balance between easy enough to see (as I have experienced the "code" messages and no one ever seems to pick up on them) and not totally apparent to the scum I was a cop. Obviously on either level I have failed somewhere, sorry about that.
Anyway, here are my concerns about outing Vitek:
1 - Since I believe TB to be scum and had ID'ed my breadcrumbs, I must also think they may have been able to manipulate the read I was given. This is by no means 100%, or even 10%, but i cant in good conscience simply declare its correct. I was hoping for a N3 to get a better idea on this.
2 - Mentioning it immediately and then being insta-lynched was a possibility. I didnt want to risk putting Vitek out there as an immediate NK. not that the scum dont already know if he is/isnt town, but I felt that would put undue pressure on him.
3 - Insane - pretty sure I am not as Barons read was dead on.

Official Bastard
Registered: Jan 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted January 27, 2012
3 - Twilightbard (Muttly, Stuart, Robbeasy)
1 - Muttly13 (Pazzer)
1 - Vitek (Joesapphire)
1 - Itai.sharim (Twilightbard)
Not voting: Vitek, Itai.sharim, Peanutbrittle
With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
Deadline is 1am GMT 5 February.
3 - Twilightbard (Muttly, Stuart, Robbeasy)
1 - Muttly13 (Pazzer)
1 - Vitek (Joesapphire)
1 - Itai.sharim (Twilightbard)
Not voting: Vitek, Itai.sharim, Peanutbrittle
With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
Deadline is 1am GMT 5 February.

Too Old
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted January 27, 2012
I am now 100% convinced Muttly is telling the truth.
Vote on Twilight stays.
Vote on Twilight stays.

The Crate Boxer
Registered: Sep 2010
From Canada
Posted January 27, 2012
Hrm, I'm pretty convinced too.
TwilightBard has been my backup suspect all day, so I'm going to go ahead and vote TwilightBard.
TwilightBard has been my backup suspect all day, so I'm going to go ahead and vote TwilightBard.

I must break you
Registered: Aug 2011
From United States
Posted January 27, 2012
unvote twilightbard Just dont want to make it easy on the scum before TB has a chance to respond. Perfectly willing to return my vote in the future if needed.

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted January 27, 2012
I guessed it's me. :-)
I have to say I wouldn't be able to pick up on these crumbs.
I have to say I wouldn't be able to pick up on these crumbs.

I must break you
Registered: Aug 2011
From United States
Posted January 27, 2012
Well, like I said I failed somewhere. Probably on both sides it seems. I guess the "not to obvious" part came out okay :).
So, I would like to know why you think TB is such a townie.
So, I would like to know why you think TB is such a townie.

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From Colombia
Posted January 27, 2012
Is this a trick question? Will I get accused of suggesting mafia night actions if I answer this? (I know Muttly has already answered this, but you asked me a question so...).

Luteless Bard
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted January 27, 2012
I guess I have no choice but to claim. I'm John Smith (Town Vanilla). I'm a family man who lives locally, I have nothing to do with the company. I'm a down on his luck guy who snuck in for free food and an attempt to mingle with the powerful people. The only thing I have that might be interesting, is that I'm not the only one with my name. The other John Smith is the Sales Manager responsible for making a profit from this launch.
And I'd like to point out that the only 'case' against me is I 'dared' to think that the town cop was scum. Unfortunately, what I saw was the strongest case in the game.
Muttly....yeah, there's no way in hell I would have noticed those breadcrumbs. You're gonna lynch a townie because you refuse to consider the fact that you just looked scummy.
Actually, I admit I had guessed that there was the possibility that Muttly might be a cop. Look at the quote I took from Itai in my last post, about how it wasn't luck with Baron. Isn't it odd that everyone else thought there was an element of luck because we thought Muttly was scum, but Itai seemed to believe Muttly knew about Baron the entire time?
Believe me, or not, I know what my alignment is, and I'd look at Rob and Peanut if you guys do decide to lynch me. Very quick to flip flop around. Especially Peanut who came out with no case against me, but refers to me as his backup lynch.
Tomorrow's LyLo if I'm lynched anyway, so I would be very careful if this is what you guys end up choosing to do.
And I'd like to point out that the only 'case' against me is I 'dared' to think that the town cop was scum. Unfortunately, what I saw was the strongest case in the game.
Muttly....yeah, there's no way in hell I would have noticed those breadcrumbs. You're gonna lynch a townie because you refuse to consider the fact that you just looked scummy.
Actually, I admit I had guessed that there was the possibility that Muttly might be a cop. Look at the quote I took from Itai in my last post, about how it wasn't luck with Baron. Isn't it odd that everyone else thought there was an element of luck because we thought Muttly was scum, but Itai seemed to believe Muttly knew about Baron the entire time?
Believe me, or not, I know what my alignment is, and I'd look at Rob and Peanut if you guys do decide to lynch me. Very quick to flip flop around. Especially Peanut who came out with no case against me, but refers to me as his backup lynch.
Tomorrow's LyLo if I'm lynched anyway, so I would be very careful if this is what you guys end up choosing to do.