pds41: But what's the other option? GoG has no control over US (or indeed any other) banks.
I'm not blaming GOG for anything here. Like I said, the OP mistakenly blamed GOG for his own bank's charges. All I was saying was that it's understandable how OP was confused about the nationality of the site. After all, if you don't visit the forum (as OP with 2 rep apparently never did), then how would anybody know this WAS an international site? Yes, just because the site is in English and has USD doesn't mean it is, for a fact, American, but OTOH, why wouldn't one think that?
Phc7006: On the other hand, I think it's above all the tone used by the OP , his choice of words and the unbalance between that and the actual prejudiuce that somehow get on the nerves of many posters here.
As I said, I wasn't defending the OP. I not only see how he could have come across as entitled, but also how repeated exposure to that, ON TOP of how you have to pay extra charges all the time, can REALLY rub you guys the wrong way. "We pay charges every day and he's bitching about ONE time??"
I was only (was I?) attempting to show he might have been... "surprised" by suddenly incurring "international" charges on a "US" website. Nobody likes to be surprised by extra rules or charges for things.
Pidgeot: and [url=http://dx.com/]DealExtreme do the same thing, but it's certainly not fair to assume either of those are from the US.
Play-Asia has a foreign name in their address, while the first thing I see at DealExtreme is "Free shipping to US". So there's evidence they're not US. WIthout digging into site TOS, which most people never read, I don't see why an American would NOT assume this is a US site.
Once again, I'm not blaming GOG for anything. If I were to change anything, I might put a message on the checkout page saying "GOG's bank is in Europe. Your bank may add international transaction fees."
FWIW, my card won't even do international charges. I had to make a payment to PayPal, incurring a $3.20 charge to send $100 to the acct, as that's the only way I can buy from GOG.