Posted January 11, 2012

No, it was not. You might have meant it like that or you might now. But what you wrote means that I hammered one I knew was town. Which is false. This might be a honest mistake in wording, but to me it sounds like a way to make me appear more scummy.

Your not answering the question: You didn't comment on Itai, even though he was first to vote. You ignored everyone of my responses, calling it dodging then admitting that its not.
I have already told you several times what I meant with the post and why I acted as I did. Thats about it for your information thing.
Hysterical fashion, no. Its how I am at a discussion. Taking apart the other persons silly arguments and stating my own reasons for acting as I did. And when your post is reeking to me of being a scum desperate to get me lynched for some odd reason, then I react by calling you out on it. And if you honestly call it a hysterical post then you haven't looked up the word: Hysterical: marked by excessive or uncontrollable emotion; "hysterical laugh". If I acted without reason you might call it that. But simply stating why I did what and why I believe your accusation is wrong, is not hysterical. Neither is calling it scummy when you claim a 100% certain scum tell and doesn't vote on it, later to excuse it with: I wanted his response, since you yourself wrote in response to Robbeasy that he was answering on my behalf so I didn't have to respond... that doesn't sound like someone waiting for a reply, that sounds like a scum who doesn't want to be seen as the one doing the marking. And now, well your in shit deep. And to me several people, most obvious to me: Itai has been marked by your actions as well. Would make for a easy mafia game to get two scums already, but well depends on who people believe. I personally hope they see how you act and put two and two together, some already did.
And there my power ran out.. So this got a bit delayed, power is back now though.
And I acted upon the info, but yea, as joe said - I didn't fish for his role. I noticed what had occurred, I commented on it and then I continued with my action before the deadline lynch, to see if I could get some more reaction from stuart in order to draw a better conclusion about him, as he at that time was the one I had noted as the most scummy due to his reaction. However you changed that completely with your 3 posts and as such I acted upon the information I got from those 3 posts to judge from, as already said: Nothing in the lynch nor the kill meant that stuart was in the clear nor that he was scum. And its not evening actions, are you talking about night actions? Those are rarely revealed without good reason, are you talking about the lynch or the night kill? Please do tell me what you gain from it that is so informative that it deems a vote on stuart scummy?

Well, I pretty much said much of this already, but few appears to read it. Maybe its too long - but heck I need to explain it and someone needs to start judging on whats actually going on instead of just saying: muttly13 has a short post I've managed to read, it makes no sense and his argument is terrible, but I gotta say that muttly13 leans town and red baron is scum..even after I pointed out how weak an argument muttly13 has... Great? Why? I would be very very very pleased to hear someone try to actually respond to any of the stuff I've been writing, so far only joe appears to have caught on some of what, Vitek appears from his last post to not have read anything of mine, muttly13 might have read it/might not - in any case he doesn't acknowledge it, Itai I am not sure about, mostly due to not understanding what he is talking about with the logic twist. Pazzer has clearly started to read my stuff (which I like..) and nmillar haven't said anything at all to it.. same for Orryrro (where is he even? Did my WOT kill him?), Robbeasy seemed to get the gist of the situation earlier, but haven't said anything either.
I might come off as a bit pissed and sorry about that - the power shortage didn't help. But I put a lot of time into writing these post and looking at what others have been doing. Also had to re-write several of them including partly this one, due to failures of the computer/or power as in the case here. And yet I don't see any indication that its truly being read? I am not getting any arguments against it? I got one response to one thing in it - I got none disagreeing while stating why, I got none agreeing either. And muttly13 doesn't even give a damn and that apparently works wonders - just ignore your opponent and keep pressing with accusation that will work... But yea, I guess I know made another huge post that I'll hope someone will try to read... and then please react to it, shoot down my argument if you find something that means it doesn't stick, agree if your opinion/evidence supports it, do something. I never been as happy as to when joe corrected something, showing he at least had read that part of the WOT. Thats what I liked about Twilightbard in mafia 9, he clearly responded to it and so did others. But maybe people in here are just a bit too busy with other stuff, and fair enough. As long as when you then comment one something, please actually read what your commenting on. Bet this post is too long for one post again...yes it was. And again, no offense meant, its just slightly discouraging.