Posted January 31, 2010

Who am I?
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States

The Joe
Registered: May 2009
From United States

Who am I?
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted January 31, 2010
Nope... She is the crazy one.... Very very very... emotionally unstable... her last deployment she found out her then husband (civvie) had cheated on her... she ended up having him thrown out of their base housing, then when she got home she destroyed his truck...
She does not take well to cheaters (which is why she has no idea im going on vacation)

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted January 31, 2010
What does this have to do with female dogs of the domestic pet kind?

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted January 31, 2010
He was't an accountant was he? I'm getting reminders of one of the GTA4 radio shows
Also, notice how rapidly a thread can get dragged off topic by a picture of a woman? Way to buck the lonely nerd stereotype guys. At least I have the decency to BE a lonely nerd...

Who am I?
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted January 31, 2010
lol whoops.... sorry...
I have two dogs at home, Huskies, :)
Used to have a dog sled team way way back in the day when i was young
I have two dogs at home, Huskies, :)
Used to have a dog sled team way way back in the day when i was young

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted January 31, 2010
ANNOUNCER: This is Just or Unjust with Judge Grady. It's the hard world of
radio justice, real plaintiffs and defendants in a radio court of law.
JUDGE: Today we've got Allen vs. Davis, case 465. OK, I read your opening
statements. Let's get goin'. Before me is Lamar Davis and Angela Allen. You
two used to be in a relationship. And Miss Allen is suing you for five
thousand dollars to fix damages you did to her car with a baseball bat? Mr.
Davis, can you explain yourself?
LAMAR: Your Honor, that female is crazy.
JUDGE: Yeah...yeah...sounds like the truth to me. [gavel] Court is adjourned!
ANGELA: Hey! You're not even gonna hear my side of it?
JUDGE: Oh...well, shit. We've got some time to kill. Why not? Approach the
bench, Miss Allen.
ANGELA: OK, yes, Your Honor.
JUDGE: Now sit on my lap.
JUDGE: There, there. Now isn't that better? Now tell me what happened to you,
baby while I stroke your back.
ANGELA: Well, I was together with Lamar for a year and he started acting
real crazy. Hey! What are you doing?
JUDGE: Oh,, calm down! I'm soothin' you. It's part of the
legal process. Now, Mr. Davis...
LAMAR: Yes, Judge Grady, I mean, we were together for a while. She was fine,
she carried herself well, and she's got big [grunts] if you know what I mean.
JUDGE: She sure does. I'm feelin' 'em right now. Hold still, girl.
LAMAR: But she's evil! And a cheater! She scratched my brand new truck. I
needed a truck because I'm an accountant.
JUDGE: Is that so? You scratched his truck? His new accountancy truck? The
kind of truck a man who works in a office buys so he can feel like a man
again? What kind of woman scratches a man's truck? That's his manhood you're
scratchin'. The very essence of his masculinity!
ANGELA: He sticks outside my house at all times of the night. He's out
there in the morning, watching me. I go to the store, he's peering at me
through Sprunk bottles on Aisle 7!
LAMAR: I'm not a stalker, Your Honor. Not after my last conviction. I'm just
tryin' to get some information. These are fact-finding missions!
JUDGE: What kind of information?
LAMAR: who she's screwing so I can kill him. [crowd gasps]

Who am I?
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted January 31, 2010
dang... i dont recall that...... lol guess i never played it enough

The Joe
Registered: May 2009
From United States

Registered: Jan 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted January 31, 2010

I'd put my lady friend as my avatar but shed wtfpwn me... So instead... ill re-post my desktop :P
NSFW... Er... well that is debatable...
Wait, she won't wtfpwn you for posting that, but she would for using a picture of her as your avatar? Weird..
I have *no* idea. I just spent 20 minutes of my life looking for the post/thread in question. It was something recent.. Ah well.. :)
So.. has this thread gone from being about dogs to being about girlfriends? Somehow that's wrong :p