Posted January 03, 2012

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory

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Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom

I must break you
Registered: Aug 2011
From United States
Posted January 03, 2012

Since you have decided to join us again, tell me why you think its okay to say nothing about the two votes on you yet you insist on trying to call me out for simple questions? I am not sure how asking Vitek straight out if he is still comfortable voting you is "sly".

↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A
Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted January 03, 2012

Since you have decided to join us again, tell me why you think its okay to say nothing about the two votes on you yet you insist on trying to call me out for simple questions? I am not sure how asking Vitek straight out if he is still comfortable voting you is "sly".
Zchinque was using the vote as a prod more than anything, Vitek has already stated that he wouldn't be comfortable with it leading to a lynch and JoeSapphire added his vote for lurking while I was absent during an extremely busy Christmas period (GOG Secret Santa, family stuff, Steam achievements hunt).
We're now into the New Year and normal service has resumed. :)

I must break you
Registered: Aug 2011
From United States
Posted January 03, 2012
Since you didnt address the sly part, I will get to the point of asking Vitek (and in some respect Z, although as you stated he basically already answered it). So all in all it seems we are headed for a day 1 no-lynch unless somebody gets something moving. As per the last vote count...
3 - Nmillar (Vitek, Zchinque, JoeSapphire) - At least two would presumably be removed if it became apparent that a lynch was close.
2 - Zchinque (Orry, Peanutbrittle) - Seemingly little support for this.
2 - Stuart9001 (Crazybear, Red Baron) - Same.
2 - Muttly13 (Robbeasy, Nmillar) - Dont know, but am assuming since folks have not voted me in droves yet that they agree I am not a prime target.
Leaving off the one votes as they arent much to consider. Besides that, really no one is close even if the three on Nmillar were legit. We are effectively two days out (given time zones and such). I would join with Z in asking people get some stuff on the board to work with.
In that spirit I am happy to go to my next lurking pal... vote Orryyrro who last posted something I felt was meaningful (and happened to agree with his second paragraph) at 259 (three days ago). For fairness, he also posted 2 days ago at 277 but it wasnt adding much in my opinion. Decide for yourself.
PS - This also goes by GOGs hideous posting time stamps, so I apologize if they are far off, but the fact still remains Orry hasnt been super involved and I would like to kick start something.
3 - Nmillar (Vitek, Zchinque, JoeSapphire) - At least two would presumably be removed if it became apparent that a lynch was close.
2 - Zchinque (Orry, Peanutbrittle) - Seemingly little support for this.
2 - Stuart9001 (Crazybear, Red Baron) - Same.
2 - Muttly13 (Robbeasy, Nmillar) - Dont know, but am assuming since folks have not voted me in droves yet that they agree I am not a prime target.
Leaving off the one votes as they arent much to consider. Besides that, really no one is close even if the three on Nmillar were legit. We are effectively two days out (given time zones and such). I would join with Z in asking people get some stuff on the board to work with.
In that spirit I am happy to go to my next lurking pal... vote Orryyrro who last posted something I felt was meaningful (and happened to agree with his second paragraph) at 259 (three days ago). For fairness, he also posted 2 days ago at 277 but it wasnt adding much in my opinion. Decide for yourself.
PS - This also goes by GOGs hideous posting time stamps, so I apologize if they are far off, but the fact still remains Orry hasnt been super involved and I would like to kick start something.

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted January 03, 2012

The reason I feel stressed during the random voting stage is because; I hate it; I never know what to say; I start to feel like mafia is serious business and I get irrationally annoyed when people are larking around (irrationally! - I'll iterate); I want the game to move on into something I can start thinking about deductively but there is no way to do that so I feel powerless.

'Muttscum' was a reference to Zchnique's 'Robscum' in game #7. (An accusation which turned out to be true. Wait, I'm not implying that mine will turn out to be. It's possible though. It would be cool if it did (and I'd want observers to be appropriately impressed (-; )) So I referenced Zchinque in that game to try and get a reaction out of people. I was dissappointed that it went entirely ignored until now.
I wouldn't have minded lynching muttly13 but I didn't really have much in the way of scumtell on him. He seems to be making sense.
Could I just ask everyone if any of you picked up on the muttscum/robbscum reference but didn't mention it?
It's nice to see NMillar with us again.
I think he said the reason for my vote on him was lurking - that's not quite right.
I voted a bit because of the deadline and so it is partly a bandwagon vote. I know I shouldn't admit that but bleh. Too late now.
I said at the time I would vote for either Miller Rob or Zcnq.
Zchinque I've decided to trust. (because of why would he be so crazy if he was mafia? wine wine wine I'll stick with it for now.)
Rob I think yeah he's playing weird and he could be mafia.
NMillar was playing weird AND zchq had voted for him who I had decided to trust.
I still would like NMillar to be lynched.
(Maybe a little bit because he doesn't seem threatened at all and childishly I take offense at that.)
But yeah how cool would it be if his first time playing mafia saw him as gog's first-time day one mafia lynch? That is what I keep thinking.

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted January 03, 2012
"JoeSapphire..I have some kind of idea that his play so far shows some learning in progress, but what he is learning as, I have not yet made up my mind about. "
Aw no! I just read it again and it says LEARNING...
I read 'shows some leaning in progress, but what he is leaning as I have not made up my mind about' as in "leaning town/leaning mafia"
So I thought red baron was saying "I think Joe is leaning...... something... but what that is I don't know...."
That's what made me laugh.
Learning however is interesting. What do you mean by that that I am learning?
Aw no! I just read it again and it says LEARNING...
I read 'shows some leaning in progress, but what he is leaning as I have not made up my mind about' as in "leaning town/leaning mafia"
So I thought red baron was saying "I think Joe is leaning...... something... but what that is I don't know...."
That's what made me laugh.
Learning however is interesting. What do you mean by that that I am learning?

Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted January 03, 2012

Nmillar is back but seems to be playing differently that normal. As usually takes sometime to get warmed up. But has homed straight in on Muttly.
Of course Muttly is also acting odd.
As surely if Rob is his top target he should be trying to convince people and get him lynched. Instead he seems to be happy for anyone to be lynched.
@Nmillar do you think the game started during the holiday season?
@Red Baron is your vote for stuart just left over from rvs or is there a reason for it?

↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A
Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted January 03, 2012
It started on December 14, which was extremely bad timing for me personally as the GOG Secret Santa was in full flow by then; chasing wishlists, doing the draw, chasing people for gifts (which continued into Christmas Day itself).
Not necessarily the Holiday Season, but quite a few people would have been winding down and getting ready for Christmas.
Not necessarily the Holiday Season, but quite a few people would have been winding down and getting ready for Christmas.

Official Bastard
Registered: Jan 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted January 03, 2012
Welcome back Vitek.
It's so much easier to track what's happening when you recognize people's Avatars!!
It's so much easier to track what's happening when you recognize people's Avatars!!

Registered: Apr 2010
From Norway
Posted January 03, 2012

I must break you
Registered: Aug 2011
From United States

Registered: Apr 2010
From Norway
Posted January 03, 2012

I must break you
Registered: Aug 2011
From United States
Posted January 03, 2012
Ahh. Got it, sorry.

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory