Posted January 31, 2010

Who am I?
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States

The Joe
Registered: May 2009
From United States

Who am I?
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted January 31, 2010
What does this have to do with female dogs of the domestic pet kind?

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted January 31, 2010
He was't an accountant was he? I'm getting reminders of one of the GTA4 radio shows
Also, notice how rapidly a thread can get dragged off topic by a picture of a woman? Way to buck the lonely nerd stereotype guys. At least I have the decency to BE a lonely nerd...

Who am I?
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted January 31, 2010
lol whoops.... sorry...
I have two dogs at home, Huskies, :)
Used to have a dog sled team way way back in the day when i was young
I have two dogs at home, Huskies, :)
Used to have a dog sled team way way back in the day when i was young

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted January 31, 2010
ANNOUNCER: This is Just or Unjust with Judge Grady. It's the hard world of
radio justice, real plaintiffs and defendants in a radio court of law.
JUDGE: Today we've got Allen vs. Davis, case 465. OK, I read your opening
statements. Let's get goin'. Before me is Lamar Davis and Angela Allen. You
two used to be in a relationship. And Miss Allen is suing you for five
thousand dollars to fix damages you did to her car with a baseball bat? Mr.
Davis, can you explain yourself?
LAMAR: Your Honor, that female is crazy.
JUDGE: Yeah...yeah...sounds like the truth to me. [gavel] Court is adjourned!
ANGELA: Hey! You're not even gonna hear my side of it?
JUDGE: Oh...well, shit. We've got some time to kill. Why not? Approach the
bench, Miss Allen.
ANGELA: OK, yes, Your Honor.
JUDGE: Now sit on my lap.
JUDGE: There, there. Now isn't that better? Now tell me what happened to you,
baby while I stroke your back.
ANGELA: Well, I was together with Lamar for a year and he started acting
real crazy. Hey! What are you doing?
JUDGE: Oh,, calm down! I'm soothin' you. It's part of the
legal process. Now, Mr. Davis...
LAMAR: Yes, Judge Grady, I mean, we were together for a while. She was fine,
she carried herself well, and she's got big [grunts] if you know what I mean.
JUDGE: She sure does. I'm feelin' 'em right now. Hold still, girl.
LAMAR: But she's evil! And a cheater! She scratched my brand new truck. I
needed a truck because I'm an accountant.
JUDGE: Is that so? You scratched his truck? His new accountancy truck? The
kind of truck a man who works in a office buys so he can feel like a man
again? What kind of woman scratches a man's truck? That's his manhood you're
scratchin'. The very essence of his masculinity!
ANGELA: He sticks outside my house at all times of the night. He's out
there in the morning, watching me. I go to the store, he's peering at me
through Sprunk bottles on Aisle 7!
LAMAR: I'm not a stalker, Your Honor. Not after my last conviction. I'm just
tryin' to get some information. These are fact-finding missions!
JUDGE: What kind of information?
LAMAR: who she's screwing so I can kill him. [crowd gasps]

Who am I?
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted January 31, 2010
dang... i dont recall that...... lol guess i never played it enough

The Joe
Registered: May 2009
From United States

Registered: Jan 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted January 31, 2010

I'd put my lady friend as my avatar but shed wtfpwn me... So instead... ill re-post my desktop :P
NSFW... Er... well that is debatable...
Wait, she won't wtfpwn you for posting that, but she would for using a picture of her as your avatar? Weird..
I have *no* idea. I just spent 20 minutes of my life looking for the post/thread in question. It was something recent.. Ah well.. :)
So.. has this thread gone from being about dogs to being about girlfriends? Somehow that's wrong :p